Arc 1 chapter 9 Tension

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Adwen's POV
It has been three years since the qunari have attacked Kirkwall. And for what a book? The qunari must really take their reading seriously. After the battle Meredith named Hawke the champion of Kirkwall, however the viscount was killed during the battle. Since then, Meredith has declared martial law on the city and has refused to name a successor to the late viscount. She basically rules Kirkwall in all but name, recently she further oppresses the mages and enforces her strict policies on them. Mostly everyone are not okay with this, except for the templars and Lance that agree with her. Lance has become more like Meredith over the years, he has become very cruel to the mages. Due to these problems, I am now writing to my friend Alistair asking him to try and intervene.

Adwen: (writing) "Dear Alistair, I am writing to you in the hope you can intervene in Kirkwall's current affairs. I know I have no right to request this of you, but I know that even you realize how bad it has gotten here since and would try to do something. I fear Meredith's policies on the mages has done nothing but cause tensions within the city, most notably between the mages and templars. Lance has gotten worse, he mistreats the mages even more and has even went as far as mistreat the children in the circle. If you need a reason to try and intervene, there's still the Fereldan refugees that settled here all those years ago. While I'm writing this letter, I have to tell you something that I have been keeping from you ever since we were children. Remember how you already wondered where I came from? Well I actually came from Tevinter, making me a Tevinter in a way. The reason I did not tell you, was because of how Tevinters were viewed outside of Tevinter by most people. To be honest, I'm not sure what to feel about being a Tevinter. I have been wondering that all my life. Another thing I need to confess is that my mother was a dalish elf, who died when I was young. I am sorry that I did not tell you this all those years ago, and I am afraid this might be the last letter of the many we have sent to each other throughout the years. As I fear what is happening in Kirkwall, may trigger something that will effect the entire world. Your old friend Adwen."

Third person POV

Adwen then seals the letter and leaves his house with the letter. As he heads to the post office, he notices in the distance that Orsino is giving a speech to the people of hightown. Most likely trying to gain their support against Meredith, but Adwen decides to ignore this and proceeds to the post office.

Adwen: (hands the letter with a couple of sovereigns as payment) To-

Postmaster: Denerim, Ferelden I know.

After giving the postmaster the letter, along with a couple of sovereigns as payment for delivery. Adwen then decides to head to the group of people, to listen in on what Orsino is saying but sees the crowd has dispersed to the grand cleric's intervention, however before leaving Meredith spots Adwen.

Meredith: (to Adwen) There you are Adwen! I need you to come to the gallows, for I have a assignment for you.

Meredith leaves with the templars accompanying her, among them is Lance. Adwen sees Hawke along with Varric, Anders, and Isabelle.

Adwen: Hawke, Varric, Anders, and Isabelle it's great to see you guys.

Hawke: You too Adwen, did you catch the argument between Meredith and Orsino?

Adwen: No actually I was sending a letter at the post office, but it's obvious what it was about. But what concerns me is how much Lance has changed over the years.

Varric: I get you, I miss the Lance that begged me to let you and him come on the expedition.

Anders: Yes it's too bad, now he's basically become like Meredith.

Hawke: Well we should let you go, wouldn't want to make Meredith angry at you would we?

Adwen: Well yes, I will see you guys some other time.

Anders: Also Adwen?

Adwen: Yes Anders?

Anders: When you have time, meet me at the hanged man at night.

Adwen: Okay, I will.

Adwen then leaves and heads to the gallows, but overhears civilians talking about the clash between Meredith and Orsino. Some sympathize with the templars while others with the mages, but others are concerned about the possibility of the situation going out of control. Adwen then reaches the gallows and heads to Meredith's office where she is awaiting him.

Meredith: Ah! Adwen there you are have a seat.

Adwen takes a seat

Meredith: Do you know what I find odd about you?

Adwen: No Knight commander

Meredith: I find it odd that you haven't risen through the ranks after all these years, despite your performance being exceptional. You have many times performed your duties in a manner mostly exceptional and sometimes questionable.

Adwen starts to become afraid if Meredith has found out he lied about what happened with Osric and Lucy.

Meredith: So I have decided to promote to knight lieutenant.

Adwen: (surprised and relieved) Thank you knight commander! I am no-

Meredith: Don't give me that "I am not worthy" nonsense! I wish to give you a new assignment due to your promotion.

Adwen: (skeptical) What is it?

Meredith: You will be assigned to watch over the children at the circle of magi. Along with a group of templars at your command.

Adwen: But knight commander why do we need to watch the chil-

Meredith: (sternly) Because knight lieutenant! So the mages are not spreading lies about the chantry and teaching the children heresy! Now anything else?!

Adwen: No mam!

Meredith: Good! Now you are dismissed and now head to the room where the children are the group of Templars, that you will be commanding are awaiting you there.

Adwen then leaves, but also starts to wonder if Meredith is fit to command the Templar order in Kirkwall

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