Part title

29 1 3

Me: Heyyyyy who you(O_o)??
Him: I'm Amelia
(Pretending to be my friend)
Me: No your not
Me: Omg are you satan coming to take me to hellʕ·̀ω·́ʔ✧
Him: This is my 2nd phone
Me: ('-д-;)ゞ
Me: Slay bestie💅
Him: Do you know Zack
Me: Henschel?
Him: The one in tech Ed
Me: There's a Zack I'm tech Ed???? (In*)
Him: Yeah the guy who sits next to me
Him: He says your name all the time ?
Me: He does oh I haven't  noticed
Him: What do you think of him?
Me: He's okay I guess  I just  don't know him personally so I don't  know I'd prob have a better answer if I knew him more but wtv
Him: Why is that the answer that everyone gives me
Him: It's stupid
Me: Huh? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
Him: Say a new answer
Me: I guess he's cool  but  like  literally I can't say anything  until I actually know the dude like  what if he's like a creep or a school shooter like you never know
Me: Is that good 
Me: Hello??????????? Did I kill you
Him: no
Him: I was riding my bike
Him: And did a nice front flip
Him: and now I'm not riding it anymore
Me:oh alr
Him: cap
Him: So What did you say to him
Him: Did you send it
Me: What  do you mean!!!!
Him: :/
Him: Memory of a gold fish
Me: Hey! I'm not that dumb
Me: Hey I got a question which one looks better
Me:(sends pics of me looking amazing)
Him: If I was a boy I would choose the 1st one
(Sus much)
Me: So the one  with the eye Or not Which one!!!!
Him: The one I just said
Me: Which one is the??? 
Him: Why you asking?
Me: Because I want to know what one is better so I can post it on my snap
Me: Duh!
Him: So all the boys can see it? 😒
Me: Nah I don't  have  boys on there
Him: So it's private?
Me: Yeah just  for my friend and fam
Him: Yk who casper is?
Him: Like a girl nicknamed it
Him: Tall emo girl
Me: Yeah I know  who he is(note the he y'all)
Him: She's your friend?
Me: Nah their one of my friends friends
Him: Ohhh Hollys friend
Me: Yeah!
Him: Yeah Hollys my friend too (ovi a lie)
Me: Oh cool
Him: yeah
Me: Well do you know lylah
Him: Who's that another emo?
Me: No she's my bestest friend in the whole world
Him: I'm going to my little brothers trunk or treat at Atwood (my little sisters school)
Him: we are matching in army uniform
Him: I'm not Amelia btw
Him: yay candy
Me: Wait then who are you?????? (Gotta stick to being dumb)
Him: I'm your crush 😈(eww)
Him: Amelia gave me your number
Me: I have a crush when did that happen?????
Him: now I'm helping my brother with his homework give me 2 minutes
Me: Kk mystery person
Him: I can use Snapchat on my computer I found out
Him: ryker6741(his snap lol harass him)
Him: Your name is emofishstick right?
Me: Yeah
Him:ok added also Melanie but take away the l that's you
Me:what?? Oh I'm slow
Me: also I added you back whoever you are
Him: Do you want some of my candy I got
Him: I got chocolate I got candy I got stuff
Me: What's stuff😭
Him: stuff
Him:when you going to sleep
Him:yay it's 3am
Him:it's 830am
Him:I don't need a lot of sleep
Me:babysitting rn
Him: busy gaming
Me: K at a friends rn
Me: Lol asking all my friends  for advice so like what do I say if someone asks me if I'm single 🤔
Him: I'm pretty damn sure your single
Him: And ready to mingle HAHAHAAHSHSSHHD
Him: How to delete text messages
Him:how to delete
Him:what r u being for Halloween
Me: Me and my friends are being frat Boyz
Me: Yeah next year me and my friend are being tiki and plage from miraculous ladybug
Him:well if that's what you want to do kinda lame but okay
Me:I'm being forced
Him: well what do you want to be
Me: dead
Him:oh don't:'(
Me:I will
Him: Do girls actually start their periods 13-15
Me: No it's actually younger
Him: oh
Him: What do you do in your free time?
Me:read ig
Him really
Him: I play games and watch YouTube I ride my bike with my friends I ride my bike alone I play with my little brother and sister
Him: Only reason I'm not a horrible human being is because I wanna be a good role model for my siblings tbh
Me:(aka my friend): I don't care
Me: Leave me alone you pychopathic creepy
Me: Creepo*
Him: What the fuck
Him:that's sad
Him:I'm joking
Me: you fag
Him: What did I do to YOOU
Me: Text me that's what
Me: Leave me alone u fag
Him: Flabbergasted
Me: You have one brain cell and it's crippled just like you
Him: Did someone take your phone or something
Him: Who are you and why are you so violent
Me: I'm sick of you you faggot
Him:sick of what what did I do
Me: I'm sick of you texting me you dumb fucking faggot
Him: It's nearly Halloween why you being negative
Him: you need to chiiil
Him: One second we were talking about our likes and dislikes and all of a sudden you call me a psychopathic creep weirdo 😶
Me actually: Sorry just not in a good  mood
Him: 😶 Were you hangry
Him: That ruined my morning because I don't even know what I did 😭
Him: A relationship without problems isn't a relationship
Him: Everyone gets angry ig
Me: Yeah sorry I haven't slept in 2days (not lying)
Me: Wait wym "relationship"What's that supposed to mean
Him: Hush up (how dare)
Him:why haven't you slept
Him: Only reason I stay up all night is if I'm playing rust with my friends
Him: I never really use my phone that much So do you have discord or something
Him: I'm gonna take a shower
Him: Halloween is gonna be awesome
Me:nah sorry (no discord)
Me: 8 days till my birthday
