An Encounter

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Turns out Sir Darryl got the injury from a training exercise when one of the new recruits bumped into a candle holder which knocked a boiling pot of oil off a shelf that had been left there for a servant to use to drown some vermin in it that had been causing problems in the basement. Luckily the pot hadn't been used yet so no dead rats got on Sir Darryl but he did get burn quite severely and the healers in the infirmary did their best to reduce as much damage and scar tissue that they could. They told him he was very Luckily that he only got a small bit of the oil on his face or else the damage would be a lot more serious.

Lady Willow was sentenced to three days confinement within her rooms for striking me. May, Lucy and Terra speculated that she got off the hook so easy because she was the childhood best friend of the king.
"But he doesn't seem very fond of her right now!" Lucy said in a questioning tone. "They may not be as close as they once were however if there was no major falling out between them then there would be no reason for him to not feel sentimental about the old days and harbour certain feelings towards her, it may be love or loyalty to an old friend, we may never know!" May explained wisley, Terra knodded in agreement. It seemed that the King still saw Lady Willow as a friend and didn't want to ruin what was left of their friendship by giving her a harsher punishment. "Still I feel like she should have been given more time" Lucy sighed. Terra spoke up "Look I'm not mad about what happened and if the King wants to give her a lesser punishment who are we to judge his decision making skills!". Lucy and May knodded glumly. "I still think you should be a bit mad about what happened, I mean she did hit you and accused you of foul play!" Lucy sighed looking at Terra, not quite understanding how Terra just didn't let these things bother her. Terra shrugged, she could forgive but that didn't mean she forgot what people did to her, she just wouldn't trust them from them on.

Terra was walking in the gardens after dinner. She was homesick and she wanted to go home. All the things that happened over the last few days weighed heavily on her mind. She had been hurt twice in the span of two days, Terra feared that the longer she spent in this competition the worse the injuries she will recieve. Terra contemplated on running away since she couldn't just give up her place, Terra couldn't legally leave until the King dismissed her. Terra thought she would be kept here as long as it took to capture Rioc Hamerfort and them the King would send her home since she was no longer of use to him and there was more qualified ladies here who would no doubt make better queens than her. Terra didn't have the education that nobility recieved, Terra knew all the basic education that everyone is afforded in Denirir since the King didn't want any elf in his kingdom who could be of use to be illiterate or not able to do basic math. Terra wasn't shown which fork was used for which dish, she was taught the dances that nobility were taught. Terra could dance some country jigs and some more intricate dance moves but that was nothing compared to how the nobility could dance. Terra hoped she wouldn't be in this competition long enough to see a ball as she wouldn't be able to dance at all.

Terra rounded a corner and she wasn't looking where she was going as she had caught a glimpse of two magpies. She bumped into something and fell on her backside, she really needed to stop falling, that was the second time in two days!
Terra looked up at what she had walked into and saw it was a High elf man with long bright silver hair and blue eyes that seemed to glow due to how bright the colour was. His facial features were sharp, as that was the norm for high elf men and was how to tell if someone had high elf lineage or not, if the cheekbones were high it was mostly a high elf. Wood elves would either have more soft cheeks or slight definition to the cheek bones. Dark elves could have either or be somewhere in the middle. The same thing went with height, high elves were generally taller than other elves and wood elves were shorter, dark elves were in the middle.

The high elf man who was dressed in military finery reminded Terra of Lady Eileen for some reason, something about him just seemed so familiar but she just couldn't put her finger on it. "I'm so sorry Sir, I wasn't looking were I was going!" Terra apologised quickly as she scrambled to her feet. "That's quite alright Lady?" The high elf respond while asking for Terra's name. "Oh its just Miss Terra Riverglade, I'm not nobility!" Terra told him quickly as the tips of her ears turned pink. Terra was a bit embarrassed to be mistaken as a noble woman, she looked nothing like the others who all had an air of regal-ness about them, even with all the fancy clothes she was given Terra still couldn't comprehend how someone could mistake someone of her social standing to be a noble woman. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Riverglade, I am General Alexander SilverHarrow!" General Alexander introduced himself. SilverHarrow, he could be related to Lady Eileen! "Are you by any chance related to Lady Eileen SilverHarrow?" Terra asked on impulse, she wanted to know since the resemblance was too uncanny for them not to be. General Alexander smiled "I am her older brother brother Miss Riverglade, so you have met my sister?".

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