8 - Surprises and Truths

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Jimin and Dawn stood there, key in their hands. It glowed and seemed to have woken up when they touched it together.
A bluish aura surrounded them both. Their eyes changed to different colours in quick sucession. Blue, green, purple, gold, silver, red, brown, honey, hazel, amber.

Something shifted inside Dawn. She felt different, more confident. Everything around the two calmed down and they stood there, taking everything in slowly.

Jimin stood confused and shocked. "I thought only blood of the ether tribe could awaken the crest" said Jimin in dismay.

The Fealies watched him, expressionless. This annoyed him, usually calm, Jimin felt on edge as if something was missing. "What aren't you telling us Fealie Yoongi?" He demanded, he straightened up and held Dawns hand. The manner in which the Fealies had presented the information thus far was ludicrous. Why wouldn't they just come clean, a simple "Hello, you are a wolf, you will be the new leader and you are so and so, have a good day" would be fine. Jimin felt a surge of power well up in his chest. Not sure what to do with it and not being able to control it he tipped his head back and belowed out a loud, long howl.
Nothing made sense to him now, he felt ready for murder even.

Fealie Tae nodded and said "that would be him adjusting" he turned to find Dawn standing calm, their power and reaction opposites. "They complement each other well" said Darya softly to herself.

Dawn hiccoughed and began shifting back and forty from human to wolf, her eye colour changing every so often.

King Yoongi cleared his throat and said "Alphas of the Ether tribe, please be seated." But Jimin was not having any of this "Alphas!?! Plural! What on Mother natures land is left to reveal? Will unicorns begin irrigation farming next!"
Jimin bristled and narrowed his eyes. Dawn held his shoulder and led him back to their seats.

"Perhaps theres something you run from? Is that why you react so?" Asked Yoongi calmly, "the energies will cause a reaction but I can't help but wonder..... could you tell us how you were born Jimin alpha of ether? Whats your earliest memory and how did you come to be beta prior to today?" Yoongi asked a string of very important questions. It made him think.

Jimin had calmed down a might, he traced his memory back to its earliest. He'd been raised by Hoesoeks father, but he never remembered his own parents. Everyone was welcoming and he never lacked for anything but the simple truth was that he didn't recall having parents of his own. What was more was that he remembered earliest from when he was around ten years old as a pup. Wolves had memories from the time they were newborns. He ignored it all his life. He wasn't a sore thumb and he worked hard and fair to be beta.

He stuck out though, his ideas, mannerisms, strategies and paths to solve problems, right down to the fact that his eyes changed colour based on his emotions; made him different from the others.

What he didn't know was that fate made him beta because he could not be alpha to a tribe he didn't have the blood of. He was placed beta which was next best, to learn and hone his leadeeship skills. Today was the day the Fealies had waited patiently for. The ether alphas were reinstated and the tribe would reform slowly but surely.

Coming to terms with the storm inside, he calmed down, his normal gentle demeanor back in place.

"Please listen to us fully Jimin. We called all the alphas here to explain a very critical situation here today. Without proof we could not proceed and that proof was you two." King Yoongi pointed out in a soft voice.

"Years ago mother nature created positive energy and from that came life. However, to balance this a bane or natural side effect was formed. Dense and dark negative energy. This was moulded into the many vices and at first, took no form but later as people grew greater, it formed to become a driving force of evil. This is what lead the humans and encouraged the outlaws to wreak havoc in the manner they did." Fealie Yoongi spoke very seriously and firmly.

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