Chapter 12 - The Scar And Eye

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Yes. I have heard of the whole Wilbur thing and i do not support Wilbur for his actions at all, but i wanted to make it clear that:

1. I'm still going to continue writing my books, mainly because Tommy is the main focus. Plus, just because Wilbur is in them does not mean it directly focuses on him.

And 2. Please do not bring it up here. It makes me uncomfortable thinking or saying anything about it. Please and thank you.

One last note, even though i have never watched Shelby in my entire life, i am so very proud of her for telling us this. I know it's not easy to say something like this, especially if the person is famous.

With that, please enjoy the chapter.

I woke up pretty early for once, about, like, 5am.

I feel like shit as well.

Knowing that i woke up at the ass crack of dawn, and how i barely got any sleep last night, it makes sense.

I think i also may have a little bit of a fever, but nothing i can't handle.

With that thought in mind, i get dressed, brush my teeth and hair, and get ready to leave for school.

I soon leave the house with my phone in my pocket with music playing in my ears.

The walk to the school is very peaceful.

The cars are not so loud when they pass, the club is empty, no dogs barking, and especially no yelling and screaming.

It's nice to have peaceful moments like this. It's refreshing.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.

I start to zone back in just as i was about to walk to the front of the school..

 While walking to the front, i took out my earplugs and turned them off. I stuffed them in the pocket my phone was in.

I stopped walking once i made it to the front and realized that Phil wasn't here yet.

I decided to sit out in the front and wait for him.

It's not like i had a choice, though, because they wouldn't let me in class without him.

Well, unless it was those days where he was sick or had something going on.

Other than that, i didn't have a choice but to wait.

While waiting though i saw Ranboo and Tubbo had arrived.

I looked at them talking, and excitedly waved my hand. They saw my bad and ran towards me.

"Hey, big men!" I yelled.

We started talking happily, me talking shit about Ranboo half the time, and i started to notice that Tubbo was staring at my face with a concerned expression.

He noticed i caught him staring and smiled sheepishly.

I sighed and went back to listening at what Ranboo had to say.

Apparently Ranboo had noticed Tubbo staring to and decided to see what he was staring at.

He looked back at me and gasped.

I got concerned at that and decided to ask about it." What?"

Tubbo looked at the ground and Ranboo was staring at me with his mouth apart and eyes wide.

I scrunched up my face in concern

Ranboo noticed i was confused and pointed at my eyes." You're not wearing your blindfold." He said hesitantly.

My eyes went wide with fear and i sat there frozen.

I needed to get up and go home, i needed to move. Why can't i move? Let me move stupid body!

It was too late though. They already saw my face and Phil would be here any second.

I wanted to cry. I had kept this a secret that only Tubbo knew, and i wanted to keep it that way.

In the corner of my eye though i saw Phil's car pull into the parking lot.

I needed an excuse. The bathroom would be a good idea.

As soon as i was about to get up and say something, i heard my name.


I stopped and turned around.

It was...Ezra?


We looked at each other for a minute before," Cool eye."

I was stunned, to say the least.

"Do you always go up to someone half blind and say"cool eye"?" I laughed a little.

"Only to people i know!" She tried to defend herself.

I was already on the ground laughing so hard though.

While laughing i hasn't realized Phil had walked up, until he said something." I take it your having fun?"

I slowly stopped laughing and calmed down.

I looked up to look at Phil and his face fell instantly.

"What happened to you?" He muttered out.

I looked away from him and did my best not to grimace." Nothing."

He looked like he wanted to protest but didn't.

He just sighed and motioned for us to go to class.

Hi, i didn't really have that much motivation to write that much with all the stuff going on right now, but i at least wrote a little.

I want to say a few quick things before i go.

I'm going to start a series soon, about Tommy and my other OC's.

I have no idea what platform I'll have it on, but I'll try to publish it to AO3.

Besides my OC's and Tommy, there will be other character there as well. For example: Wilbur, Dream, Schlatt, and Ranboo.

My Wilbur and IRL Wilbur are two different people for me so please don't say anything about him, i also came up with the series long before the new came out about Wilbur.

I also don't have anyone to replace him with. I Promise, if i could, i would.

As much as i say that my Wilbur and IRL Wilbur are two different people, i won't be writing about crimeboys or Wilbur as much as i planned to anymore.

Besides, the main focus of my books is Tommy.

Crowfather: Tommy and Phil.

This book: Tommy healing.

Secrets: Ranboo and Tommy.( i was planning on making it Wilbur and Tommy but changed it as soon as i heard the news.)

The series: Saving universes and Healing.

That's all i wanted to say. I don't want people acting on me or getting confused.

Have great day/night.


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