Scatter brain

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Do I hate you or me?

I hate you.

Fuck that,

I despise you.

But maybe I despise that I trusted you.

I wanna strangle you,

but maybe after that I wanna hug you and cry.

I wanna call you a fucking whore and slut,

but maybe I'm just mad you used me for my body.

I wanna scream at you,

but maybe that's to overpower the sound of my cries,

I wanna tell you I wish you were dead,

I fucking despise you,

you're the worst person I've ever met.

But maybe I'm just mad I knew who you were, but gave you the benefits of the doubt.

I want to fucking kill you,

make you regret being alive,

but maybe I regret being alive,

maybe I wanna try to kill myself again because of you.

Either way,

I know this is all your fault.

And I will continue to make you pay if it's the last thing I do.

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