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The rain was falling hard and I couldn't help but get a little lost in the fantasy world I created in my head where I had the perfect life and the perfect parents, thanks to the rain we could barely see the board and the teacher had to stop mumbling plus I was getting a little tired and with the rain going crazy a little breeze of air coming in from the window near me was so refreshing, I was starting to feel a bit sleepy. I was brought back to reality by a noise of someone running into the classroom soaking wet from the rain, I couldn't tell exactly where she was coming from but as she was talking to Mr Harrison, I got lost in my thoughts just by the simple glance into her eyes, I felt as if life finally understood my pain and felt pity by sending such a work of art to give me hope, Her smile was the best thing that could happen in a world as vague as this one. What is this feelings that I'm feeling? why is my heartbeat increasing by the second? many questions filled up to the crown of my head and I was left without answers. What I'm I saying...a nobody like me with a goddess like her, those are the things I will only experience in my dreams. I spent minutes leaning back on my chair surrounding my thoughts with what had seemed to be a fairy-tale, I didn't even realize she had already left the classroom when I came back to my senses. the siren finally rang and it was time to go home ,"hey man that girl who was soaking wet do you happen to know her or is she new?" I asked Leo the guy who sits next to me " oh that's Roxanne she is the new transfer student who arrived last week" he said " oh thanks bro ''why do you ask'' "its nothing, enjoy your weekend..."

After a long walk back home from school, I was exhausted and the only thing on my mind were the silly questions that have been stuck in my head which have been draining the little energy I had to exist in this world, of course like any other simp out there I looked for my answers in the internet, plus its the only thing that keeps me busy from ending my misery and stress of the everyday slavery that I was born into, I logged into my YouTube account and listened to some idiot pretending he has strong vocabulary when you can clearly see him reading it of some notes, obviously YouTube was no help and I had already forgot the real reason why I even logged on my YouTube in the first place.

The next day, it was only to meet the same fate, ''I have never fallen in love before but if I was given a choice my flawless crush would be the first on my list''. Damn it, im still thinking of her again. Usually by Saturday I would have already forgotten the names of everyone claiming to be in my life but the fact that my brain is still nagging me about her I had no choice but to sink in the ocean of my memories and die thinking about someone that has no clue about the existence of me. Suddenly I blacked out thinking about Roxanne and missed my whole Saturday reliving the same fairy-tale again and again.

Sunday came and I was forced to go to church, living in a Christian family and being the odd one out makes it feel as if you are some kind of demon or you are being possessed by some spirits because people tend to treat you like an outcast. and Because they didn't give me the freedom of choice I deserve, I went with them, something about seeing many people taking the time out of their lives to come and listen to a random charter box of a person screaming every single word even when there was no good reas.... My train of thoughts stopped cuz I thought I heard someone saying the R word and I was confused, suddenly people started clapping and a girl who was sitting infront of me stood up and went up to the stage. Something about her seemed unique because the room became silent and as she grabbed the mic from the pastor. I couldn't believe it was her, the drum and the piano boys started playing their instruments but they were no match for the melodic rhythm coming from Roxanne which had me engaged in an out of body experience. I was no longer in control of my own actions because I saw that weird look from my sister when she saw me smile for the first time in a long while, she could clearly see that Roxanne was the reason behind my actions and for some reason she held my hand and for the first time in years, I sang along to a gospel song. My sister tried to be slick and tapped my mom's hand, I knew mom was shocked too because she tried to sneak a video but I didn't really pay much attention to it. Church ended and they went back to the car, I had to go shake the pastor's hand like everyone else did but when I got back to the car, I could see the questions on their faces and I was right. No one gave me even the slightest chance of replying to their questions but for the first time in my teen years, I could proudly say I. WAS. HAPPY...

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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