Chapter Zero: Impel Down & Sabo the Shooting Star

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Welcome to Marineford Stampede, the alternate timeline that explores the question, what if?
The author's motive is to reinforce both sides of this iconic war, since he sees so much wasted potential.

Today we will explore What if Sabo went to Marineford? You might be wondering how it could have possibly happened. Well here's one possibility.

During Aqua Laguna, while Luffy & the Straw hats were at Water 7, Sabo found a devil fruit. He felt as if it chose him.  His friend Koala isn't interested, since a devil fruit would interfere in her fishman karate.
The fruit looks like a shooting star, kinda like an orange with a tail of bananas growing out of it. Sabo gives in & eats it. After he tests it's powers he finds out he can create comet-like projectiles! Then the name hits him, the comet-comet fruit! (the suisei-suisei no-mi), a paramecia fruit that gives him control over shooting stars.

He can create shooting stars of various sizes, from as small as bullets to as large as a boat. He can control their trajectory like a guided missile, & can change the elemental nature of the shooting stars.
Ice, rock, diamond, fire, or plasma, if the comet exists in nature he can create it.
This power is not without its limits.
Ice comets will melt, fire comets will burn up, & if he creates a comet too big it will drain his power. And once they strike their target, he can't control what remains of it.

The comets start off with the speed of a comet in outer space, but under the earths gravity they will slow down.

For a group of marines, he can create a cluster of simple shooting stars that are like cannon balls. 
For someone like Kaido, he can charge up an armor-piercing diamond comet coated in armament haki & cosmic plasma. 

But most importantly, he can even ride on his shooting stars like a flying nimbus. This gives him the incredible power of high speed travel.
However he could only create enough transport comets for himself & a few friends to ride on, & he needs to be there to control them.

Sabo went on 2 missions with the revolutionaries with this new power, giving him the nickname of Shooting Star Sabo. However eating this fruit also seemed to change his brain's chemistry, & he started to remember more of his past for some reason. He remembered something in the news paper about an upcoming execution. He grabs the paper & reads it again. The execution of Portgas D Ace & a possible war with Whitebeard. Portgas D Ace... It hits him! That must be his brother from his childhood! He finally recognizes Ace from the wanted poster. He also looks at the article about Enies Lobby, & finally remembers his little brother Luffy. He has a mild breakdown as the memories come back. His little brother just raided Enies Lobby & his brother Ace just got captured by the navy. He has a feeling that his devil fruit came to him for a reason, & he realizes theres something he can do about it. Now that he has enough experience riding his flying comet, he can actually make it to Ace in time. But the rest of the revolutionaries won't be able to follow.

With his things packed up he says goodbye to Master Dragon. Sabo is now wearing a leather pilot hat instead of his signature tophat, something very impractical to wear while flying.

Dragon: I trust you have what it takes to accomplish the mission. I wasn't going to have a hand in the Summit War, but now we can play our part. But remember, you've got a huge ocean to cross & if you fall into the ocean for any reason, nobody will be there to save you, so be careful & don't take any risks. 
Sabo: I know, I'm aware of the risks. But with my new power, I can actually make it there to save my brother from Impel Down. I can even bust Commander Ivankov out of there too. 
Dragon: I hope you're right. I've been interested in freeing Iva for years but never had the means to carry it out. You will have many allies in the walls of that prison waiting to be freed. If all goes well, you can even prevent the war all together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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