Chapter 1- The Town

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The sun crawled out from behind the trees growing bigger and brighter in the sky. It stretches it's arms over the town--Bayou Cane, Louisiana, Waking up at time too early to tell, the people of the parish found peace.

Bayou is no ordinary town; it bears an unsurfaced controversy and problems. You see, the bridge divides everything with rich on one side and the poor on the other. For eastern residents, money was slow, and it showed. The houses were too similar and had very little personality, like people with no personality. Their grind is what got them to payday; they had to make ends meet. However, the western side of town bears a different story. It is occupied by the well-off residents who enjoy beautiful multiple story homes, manicured lawns,and anything money can buy . However, nature's beauty and open-air is as free as free can be, and it's often and I find myself lying down in the tall grass in the tall grass looking up at the trees and all that surrounds it.
The songbirds perched on the trees branches, sing a sweet song. the grass and the field appear taller than yesterday as it says every two minutes to the rhythm of the breeze. I have been visiting the family park after school to witness the eastern residents' interesting lifestyles living across the bridge.
Being a a resident of the west side, where the rich reside, I look up to their simple way of living. It's always a surprise,or more precisely a shock to hear the West side residents make awful comments about the east side underprivileged people. It's been a year since I've been going to the park after school to witness their simple lives. Nothing beats a content look on their faces. The way they stretch out across the park freely, their happy laughs fill the park is like watching a really good movie. It is sad that some people are blinded by stereotypes color class and creed--basically people 's way of selling you short before they even get know you --that discrimination.
Thankfully, Mamma mae has no such different in her mind, which is one of the reasons I don't think that way. Mamma mae says I'm different from children my age,and I believe her. Unlike other kids who love to with their dolls ,marbles or Jack's. Prefer to stay laid-back. My favorite thing to do for fun has always been exploring my surrounding and the people who live here. Crossing the Bayou Cane bridge is one of those things. Since I am curious by nature , I often cross it.
Almost every day, I set out over the Bayou Cane Bridge,whether by foot or car . This is it- the line is drawn between the rich, middle and the poor,in extreme cases life death.
Here I sit, at same park observing the view of everything around me, whether it be view of everything around me, whether it be the children playing hide-and-seek in the tall grass or adults discussing the unfair discrimination of the social system. Everything around me is at peace except for my mind.
Since yesterday, the visit to this park , along with the beautiful view of the afternoon sky, has failed to lend me the sense of calm I would occasionally get from this place. Today, the summer heat beats down my back terribly and forces the beads of sweat to sweat to appear on my forehead. I'm doing everything in my power to enjoy today. But to no end.
Instead of sitting by myself quietly to watch the heavenly view of the east side park I wander down the jogging path. To walk off the squeamish feeling that makes my stomach feel like a tightening knot and my heart beat a mile a minute. I stopped and did a once-over of the jogging path, especially of the tall grass, which is an infamous graveyard for tort souls, it causes shiver to run down my spine. Memory of Saturday night burn fresh in my mind and unsettling state of restlessness instantly gripe me
I knew it was a bad idea to visit soia place after school three days back,but at that time, sonia wanted me over for fun and would not take no an answer . If I hadn't said "yes". I wouldn't have a present at the wrong place at the wrong time. I Intiited it to come. That evening, as I emerged from the light of her house to night glare , I realized what a fool I was. Children are not supposed to go out around this place at night , especially those my age--twelve years old
Now as I'm heading back home , the trauma of that night sticks in my mind and stings like a fresh wound. The sun gleaming above my head is sucking my out my energy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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