Him: why you telling me this you not even gonna invite me or anything 😒
Me: Nah jst telling all my friends
Him: Well todays my birthday and you didn't even say happy birthday 😭 Your so heartless I'm joking It's not my birthday
Me: Well happy birthday anyway
Him thank you
Him:sends two TikToks
Him: Everyone has shitty costumes (like his was good he looked like an old fart)
Me: I'm such a slay
Him:I doubt it I'm an honest man I'll believe it when I see it
Me: Mhm sureee
Me (more friends): You wouldn't understand You bald headed man of a man Btw we not in no relationship i mean your ugly but I guess we can be friends
Me:that was my friend
Me: Everything above was my friend
Him: Good way to start my morning ig
Me (friend): Good I hope you feel better Not Friend Again
Him: How
Much time you spend on your costume
Me: 0
Him sends TikToks
Him: How do your friends always get your phone
Me: Because
Him: What's horny mean(wtf)
Him: My friend chase said it
Him: I dooooonttt know what it means(suuuure)
Me: then look it up
Him:can't tell me what to do heheheh
Me:then I will I don't see a problem
Me: I need bleach for my eyes
Him: What was it
Him: I went to sleep at around 3 Am Didn't even sleep I passed out
Me(friend): Don't give a FUCK
Me: Faggot
Him: I'm to tired to care I been over this 1000 times
Me: Go suck balls Dick rider Dusty rusty door knob built fag
Him: :/
Me: I Sinsirly apologize for my words (not even mine tho)
Me: Ok  I'm going back to sleep
Me:I wish
Me(not): Don't talk to my friends you weirdo. If I don't wanna talk to u or if I wanna be mean I will
Me: U fag
Him: Bro who is this Talking rn
Me: What did u get 4 2nd quarter
Him: None of your business
Him: Always so mean to me
Me:nah my friends are
Him:nah you are I'm not stupid (yes you are)
Me: Nah it's my friends they do it cuz I'm not to be trusted
Him: Wdym not to be trusted What did you do
Me:a lot
Him: Freaky?
Me:huh? (Literally gonna kms)
Me: I've snuck out multiple times that's why they have my location and also I love talking to strangers online (that's not even the worst)
Him: Wdym by that Talking to strangers online
Me: That's why I'm not trusted (totally)
Him: So like they check your phone? Which one of your friends called me those names tho I'm just curious
Me:lylah and yes
Him:what she look like
Me:*shows pic*
Him and me talking about games
Him: I'm not
Next to any of my
Friends in drama And I'm right next to the teacher so I have to be good 😭😭😭😭
Him: I Edged to you(ew WTAF)
Me:you'll be fine
Him: I didn't have my phone the whole week sorry But it's alright since you got that British dude to keep you company right ?
(Dude I became friends with when I started streaming but I quit)
Me: I think he  's dead (no joke I can explain if you want)
Him:Melanie I got a question
Him:do you have a trampoline (I have a little sibling)
Me:yeah why?
Him:do you live near train tracks?
Him:is there like a little park down the road?
Him:must suck living near train tracks
Me: not really
Him: Do a lot of trains go by
Him: ig it would be kinda fun watching the train go by
Me: Probably I don't pay attention though
Him: Oh my god I just had a idea
Him: Yeah nvm your busy with your speaker probably
Him:look who's back (was gone for a while because I was eating)
Me: yeah
Him:what were you doing
Me: dinner
Him: what time are you going to sleep
Me: Whatever Tim I fall asleep yesterday it was 6am
Him: Ik but todaysba a school day
Him: Girls don't stay upp late on school nightsssss
Him: Srsly though What time you going to bed
Him: I hate getting left on delivered
Me: Sorry was busy
Him: Hey what should I wear tmr
Him: Like I got adidas and new Christmas outfits and whatnot
Me: Idk I'm just going to wear jeans and a new hoodie I got today and prob some jewelry 🤷🏻‍♀️
Him: I'm gonna take a shower
Him: I hate that you have the notifications automatically on I mean the notifications automatically silenced
Him: ngl your probably asleep
Me: Shut the hell up
Him: Are you joking or do you actually want me to shut up
Me: Shut up
Him: Why you going to bed?
Me: No you're just blowing up my phone
Him: I'm not gonna say it nvm I was gonna say something
Me:idc I'm busy
Me: reading (Ao3😏)
Him: Ngl I never seen a single person read in their free time unless it's some smart girl teacher pet
Him: Unless your reading Text messages or something I don't believe you
Me: I was reading Ao3
Him: I didn't know timberland made shirts
Him: Some crazy country girl in 4th hour is like going crazy over me or something she's even in the hallways walking me to my classes sometimes
Him:Not really my type
Him: My type is people who have a trampoline in the backyard and live near the train tracks and live near a park down the street (replied)
Me: Country girl!? Who is she!! (He was talking abt one of my friends)
Him: Yeah I don't think your really getting what I'm saying but uh
Him: Her name is Justice
Me: Ohh that's one of my friends
Me: That's amazing my type is johnnie Gilbert, Jake weber, and Colby Brock (reply)
Me: Def better than yours (cuz mine ain't explaining where someone lives)
Him: I think minz better
Me: Nu-uh
Me:look at these men
*shares picks*
Him: Yeah Ik what they all look like I seen it
Him: Hey that's my jacket

My irl stalker messages Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang