I just got off the bus at K.I.S.S and I was the last person off the bus. This is going to be one hell of an experience. I was sent to KISS for my last two years of school. "Ok let's do this." I walked into the school and went to get my dorm room. "Nikita Fulton." I said to the lady. "Ahh yes the girl that got transferred, here you go." I walked to my dorm and I saw a red headed girl. "Hey! I'm Madison miller!" "Hi, Nikita Fulton." I unpacked my bags and then called Dae my bestie and cousin. "Hey Dae, how are you?" He laughed. "I'm doing good, me and Kitty broke up." I'm sorry." (Kitty never came to KISS in this) he sighs. "It's fine, anyways how is your school in America." I smiled and laughed. "Same old same old." He was frowning I could hear it over the phone. "You still getting picked on?" "Yeah."

After a while I hung up with Dae and got ready for the welcome party and to surprise my cousin. "This is going to be awesome." I soon started walking to the party and I was looking around for Dae but I ran into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry." The boy turned around and I looked at him and then the other one. "Watch were your going!" I looked at him and crossed my arms. "I said sorry jerk." The other guy laughed. "Ignore him, I'm Q." I smiled and gasps. "Wait Q?! As in Dae's Best friend and start jock!?" He smiled and nodded. "I'm Nikita his cousin!" Soon Q went nuts while I'm guessing Min ho was rolling his eyes. "I assume you are Min ho the pretty boy and Mister rich and popular?" He smirked and fixed his jacket. "Why yes." He said smug. "Wasn't a complaint." He soon frowned and then they saw Dae, and he looked amazing. "Wow look at our boy." I looked at him and smiled. "Wow." When he saw me he smiled and ran to me and hugged me and spinned me around.  "Your here!" "Yeah I'm here cuz!" He smiled and then some girl walked to us and grabbed his arm. "Hey, I'm Yuri, you are?" "Hello, I'm Nikita, Dae's cousin." She smiles and then kissed Dae's cheek making me look at him funny. "whoa! Dae what about Kitty? You just broke up!" He looks away. "He left her for me." Yuri said making me look at Dae angrly. "You what! Dae you loved her! She loves you! She is heartbroken I talked to her, she said you left her!" He looks at me. "Nikita please let me explain." I looked at him and laughed. "Explain what! That you left the girl of your dreams for this wannabe!" Yuri looked at me shocked. "Excuse me!?" I looked at her then took a breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." She looks at me and then she pulled me out to the hall. "Ok look, I know about you and Kitty being friends, it's all fake, I can't get into it much but I will just please don't say anything to anybody." I looked at her and nodded.

The night went well I got to know Q and Yuri it was a fun night. "Well I'm tired, I'm going head back to my dorm." Everyone nodded and then I saw Q push Min ho to me. "He just offered to walk you back!" Q said making Min ho look at him. "No I didn't!" He was smug and rude I just rolled my eyes. "Bro she's my cousin, please." Min ho sighs and then offered me his arm which I took hesitantly. "Thanks." He just rolled his eyes and lead me to my dorm. "You know you didn't have to walk me." He looks at me. "Yes I know but Dae wouldn't let it go of I didn't." I looked at him and nodded. "Well it was sweet of you, despite your additude." He looks at me from the side and I thought I saw a small smile. "Well I only did it for Dae." I nodded and then we got to my room. "Well thanks again." He nodded and then he started to walk off, I stood there for a second and then went in my room. "What a jerk." I said to myself and then I sat on my bed and texted Kitty. "I miss you." I missed my best friend. She never answered so I just changed and went to bed but I got a text and I looked and saw Min ho's name. "I'm being forced to do this but, good night Nikita from all of us we had a great time with you." I smiled and texted him back. "Good night Min ho I had fun to."

The night was a blast and I was happy to have made a friend or two. I soon went to bed and slept most of the night until Madison came back with a guy and let's say she wasn't quite. "Ugh!" I covered my head and tried to ignore her but it doesn't work so I looked at the time and saw it was 3 in the morning so I got dressed into my uniform and then walked out of the room and then out of my dorm and walked to school yard making sure I didn't get caught and waited, I even texted Min ho and Dae. "Morning Boys, some one add Q to the group chat please!" I hit send and then sat down on the bench and waited for the day to start.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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