Chapter 1

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Once upon a curious time, in the whimsical land of Underland, there lived a Queen whose heart was as cold and cruel as the kingdom she ruled. The Queen of Hearts, with her ruthless decrees and penchant for off-with-their-heads, struck fear into the hearts of all Wonderland's inhabitants. Among them was her daughter, a young and tender soul named Y/n. Y/n had grown weary of her mother's merciless ways and the constant threat of losing her head for the smallest of offences

Her mother's Madness had grown, ever since this Alice girl returned, Y/n didn't know who she was. She isn't from Underland, even called it 'Wonderland' according to the white rabbit. What a silly child. Y/n has slowly begun to grow tired of her mother's cruelty towards her subjects. She had never been quite fond of Her mother's cruel ways, what is Wonderland anyway? And who is this, Alice? Why has her mother's madness grown?

As the Queen of Hearts' madness escalated, Y/n found herself more perplexed than ever. The whispers of Underland and the mysterious Alice filled the air, leaving Y/n to question her mother's sanity. The once-tender soul, tired of her mother's relentless cruelty. In the dimly lit corridors of the castle, Y/n stumbled upon a hidden room filled with peculiar trinkets and ancient scrolls, As Y/n delved deeper into the room's mysteries, she uncovered an ancient scroll, tales of a prophesied return, a girl named Alice destined to challenge the Queen of Hearts' champion in a duel to the death. The land itself seemed to react to Alice's presence, triggering her mother's descent into madness.


"WHO STOLE MY TATRS?!" My mother screamed; I was standing behind her thrown. My mother loved her tarts. All her servants were in a straight line, they were mostly fish who could walk and talk. Mother walked down the line and asked every one of them if they had taken her tarts. Once she got to the last fish in the line she stopped, he had some jam on the corner of his mouth. He stole the tarts. He didn't even try to hide it.

"Did you steal my tarts?" My mother asked scarily calmly.

"No, Your Majesty," said the servant, she was starting to sweat and shake.

"LIAR" My mother screamed. "OFF WITH HIS HEAD"

As the fish was taken away by the guards, he tried to defend himself, stuttering he repeated the same phrase over and over, "I WAS STARVING! I HAVE TADPOLES AT HOME TO FEED"

My mother instructed her guards, "Find the tadpoles, I love tadpoles on toast, don't you dear?" she was directing the question to me.

"Of course, Mother, delicious!" I respond sarcastically.

She ignores me when she sees the Knave of Hearts, Ilosovic Stayne, the man my mother supposedly loves. I'm Sure he's just using her because she gave him power but not my problem.

"Majesty?" He calls to her from where he is standing.

"Ilosovit Stayne, where have you been lurking?" Mother said in a quiet but demanding tone.

"I found the Oraculum!" He scrolls it across her lap for her to read.

"That? Looks so ordinary for an oracle, doesn't it Y/n?" she questions me as if I'd know what an Oracle is meant to look like!

"It looks very Ordinary Mother, who would have thought it held every day in history!" I agreed. Stayne points to a day on the parchment and my mother gasps.

"I'd know that tangled mess of hair anywhere, is it Alice?" She doesn't seem pleased. However, I look closer at where Ilosovit pointed, Frabjous Day. The 2 queens are standing head to head on what looks like a chessboard, but that's not what I'm looking at, I'm looking at Myself. I'm Not standing Next to My Mother like you would think l am. I'm standing Next to the White Queen, on the opposing side to My mother. It Looks as though I'm holding someone's hand.

Whose hand was I holding? Why was I holding their hand? Why wasn't I standing next to my mother?

"FIND ALICE STAYNE! FIND HER!" I'm snapped back to reality by my mother screaming. "Y/n, I want you to go with Stayne to find Alice!"

"Yes, Mother." I quickly got my horse ready and waited for Stayne. He eventually was ready to leave, and he had Bayard the bloodhound with him.

"Find the girl and earn your freedom." Stayne was lying to him, and I knew it, but I couldn't say anything.

"For my wife and pups as well?" Bayrad asked, anything Stayne would say was a lie.

He thinks for a moment "Everyone will go home"

Bayard the bloodhound seemed to believe this and followed the scent of Alice.

"Dogs will believe anything," the horse says.

"Indeed, they will" I respond, I didn't believe it, but I had to pretend to.

And with that, we set off after Bayrad.

Word count: 828

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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