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"Jesus Christ, how can possibly be someone that lazy...Get your ass out of the couch and take your dog for a walk or something." Awesome... Again the same script as every other day mother simply hates when I'm reading, because it's 'just wasting time'. Maybe it's true that I really read too much, but I don't really care at all. "Oh, sure, again. I'm not going anywhere until I read last paragraph. Deal with it my dear mother." I saw she really wanted to say something, so I kept waiting for the response. And then finally - "shut up or I'll burn that book...with you and all your stuff",,, I saw you making a break the lighter and wasn't even able to use matches...I think it will be easier for you to just throw me and my stuff from a cliff" She just walked away, angry and offended. I really love when I win an argument with my mother, I can't even describe how happy I am about it. Anyways, she was right before. I finished one paragraph, called my doggie and get the hell out of this inferno called home. Now, I know there are people who doesn't even have a house and so on, but really... That sucks. More than one can imagine. I'm always reading because stuff I'm into is actually impossible here. I love baking, but what can I bake from old beans, yogurt, catchup and dead mouses in kitchen counter? But to be honest, mouse with beans spread with yogurt mixed with catchup... Hmm... sounds tasty, right? Also I love ridding horses, but there's no horse near me...only a sheep, but ridding a sheep may be weird. Not may, it just IS weird. So many thoughts were now in my head, I was still walking... Somewhere, I never was before. My dog was kinda scared, I wasn't really thinking why, I just kept walking. But then Peg(the dog) started to bark into the darkness ,,What the actual hell is wrong with you? There's nobody near us. So just concentrate on your way, and let's go" Nah, she had different plans. Like being even louder and more annoying, yeah she really is good at this stuff. I finally stared in the darkness she was barking to...holy cow, what what was that??? There really was something but it didn't look like a human at all...more like some random mixture of even randomer animals. ,,Oh maan what now? I can't run, cuz I have no idea where I am..." Oh, nevermind... I'll just run somewhere. Probably behind me.

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