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It was 25th August 3027 in the kingdom of Laoliya. Laoliya was a kingdom, known for its beautifully clear view of the night sky and tremendous amount of moon flowers- mostly due to the kingdom being so elevated, and how their night is longer than the day. August 25th was an important day for the kingdom. It was the date of their annual "Lunar Gala," a prestigious and opulent ball held annually to celebrate diplomatic alliances and showcase the wealth and elegance of the beautiful kingdom.

Many royal and rich families were invited to the grand event, and all were expected to be present, as it is one of the most looked forward to social events held every year. It was the perfect opportunity for people to branch out their social networks and connections.

A man strolled through the glittering ballroom with an air of regal confidence. His presence, impossible to ignore, marked him as Prince Zhang Hao, the youngest prince of Uvista- A kingdom neighboring Laoliya. Clad in a custom-tailored silk suit adorned in the signature hues of his kingdom, pink and white, he held his head high, embracing the attention that inevitably followed him. Prince Hao's copper-brown hair was meticulously slicked back, framing a forehead that radiated status and pride.

In his slender hands, he cradled a white violin adorned with delicate pink carvings of musical notes. The scroll of the violin bore an intricate wooden sculpture of a woman with cascading hair, a sharp gaze, and scales on her cheek- a siren- which was a creature that the kingdom was known for. No one questioned the presence of the instrument; as it was a known symbol of Uvista's passion for music, captivating melodies, and harmonious compositions. Navigating the sea of faces, Prince Hao's gaze roamed through the crowd, sharp and intimidating, resembling the woman delicately sculpted on the violin's scroll. A radiant glow adorned his breathtaking face, causing people to halt in their tracks and bask in the allure of his beauty. Some couldn't resist the pull, drawing nearer for a clearer view, as if lured by the enchanting melody of a siren. In that moment, the kingdom's reputation for sirens became more than just a tale - it was a living, breathing reality.

As the vibrant tunes of the soirée enveloped the ballroom, Prince Hao moved with a grace that matched the elegance of his home kingdom, leaving an indelible mark on the crowd forming around him. The whispers of the attendees spoke of both admiration and curiosity

Suddenly, his steps halted. His eyes narrowed, shooting daggers at something- or someone across the room from him. The curious crowd followed his gaze and caught sight of a man. The man wore a skin-tight suit made out of dark leather, hugging his slim but firm build. He wore a long black sash adorned with an array of military medals at various levels. His jet-black hair was also slicked back, with a single strand resting on top of his thick and furrowed brows.

At his side, a formidable presence emanated from a large and thick saber, almost the size of his leg. The scabbard was decorated with a gold thorny vine design wrapped around black leather. Even from his stance you could tell, that you wouldn't want to pick a fight with him- well, even if it weren't for the stance, people would know not to mess with him. After all, the man was Prince Sung Hanbin. The youngest prince of the kingdom of Veleston. A kingdom renowned for its exceptional martial skills, strength, and unparalleled swordsmanship. The mere mention of his kingdom sent ripples of respect through the crowd, acknowledging the reputation that the kingdom held.

The crowd looked back and forth between the two, studying how different they seemed. The way the elegance of Uvista clashed with the toughness of Veleston was interesting to witness. It was almost unbelievable the two kingdoms were geographically next to each other, sharing a border. It was even more funnier once you realized how the two kingdoms were on the brink of war; only held back by a treaty signed centuries ago.

Prince Hao slapped an almost smug smile on his face before he approached the latter. "Prince Hanbin, I never thought I'd see the day when the useless youngest of Veleston graced this event. What brings you here?" Prince Hao's tone filled with sass.

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