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It was dark. I felt weightless, like I was floating. Everything felt like it was spinning. This went on for what could have been months, years even. The last thing I remember, I was with Sans, my Sans, Error404 Sans. He was bringing me from universe to universe to explore and see the pretty sights. Then he opened a new portal and everything went black. I was alone. Amongst the silence were faint whispers all talking over each other. When the whispers silenced it felt as though I was in a coma, the pull to keep sleeping was great and I kept giving in.

"...y/n..." I heard. It was like someone was calling me over the whispers in the darkness.

"y/n" I heard again but louder. I opened my eyes and just saw black, I thought I was finally going crazy in the void of darkness. I started to ignore it and closed my eyes again, the pull to sleep returning again.

"Y/N!" I heard again. For the first time in what felt like months I felt something touch me... or someone. I still didn't see anyone but before I could react to the touch I was pulled out of the dark void and into a bright world.

My eyes stung from the new bright scenery making me have to close them. Before I could see who saved me I was bombarded with questions.

"Is this really her?" one said.

"Why would he want a human?" another said.

"How did she even get in the void?" the third said.

My eyes were still closed for another moment before I opened one. I was practically blinded by the light and color.

"Where..." I said before looking up at the 3 who spoke. They were all skeletons like 404. Once my eyes focused I realized they were also Sanses. I tried to stand and one of them helped me up.

"Careful human, you might still be dizzy." one of them said to me. He had a blue scarf and seemed to be wearing some form of armor. 

"Where's... 404..." I said to them, The Sanses practicality froze at the mention of him. The shorter one looked almost petrified by the mention of 404. I stepped forward away from the Sans who was holding me up.

"I- I need to..." I started to say. It was difficult for me to speak since it's been so long since I've spoken last.

"Y/n its alright, you're safe now." The other Sans said. He had a golden crown on his head.

"No, I need to... find him." I said to them. Before I could take another step a portal formed in front of me. In the blink of an eye 404 was in front of me. He caught me from falling. I instantly knew it was him. All 3 of the Sanses froze at the sight of him.

"Is it really you?" I asked 404 in disbelief.

"Yes, it's me Y/n." He said to me. He held me tightly not wanting to let go. He could feel how weak my body was. 404 looked at the other Sanses who found me before lifting me into his arms and carrying me through the portal.

I ended up falling asleep after he brought me between universes to his ani-void, The Mainframe. I woke up to 404 yelling at another Sans who seemed petrified by the mere sight of him.

"You're scaring him," I said to 404. Both 404 and the Sans froze when I spoke. I sat up and looked at 404 who quickly grabbed onto me pulling me into a tight hug. I was still a bit dizzy from my time in the dark void.

"Don't talk, you're still recovering." 404 said to me. He knew I must be confused and have a lot of questions but didn't want me to talk yet. The other Sans whom 404 was yelling at moments ago just stood there nervously. He had glasses taped to the side of his skull and a lab coat. I looked over to him and he quickly looked away as if he was afraid to look at me. 

"How long..." I asked 404. I knew he didn't want me to speak yet but I needed to know how long I was in the void. He was quiet for a moment and the other Sans seemed tense at the question.

"Almost 2 years," 404 said reluctantly. He saw my face contort into worry.

"You... you looked for me for that long?" I asked him. He could see the disbelief and worry on my face. He nodded and held onto me tighter.

"How did I even... who were the three who found me?" I asked him. He seemed annoyed by the thought of them.

"The Star Sanses," He said to me. He finally let go of me and practically glared at the Sans with the lab coat.

"Go on," 404 said to the Sans. He quickly moved closer to me and started to examine me for any errors or corruption from the void.

"Uh..." I said looking over to 404 who was watching the Sans examine me.

"Im Science Sans." The Sans who was examining me said. 404 saw that knowing Science's name made me feel a bit better. I relaxed and watched what Science was doing. He was examining my skin for any signs of corruption or errors. He moved to lift my shirt and 404 seemed to get enraged by this.

"What do you think you're doing?!" 404 yelled at Science. Science quickly stopped touching me and put his hands up, seeming to be terrified.

"I-Im sorry! I have to check her skin for effects from the void" Science said to 404.

"It's alright" I said to Science. 404 seemed to calm down a bit when I said this. Science hesitantly lifted my shirt again and saw a patch of black on the side of my stomach and hip. He instantly knew what it was.

To be continued...

This is my first work on here so I hope you liked it! Leave suggestions if you'd like to see more by me. 

Next part will be out soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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