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/this is based on a dream i had. I would like to thank Silverose365 for all of her help and advice she gave me in the making of this. Enjoy yall\

Kelcey pov

Kelcey is sitting at home watching tv and nursing a glass of wine trying to calm down after today's events. She had got done working 2 double shifts in a row and she was glad to be home. Just as she is about to pour her second glass there is a knock on the front door. Wondering who it could be at this time of night she opens the door.

"tig? What are you doing here? Is everything ok?"

He looks at her with a sad look hoping that she will forgive him in the future for what he is about to do.

"I just wanted to come check on you. I had to see that you were ok after not seeing you for the last 2 days. Can we talk?"

Nodding her head she lets him in. Closing the door she leads him to the kitchen.

"you want some coffee, beer or whiskey?"

She asked standing at the kitchen island He sits at the barstool deciding to take the
safe route for this. He smiles at her.

Tig pov

"coffee would be great. Thanks doll You look a bit stressed out. Everything ok?"

She sits down next to me with both cups of coffee and sighs after taking a sip.

"well between my coworkers always leaving me with shifts at the bar so they can go to stupid concerts and parties, disgusting perverted old men trying to hit on me and my mom always calling me high off her mind telling me how ungrateful I am for everything she did for me I would say everything was going pretty well." She says moving a piece of her behind her ear I just happened to notice the bruise on her arm.

I gently grabbed her arm and examined it. And look up at her with a questioning look.

"one of the customers didn't take too kindly to me rejecting him. Luckily that was all he managed to do before the security threw him out."

"oh babygirl I am so sorry. "I said pulling her into a gentle hug caressing her soft beautiful brown hair. Sadly the moment was ruined by the sound of her phone ringing.

She looked at it seeing that its her mom and sighs.

"I better take this." She says walking out
of the room.

Small time skip

After having yet another brutal conversation with her mother she took a deep breath hoping to calm her nerves before getting back to tig. But little did she know that he was standing right behind her the whole time.

Before she got the chance to turn around she felt herself getting pulled and pinned down to the ground by tig. Scared with her anxiety starting to act up she starts to struggle to get free.

"TIG!!! what are you doing? Let go of me."

He tightens his hold and looks at her with sorry filled eyes.

'I'm sorry but this is for your own good. I will explain everything but for now you're just gonna have to trust me and know that I will keep you safe." Digging around in his pockets.

"wha- safe? Tig I don't unders-" she got cut off by him holding a sickly sweet smelling rag to her mouth.
"I know, I know but you will soon. I'm doing this because I can't stand the idea of losing you. I love you babygirl." he said caressing the side of her face." just breathe baby everything is gonna be ok, i promise. I won't let anything happen to you."

Overcome with tears and emotions she had no choice but to breathe in the chemicals. On the brink of unconsciousness the last thing she remembers is tig wiping her tears picking
her up. At some point she woke up to see a blurry figure with their back facing towards her. Still feeling the effects of the drug she felt like her body was paralysed and her eyelids were as heavy as boulders. She fell back asleep just in time to see the figure turn around and walk to her.

Tigs pov

After packing up kelceys clothes and making sure to get her medication for her anxiety I got everything loaded into the car. Running back into the house I walked into the room to see that she woke up and fell back asleep immediately. Walking up to her I placed my hand in the side of her face caressing it softly, I hate that I have to kidnap her but it was for her own safety.

"I'm so sorry that i have to do this baby. I know that you won't be able to forgive me easily but just know that there isn't anything in this world that i wouldn't do for you. I'll be damned if I let anything stop me from protecting you and making you happy."

Kissing her forehead I pick her up and take her to the car and lay her in the front with the seat all the way back. I plan to drive us to Oregon to my grampas cabin. Nobody knows I have this place not even the guys in the club.

Time skip

The next morning i had to pull up to a gas station. While i was filling the car up i heard movement and saw kelcey was starting to wake up. Putting the gas pump up i get in the car and grab the bottle of choloroform and soak the rag again.

"Tig?" I heard her mumble.

I lean over and run my fingers through her hair.

" im here baby. Im sorry but i need you to sleep for a while longer."  I said holding the rag near her nose.  It didnt take long for her to fall back asleep.

Time skip

kelcey wakes to the sound of something being ripped and stuck on her. If took her a minute to figure out that she was laying on a soft bed. While whimpering and crying from the sharp pain in her head she feels the dip behind her. Tig started quietly shushing her and running his hands through her hair.

"go back to sleep baby. I'll be here when you wake up. I promise. " he says quietly hoping to soothe the pain in her head.

He lays down and keeps doing this until she falls asleep. Moving to a comfortable, position he turns her over so she is laying on his chest with her head nuzzled into his neck. Her soft breathing was enough to- make him fall asleep cuddled next to her.

The next morning

Kelcey pov

I woke up feeling groggy. I tried to move my hand to rub my eyes but I found that I couldn't. Looking around I realize I'm in a dark room and that I am tied up.

Remembering everything from the night before i start getting scared and bust out crying.

Tig woke up to the sounds of kelceys cries and turns the bedlamp on.

" hey babe, its ok. Im right here. Calm down." He said sitting against the head board pulling her in his arms.

"T-tig why would you do this?" She asked finally able to catch her breath.

He took a deep sigh trying to figure out how to explain everything to her. Holding her tight he looks down in her eyes.

" honestly babe, i cant think of a way to tell you this other than bluntly."

Sitting up she looks at him with a straight face. "Im listening."

He goes on to tell her about how the club made enemies with a arayans and they were targeting all of the ole ladies. They had already got gemma and it was only a matter of time before they get to her and do god knows what.

" i meant what i said before babe." He said making her look at him.

" i love you kelcey. I cant function without you. You keep me grounded everyday. There is nothing in this world i wont do for you. I guess what im trying to say is will you be my ole lady?"

Feeling tears of happiness well in her eyes.
" untie me tiggy."

After doing she smashes her lips to his in a hard passionate kiss. When she pulls back she smiles at him.

" ill be your ole lady."

The end

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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