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,I finish my studies  and finally I can find  a good job to help my mom And   liitle  brother  ,,I want him to finish his study,
,I start work  in a famous company ,even my work is a little bit tired  but I'm happy cause it's really  hard to find a good job,,
,,  Apo,,some one is calling  me "
Buy 5 cofee ,, in canteen  ,, then give this 25 copies  in the room 25th floor Ceo Is coming and  have meeting  today
,,so hurry up,
I sigh and quickly. Go out to buy cofee  like is not my job but they always like to call me to do not  relate in my work,,
I need to hurry the Boss is  come  and  I know  hes, snob, arrogant and strict  ,, I'm scared to lost my job not now,,  after I grab my order  I Hurry  go back  , and took the copies to bring in meeting    ,, I quickly run to elevator  I didn't  bother to see who  inside,,
I keep talking  to my self I'm nervous  the meeting  will start  I need  to hurry up before  the Ceo come 
,,why they always want me to do some  things ,, buy a coffee  for them, do this do that and now I hurry to bring  the papers before  the meeting  start  , I'm tired of this but I dont have  i choice  I Need this work for my family
,,, I keep talking not knowing who's woth me inside  the elevator , I look up and freeze , when our eyes met he's so handsome  , the suit pefect fits to him, his white complexion, the thick eyebrows  , kissable  lips perfect  sharp  jaw,,,I feel shy when he look at me ,I quickly look down ,maybe he's one of the investors who come for  the meeting
,,the door open so I quickly  go to the room  and gave the paper  to secretary  and even bother where the handom  guy go,, I feel relief  that they still not starting ,, so I go back to ny work,, but still thinking  those handsome  guy in elevator,,
He heat what I said  and I'm shy but my heart  still hoping to see him again,,

MILE ,, I have a meeting in investors  today , I know I'm a little late its doesn't matter  to me,, I go inside  elevator and about  to press when suddenly someone  hurry to go inside  elevator,, I let him In  and looking  at him,, he's so beautiful  like how a man so beautiful  like him,, but I saw he's looking tired , and talking  like  I put a small smile  in my lips  why he so cute  in my eye's  , I hate people  so talkative  but him is exempted,, i keep looking  at him,,and heard what he's talking and im mad after what i heard  , I want to fired quickly whoever do that  to him,, but I need to calm down I have meeting I will deal it later,, when he look up  my eyes met, like what the fu***k his eyes so mesmerising, those sweet  lips   pinkish  cheeks,, he got shy after he know I'm looking at him I want to kiss him but I was confused  why I feel  that  so I look at him intense and the door open he quickly go out  and go to the meeting  room, I go to my  office and talk to someone ,,
I want to know more about  him

😊  this is my first  novel sorry  for wrong  grammar ,, hope you like guy's

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