{~🌸Part 1~Love At First Sight🌸~}

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{~Y/N POV~}

You are getting sick of living with your abusive aunt.  Every day, she reminds you that your parents died in that plane crash and she keeps telling you it's your fault. It's so hard to live like this, especially after all you went through. 

You decide to take a walk. Suddenly, you hear a noise! You see a tall, black-haired man setting up camp. He looks at you with his beautiful blue eyes that are just like the ocean, the same eyes you have. You forget about all your worries and stare into his eyes, as he stares into yours. For a moment, you wonder: could this be?

You noticed a small orange creature standing on a stump. The Lorax. He has been annoying enough when you and your aunt set up camp. You pull out your Smith & Wesson Model 60 and shoot him. Now that The Lorax was dead you let out a cheer. The tall man stares at the orange corpse with a little nervousness in his eyes. You blush hard with embarrassment and run away. Not to your camp, but down to the creek.

🌸~You may have noticed something different about yourself. It looks like the Seed of Love has been planted inside you. Soon, very soon, it will grow into a tree, even more magnificent then the Truffula trees.~🌸

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