Chapter 1

32 6 4

340 BC Pataliputra

The palace of the Nanda Dynasty

Mourya gazed at the orange sky.The clouds hovering above the palace garden parted to reveal the setting sun.The brilliant giver of life was calling it a day once again.He was at peace.
His mother was the maid of the great king Dhana Nanda, the king of Nanda Dynasty, hence she was always busy in her chores, he was never allowed to go outside his chambers, he never saw people, his mother never allowed him.

He was lonely, sitting by the window, gazing out at the world passing by but feeling disconnected from it all. His solitude is palpable, a heavy cloak that wrapped around, isolating him from the warmth of human connection. The room around him feels empty, echoing with the silence of his thoughts. He longed for companionship, for someone to share a laugh with or simply sit in comfortable silence. Despite the loneliness, there is a quiet strength in his solitude, a resilience that keeps them going day after day. In his solitude, he finds moments of introspection and self-discovery, but deep down, there is a yearning for the simple joy of human connection.He knew every inch of the palace like own heart.

The lavish palace was often adorned with intricate architecture, luxurious furnishings, and stunning artworks that reflect the wealth and power of the rulers who resided within it. Walking through the halls of a palace, one can't help but be transported back in time to an era of extravagance and regal splendor. The ornate chandeliers, sweeping staircases, and lush gardens all contribute to the majestic aura of a palace. Each room tells a story of the past, from the lavish ballrooms where grand events were held to the private chambers where royal decisions were made.
All of a sudden disrupting his peace, his mother came running, her face strewn by tears, it evokes a multitude of emotions and responses in young mourya's mind. The sight of tears streaming down her face pained him.
Even though crying his mother was an ethereal beauty, her bangles were broken, her hair dishevelled.

"Son" she managed between her sobs "we need to move from here quickly"

"Why, mother?? What happened??"

"We have been caught" she fell to the ground.
To my horror, my hands went crimson red, my mother was injured.The crimson liquid formed a stark contrast against her pale skin, creating a chilling image of the severity of the injuries. The air is thick with the metallic scent of blood, adding an eerie atmosphere to the grim sight. Every drop of blood tells a story of pain and struggle, a reminder of the fragility of life. The silence is deafening, broken only by the occasional moan of the injured person, a heartbreaking sound that pierces through the stillness. As maurya stared in shock and horror, the gravity of the situation sinks in, leaving a somber mood hanging in the air.
Mourya jumped into action and started packing what was necessary, he helped his mother get up, she was struggling in pain, I needed to bring her to safety.

He saw the silhouettes of the guards, he went the opposite direction from them and somehow came outside the palace through a trap door his mother gestured to.He snuck out of the chamber for the first time in 16 years, and honestly speaking, this was not the way he imagined it.

After a millisecond the sky also started weeping.As darkness descended upon the world, the sky opened up in a torrential downpour, unleashing its fury upon the earth below. The raindrops fell relentlessly, creating a rhythmic symphony as they pelted against the windows and roof with a steady beat. The streetlights flickered weakly, casting eerie shadows on the glistening pavement, while the trees swayed ominously in the howling wind. The air was heavy with the scent of wet earth and freshness, adding to the mystical ambiance of the night. Thunder rumbled in the distance, followed by dazzling streaks of lightning that illuminated the sky in a dazzling display of nature's power.
Suddenly his mother dropped to the ground.
"Mother get up, we need to move" he shouted above the sound of the rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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