The Mysterious God

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In the distant realm of Yintenin S, nestled within the cosmic lattice of dimensions, there existed a world of breathtaking beauty known as Prithvi. This realm was inhabited by humans who lived in harmony with the mysterious forces of the universe, guided and visited by the divine beings from Aetheria. Among these ethereal entities, one stood out - a young God, the kindest and most benevolent of them all.

This particular God, whose name had long been lost to time, had a profound connection with the inhabitants of Prithvi. He devoted his existence to assisting the people, selflessly using his powers to mend their wounds and ease their suffering. Yet, among the countless lives he touched, one encounter would forever change the course of his divine existence.

One fateful day, as he traversed the landscapes of Prithvi, the young God came upon a lone and forsaken boy, on the brink of death. Without hesitation, he reached out and touched the boy's hand, and in an instant, the boy was healed.

"Do you have a name?" the young God inquired, to which the boy remained silent.

Undeterred, the divine being continued, "You can't speak or understand me? Very well, I shall name you. Vita? No, Julian? Renji? Ah, I've got it! Your name shall be Hajun. Please, accompany me on my journey, Hajun."

Over the course of six years, as they traveled together, Hajun gradually learned to speak and understand. It became evident that Hajun and the young God were of the same age, as their bond deepened with each passing day.

"Hey, Master," Hajun inquired one day, "we've been on this journey for so long. Can I know your name?"

The young God paused for a moment before replying, "_____, please don't call me 'Master.'"

Puzzled, Hajun asked, "Then, what should I call you?"

With a gentle smile, the young God said, "You can call me by my name."

Hajun hesitated, feeling it might be disrespectful, but the young God reassured him, "Yes, it's alright."

Curiosity still burning within him, Hajun questioned, "Where are we going now, _____?"

"To the highest mountain," _____ replied.

Upon reaching the pinnacle of Prithvi's highest peak, an astonishing sight awaited them. Hundreds of starving people huddled there, desperate for sustenance. The young God wasted no time, conjuring an abundance of food to satiate their hunger. The act of kindness earned him admiration and respect from the people of Prithvi.

However, their journey took an unexpected turn when the young God was abruptly summoned to Aetheria, leaving Hajun bewildered and alone. In his absence, the God of Gods in Prithvi offered the young God the title "God of Fortune," which he humbly accepted upon his return to Prithvi.

As word spread of his new title and powers, jealousy festered among the other divine beings. Three devious Gods plotted to steal the young God's title and power by any means necessary. They embarked on a perilous journey to Prithvi, determined to eliminate their rival.

One day, as Hajun and the young God ventured toward the Southern Desert, fatigue crept upon them. Seizing the opportunity to rest, the young God feigned exhaustion, knowing that Hajun needed respite more than he did.

Yet, a sense of impending danger gnawed at him, and he abruptly woke Hajun from his slumber.

"What's going on?" Hajun inquired, alarmed.

"I have concealed my unrivaled power for far too long," the young God confessed. "I will grant you a fraction of my power in case something dire occurs. Promise me, Hajun, that you won't succumb to hatred or harm others, even if they harm me. Use your newfound abilities to protect the vulnerable. Promise me you won't turn to darkness."

Baffled by the cryptic message, Hajun nodded in agreement, "I promise, but please explain everything to me."

With a heavy heart, the young God gave Hajun 1 percent of his powers. It became clear that the young God had deliberately erased his powers, ensuring that they would not fall into the hands of the envious Gods who sought to steal them. Though he was once more powerful than any other Gods in Yintenin S, even the God of Gods, he had willingly relinquished his divine might to protect the world.

Then, he cast a spell that rendered Hajun invisible and immobilized, unable to move or act.

Before Hajun could comprehend the situation, the three envious Gods arrived, their sinister intentions clear. They believed they were about to confront a formidable opponent, but to their astonishment, the weakened young God was not as powerful as they had anticipated. With their very first strike, they incapacitated him, leaving him alive but helpless.

Desperation and greed overcame the three Gods as they realized they could not extract any power from their fallen rival. Frustration gave way to anger, and they began to argue among themselves about who should rightfully claim the title "God of Fortune". Their dispute escalated into a violent clash, where divine energies clashed, and celestial forces raged against one another.

Amidst the chaotic battle, one of the three Gods emerged victorious, standing as the last deity standing. With the title "God of Fortune" now seemingly within his grasp, the victor turned his attention back to the incapacitated young God, intending to take his life.

As the victorious God delivered the fatal blow, Hajun, who had remained invisible, bore witness to the heart-wrenching scene of his master's demise. Helpless and consumed by a torrent of emotions, his pent-up rage and grief ignited into an unimaginable power. An eye on his forehead opened, and his strength surged to unparalleled heights.

The once-victorious God, now realizing the terrible mistake they had made, tried to flee in fear. But it was too late. Hajun, consumed by a thirst for vengeance, pursued relentlessly, and with a single, devastating strike, he ended the God's existence.

Tears streaming down his face, Hajun turned to the fallen young God, cradling the lifeless form in his arms, and cried out, "How could this happen? You could've defeated them! Why are you too soft?" His mentor's name hovered on the tip of his tongue, but for a brief moment, he faltered, his memory failing him. "Huh... what's his name again?" Hajun whispered in anguish, his pain and anger palpable as he grappled with the fading memory of his beloved mentor.

Overwhelmed by his emotions, Hajun turned to darkness, vowing revenge for his mentor's demise. He embarked on a rampage that took him to Aetheria, where he left a trail of destruction in his wake, mercilessly slaying every God and Goddess who stood in his path.

After a gruesome battle with the God of Gods one-on-one in a climactic battle that tested the limits of his power. The confrontation was fierce, and Hajun found himself pushed to the brink of defeat. The God of Gods proved to be a formidable adversary, and it was only through sheer determination and the remnants of his once-mighty strength that Hajun managed to claim victory, albeit at a great cost.

Severely weakened and scarred from the battle, Hajun emerged triumphant but forever altered by the experience. As time passed and the ages unfolded, his memories of the young God, his mentor, began to fade like distant echoes. Though he could no longer recall the name of the deity who had once been his guiding light, Hajun continued to uphold his newfound responsibilities in Yintenin S.

With his renewed power, Hajun embarked on a mission to rebuild Aetheria, reshaping it into a realm of his own design. He bestowed divine powers upon beings from different planets, allowing them to ascend to godhood. Within this reconstructed Aetheria, he established his own rule, a testament to his unwavering determination and indomitable spirit.

However, despite his unparalleled strength and the opportunity to rule Yintenin S, Hajun remained steadfast in his decision to not become its leader. Instead, he carefully chose a worthy successor, a God named Hikari, to assume the role of leadership, while he himself retained his position as the strongest and most enigmatic presence in all of Yintenin S, forever known as Hajun, the Demon God of Heaven and Hell.

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