Chapter 1: Finding Hoffman

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"What the fuck do you think you're doing!? Huh?!" Hoffman yells, getting progressively angrier at this smug cunt in front of him who had just thrown the hacksaw needed to escape out of the door.

Gordon is growing cockier by the second, believing that he's finally got Hoffman trapped, with no way of him getting out or anyone finding him.

"No! You can't fucking do this to me! Fuck you! No!" Hoffman continues to yell, knowing that he's absolutely fucked.

"Game over." Gordon replies, shutting the door and leaving Hoffman to rot inside the same bathroom that he once escaped from.

Hoffman manages to scream one more time before the room becomes pitch black and all hope evaporates from his body.

Hoffman admits defeat, there's no way he can escape from this. Even if there was, it's pitch fucking black, he wouldn't be able to see it.

At least he has a water bottle. Great, not only is he gonna die in here, but it's gonna be a slow one.

I call that: epic bad luck.

[2 weeks later]

Cylde had just finished college for the day and was heading home. On his way home, he had always noticed this abandoned looking building.

He'd never gone near it, he was under the impression that he would just get murdered if he ever went in there.

But today, he decided to have a little look around. That's if he can get in, of course.

He assumed that the door was locked and a key would be needed, but after a couple of pushes using all the strength he could muster, he managed to knock the door down.

He hoped that he hadn't attracted anyone to the scene, so he looked around checking to see if anyone was now aware of his presence.

After discovering that the coast was clear, he made his way into the building, hoping not to be confronted by a murderer.

Only about 5 seconds had passed after stepping into the building and he was already hit by a foul stench.

He didn't know this, but these were the severely decayed bodies of Adam, Zep and Xavier.

In the distance, he could hear someone. A man, to be exact. And he was screaming for help.

[The Bathroom]

Hoffman knew that screaming was pointless, he had already drunk most of his water. Just a few more days, he would finally be dead.

But, just as he was about give up screaming for the day, he heard a guy rummaging around about 10 feet away from the door.

It was probably Gordon, coming back just to taunt him with that smug fucking smile of his again.

"Hello, is anyone in there?" Someone was knocking on the door, and it wasn't Gordon. Hoffman was hesitant, he had no idea who this person was.

"Who the fuck are you!?" Hoffman yelled. He wasn't ready to trust anyone just yet. After all, he was just trapped in some bathroom by some guy he barely even knew.

"My name is Clyde. What's yours?" The man outside said, not sounding very sure of himself. "Great, probably some fucking journalist or cop hunting me down." Hoffman said to himself.

Since the knowledge of him being a Jigsaw apprentice was practically worldwide, he wasn't willing to give this random stranger his real name, fuck that.

'Hang on.' Hoffman began to think to himself. 'If he knew who I was, he would've recognised my voice by now.' He felt a bit more at ease, viewing the man outside as no longer a threat.

"The name's Mark, what's it to ya?" He asked. "Well, I was in the area and thought I'd check this building out since I see it everyday. And when I did, I heard screaming and I assumed it was you."

Mark decided to trust this guy, maybe he could use him later. "Well, if you could find a way to open the door, be my guest. But I've been trying to do that for the past two weeks and I've gotten nowhere." By that, he meant he'd thrown rocks and scrap metal he found on the floor at it.

Lucky for Hoffman, Cylde was studying science. He know how to make an explosive. A small one, obviously. He figured that this would probably work.

"Hey, umm, this might not work but I might be able to create a bomb. Not like a huge one, but one big enough to blow the door down." Hoffman liked the idea of that. Maybe this guy could come in handy way a lot more than he thought.

"I should warn you, it'll take a couple days and I'm sure that you don't have a lot of food in here so I'm lucky that I was hungry on my way here." He begins to pull a couple of candy bars out of his pocket and, luckily there was a small slit so he was able to slide some bars to Hoffman through the slit.

Food, that's not that something Hoffman had seen in a while. It wasn't much nor was it even good lucking chocolate, but Hoffman was willing to eat anything at this point.

[Cyldes House]

Cylde quickly began work on the bomb the second he got home. He hardly knew the guy but he couldn't let a potentially innocent man die.

It's not like he was some psychopath using him just so he can continue a killing spree or something like that, he didn't seem like the type.

Putting all thought of this guy killing him aside, he resumed work on the bomb, hopefully before the guy fucking dies.

[The Bathroom (again)]

It's been 3 days, Hoffman was growing impatient. He had began to think that Cylde was never coming back and he was infact going to die in here.

[2 hours later, still in the Bathroom]

Just as Hoffman was about to fall asleep, he heard a knock on the door. "Hey, Mark, It's me, Cylde, I've got the bomb." 'Fucking finally.' Hoffman thought to himself.

"So, I don't know exactly how strong it is, so I recommend we both stand back. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" The bomb goes off, blowing the door off the hinges and unleashing smoke and dust all across the room.

Without a second thought, Cylde covered his mouth with his hand and quickly grabbed the hacksaw he had in his pocket, just in case he was chained to the wall. By the looks of it, he was right.

Not wanting to waste anymore time or risk someone coming in and seeing, he quickly began sawing at the chain was attached to. It wasn't easy, but after about 30 seconds, it came straight off and the two men began racing their way to exit.

[Outside the Bathroom]

"I fucking owe my life to you Cylde. Thank you so much for saving my life." He hesitated a bit saying that. He was sure he would never need help ever saving himself. He guessed that he'd never be in a situation this dire.

"Let's go to my place, you can get yourself cleaned up and I'll get you some new clothes. You kinda smell like death man, not gonna lie." Hoffman snorted at that comment, he likes this guy. Maybe he shouldn't use him. Who is he kidding, he definitely will.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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