In the first book:

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Percy Jackson left New York when he needed a break from all of the drama. He moved to Manchester, where he met Nathan McKenzie - his trusted bodyguard - and Big Bear - the man who owned the bar, Percy ran. One day, the Avengers showed up, looking for him. They eventually chase him back to New York and question him. Percy experiences odd blackouts where he does things that are out of his control - such as hurting Blackjack.

Percy then decides to go to camp, where he loses their trust. He teams up with the Avengers to solve his blackouts when he suddenly has to go to Olympus for his trial for treason. Everyone believed it was him, who was the bad guy. His friends betrayed him.

Percy was killed by Zeus, because the King of the Gods believed the demigod was a threat. Then they found out Matteo was controlled as well. Soon the Gods, demigods and Avengers figured the real threat was Uranus. What happens when the Greatest Hero to ever walk the Earth is dead? Will they win the war without the hero, or will they resort to dark magic? 


I hope you're excited for this book. I am.

Oh, and did you know that the Hypnos cabin is made out of mud... and has a rush roof? I swear, I sat for ten minutes just staring at the text as I found out. Like... It just seems really sad, like:

 Apollo's children: "Our cabin looks like a regular cabin! But if the sunlight hits it, it looks like it's made out of gold! What about you? What's your cabin made of?"
Hypnos' children: "Well... Uhm... It's made out of... mud... and it has a rush roof..."
Apollo's children: "Uhm, what?"
Hypnos' children: "But the red poppies on the door really makes the cabin pop!"

It just seems sad, I'm sorry, but it really does. I'm not over it yet.

Also, the Percy Jackson series was AMAZHANG! I can't wait for season two! I need to see Grover in a wedding dress!

Anyway! I hope you're excited for the book!

I'll go back to write about the statue.

Have a nice day, demigods!


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