there's nothing I can do, blame on me.

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The weather seemed to fit Somun's current mood, which was very much surprising to him.

Usually, his feelings and the current weather always were vice versa with each other, as if they were fighting and tried to win. However, it had been raining hard all day, preventing anyone else to go outside and try to go out or do something.

The only things the counters could do were to stay inside the warehouse to either train, talk, or just hang out in their rooms. The latter was the most common one; Usually everyone wanted their own space to relax and do they're own hobbies.

Somun exited the bathroom surprised to see the rest of the counters sitting down at the dinner table, clearly enjoying their time as they laughed together. His expression didn't even shift in the slightest, and he tried to quietly sneak back to his room with his back facing the kitchen until Motak called out to him, shutting his eyes in annoyance.

"Somun!" The man said as he took out a soda from the fridge. "Come sit down with us and chat! We're gossiping about Jeokbong's past experience with his academics back as a teenager!"

Somun almost smiled at the older man but as soon as he took a glance at Hana, he responded, "No thanks, I'm busy right now." He lied.

Jeokbong held up a piece of chocolate, "We'll give you candy!"

Somun fake smiled, "Tempting, but i'll pass." He shut the door behind him, taking one last glance at Hana with stressed eyes.

The silence and confusion at the table was evident; He barely spoke any words and when he did, he kept it to a minimum. He completely avoided sitting down with them. The question was, why?

"What's up with him these days?" Ms. Chu asked everyone as she took a sip of her coffee in a worried tone. "He seems more distant then usual."

"He's probably going through puberty right now." Motak joked but he got hit in the arm by her. "Ow!"

"Don't joke about that, you know how he lost his childhood early on." She warned him, before turning to Jeokbong. "Do you know what's up with him?"

He shook his head sadly. "Not at all. He hasn't interacted with anyone voluntarily." He turned around to face him and Somun's shared room, "I hope he's okay."

Ms. Chu then turned towards Hana, "Do you know-"

"Obviously not," She cut her off abruptly with a lie. "If I had known, I would've said it by now." Another lie. In fact, it was only then that the other three had realized Hana's current mood.

She sat back in her chair with her shoulders tensed up and she had her arms crossed with a small scowl on her face. She just stared at the table, not bothering to look up at all.

"Hana," Jeokbong spoke. "Are you alright? What's bothering you?"

"Nothing," She replies like a robot. "Just haven't been in the best mood."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ms. Chu asked concerned. She felt bad that it was only now she was acting worried, but Hana had been acting normally until Somun came.

Motak, reading the room asked her, "Did you and Somun get into an argument?"

Her head immediately perked up at him. "No," She said harshly. "Why do you always assume everything is about him?"

He gave her an are you kidding me look and started counting on his fingers, "You two are always together, for starters, and you were acting perfectly fine until he showed up and we started talking to him. You also didn't bother convincing him to sit down."

Annoyed, she rubbed her temple with her hand. "It's nothing, I promise. Like I said, i'm just not in the best mood."

"Then why wouldn't you ask Somun to join us?" Jeokbong says obliviously. "He always manages to cheer you up, right?"

opening sequence (the night the world burned, we. . .) - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now