So About Your Applications...

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...?, The Suitcase.
(1ST PERSON VIEW, Vertin.)

I take a careful look at three things. The fog surrounding the lake, the wheel in the middle of the lake, and finally the lake itself. Mr. APPLe tries to assist me in investigating, but I see him quickly recoil back after almost falling to the ground. "Ms. Vertin!" I focus on him, keeping myself calm. I need a clear mind if I'm to figure out what should be done next. "They all wake up! However..." His voice trails off for a moment before coming back;

"Sonetto found Regulus and [Y/N] immediately. They're all at a stand-off in the lobby." I gasp. This isn't good. I need to hurry! "I'm coming."

...?, The Suitcase.

I stand in front of Regulus like a shield, beckoning her behind me while I stare down Sonetto. "Listen, she told you-" I pause when the door clicks open and in comes Vertin and Mr. APPLe. Everyone's eyes, including mine, look to them. "You are awake... How do you feel? Any discomfort?" Displeased huffs come from both Regulus and Sonetto, and I'd laugh at how adorable they were if I wasn't fending off the latter.

Sonetto blows off me and Regulus entirely, opting to talk with her precious Timekeeper. "Timekeeper... you made it!" She steps closer. "I heard that you caught... no, you gained the trust of Regulus and [Y/N]. When I returned to the research center, the committee informed me that they would both join the Foundation as our colleagues." My mouth presses in a thin line as Regulus tenses. Clearly we both don't agree with the idea.

However, Sonetto carries on, not unlike a robot. Stiff. Formal. "I am here to convey the committee's commendation and your next mission." Sonetto pauses, putting a finger to her chin. "I did not expect that you would just summon me... In the future, if possible, I hope you could show me the incantation. I would also like to learn it!" My eyebrow raises. I can't tell if this is genuine enthusiasm for Vertin, or spell casting in general. The former sighs in exasperation.

...Has this happened before?

"Regulus, [Y/N], we're very glad to have you!" A short pause, "However, you need to go to the Foundation and the Scientific Computing Center first to complete the registration process. As arcanist talents rated S, we will provide you with the best equipment for scientific research." An imaginary record scratch plays on a vinyl on a shelf. Fitting considering how I'm confused as to how they know my arcanist talent is rated S.

I've been holding back on my powers, but they aren't supposed to know that. "Congratulations!" Vertin sarcastically says, a smirk appearing on her face that I didn't even know she was capable of. "Now hold on just a moment-" I start, however, Regulus clutches onto my sweater and shouts, "Hey, congratulations for what! That wasn't the deal we made!" I nod my head, the shock from her action leaving me speechless.

"The institution Vertin told me is a place where the 'Storm' can be avoided, free use of arcane skills is guaranteed, and Dr. Papper is even free for 365 days!" Regulus yells, her pale skin turning a little pink near her cheeks in anger. Only silence comes from Vertin. It's broken by Mr. APPLe though. "Exactly. If it is a place full of serious old men, Regulus must not be interested in it. Sorry for this APPLe's interruption."

I shake my head, deciding to add my own piece, " I don't think anybody would be interested in that," I brazenly put a hand on Regulus's head, making the red on her face only deepen, "I was just told that there was a place for people like me, and I could walk around without having to worry about my skill interrupting anybody. Plus I get to read bedtime stories to kids." Regulus's head swivels around to look at me. I shrug. "What? I like doing it. I have a firm belief that kids need stories for proper growth."

"Well that's nice [Y/N], but Regulus, Mr. APPLe, I assure you that the Foundation is definitely not a place for serious old men! That... that's where Vertin and I grew up. And there are many other interesting people like us... Ahem! Young people." Sonetto puts a lot of emphasis on the "young people" part with her tone of voice. She steps near Vertin and worriedly whispers something to her stoic companion, probably trying to enlist her help.

"Who knew Ms. Sonetto could be so panicked." "Well who knew anybody from the Foundation could be so panicked? All we've seen from those in their higher ranks is undying stoicism." I comment. Mr. APPLe slightly bobs up and down, is he holding in laughter, or telling me to shut up in fruit language? "Well," he continues, "at lest the Foundation is not that horrible at all." Before the conversation ends, I hear Sonetto mutter something about training...

Vertin sighs and turns to the small group me, Regulus, and Mr. APPLe have formed. "Let me explain. Regulus, [Y/N], Mr. APPLe, what I invited you to join before is the St. Pavlov Foundation. As for Dr. Papper..." Vertin turns to her red-haired friend, who is still considerably flustered, "I think Sonetto will find a way." She turns back to me, "She'll find a way for you too, [Y/N]. I don't think your request will be too hard to fulfill." I snicker. "That depends on if the people in power aren't soulless. And knowing the Foundation? Eh...."

Sonetto's face morphs into shock. "No no no!" She steps close to my face, surprising me. "I assure you, our leaders are nothing like that [Y/N]." She clutches my hands. A silent plea? "I'll...I'll put in requests to the administration for you and Regulus." I sigh. "Alright alright, calm down. A good portion of what I say is either satirical or critical." I rub her hands before letting them go, and I see her shoulders relax a little. I hear a tongue click and a sigh from behind me. Ah yes. Regulus. "Fine. For the sake of 365 days of free drink, I'll join you." Sonetto looks at me expectantly.

"For the sake of being able to do something I love, I'll join you. I might've become a children's book writer if I hadn't gotten caught up in unfortunate circumstances." My eyes solemnly move to behind Sonetto, and all the pictures on the wall huge board are filled with pictures of me and my parents. I quickly look up to prevent any tears falling down my face, causing everyone else to look at me in confusion. I shake my head. "How long do the procedures last? I don't have much to my name, except the clothes on my back and this custom mask." I tug at it for emphasis.

Regulus trots over to Vertin, "Contrary to you [Y/N], I've got a bunch of belongings to worry about. Will you and Vertin help me pack?" She slightly pulls down her shades to reveal some absolutely adorable puppy eyes. Whilst Vertin gives an unenthusiastic "sure", I nod my head a lot more than I need to and approach the task with little too much energy.
word count: 1224

A/N: fun lil' chapter after this one

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