Dark skies

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A week has pasted since May's unexpected death and not much else has happened since that day. Terra got to see Sir Darryl more since he escorted her where ever she went outside of her room. There hadn't been another challenge since King Gael was busy working through the political repercussions of May's death. Terra heard through gossip that May's father was absolutely furious at the death of one of his daughters and blamed King Gael for her murder. He didn't think King Gael killed May but he could have done more to prevent it from happening.

Lucy took May's death the hardest out of all the girls, those two were particularly close. Lucy and Terra were sitting in the garden once again, it had become their spot to hang out in. Sir Darryl and Sir Sebastian stood a few paces away from them as they waited for them to be finish hanging out in the garden. "How are you holding up Lucy?" Terra asked her friend gently while placing a hand on her shoulder in a comforting way. Lucy let out a sigh that shaked her entire body, "I just can't stop thinking about how she died, she must have been so scared!" Lucy whispered as she stared off into the distance. Terra reached out for Lucy and pulled her into a tight hug. Lucy hugged Terra back and started to cry over the lost of her friend. Terra felt something were hit the top of her head, she looked up and saw the skies turned dark and rain was beginning to fall.

Terra and Lucy rushed inside as the rain began to pour down heavily from the skies. Sir Darryl and Sir Sebastian came running after them since they had to stay in close proximity to them. "Well looks like autumn will soon be appon us, won't it?" Terra commented with a dreamy sigh. Terra loved autumn, it was her favourite time of the year. She loved seeing all the leaves turn a different colour that add a bit more vibrancy to the world around her. She also liked the food that would become more common this time of the year, she always waited eagerly for pumpkins to become available at the markets so she could make pumpkin pie and other pumpkin themed treats.  "Aye it will" Lucy replied as the two of them watch the rain fall down from the skies.

For the first time in a week the girls were actually expected to attend a dinner with the King. The rain had not stopped and was still pouring down as the ladies made their way to the dining hall. It was quite dark outside so the staff had to light the candles earlier than usual. The candle light flickered as they passed by each one. The women sat in the seats that were assigned to them, each seat had a name in front of it.
Terra noticed that she was seated closer to the King than she was before. There was only one person in between Terra and the King, unluckily it was Lady Willow.

"I apologise for my absence Ladies, I have been quite preoccupied with certain duties needing my immediate attention" King Gael explained to the room before Lady Willow drew him into a very long pointless conversation. Terra spoke the Lady Eileen, who was in front of her and Lady Aylin, who was sat on Terra's other side. Terra asked Lady Eileen about her brother since Terra hadn't seen him walking about anywhere in a while. "Oh you met my brother? Oh he is quite well he had to return home, some urgent business needed his attention!" Lady Eileen explained quickly to Terra. "Your brother was here Lady Eileen, the general of the army of the kingdom you call home?" Lady Aylin asked Lady Eileen in a curious way. "He was, he had business here and he did not tell me what he was here for, only that he would stay only for a day or two!" Lady Eileen said in a defensive manner. Terra could tell there was more to this conversation than what could be seen on the surface. It seemed that Lady Aylin had met General Alexander at some point in the past.

"Miss Riverglade, may I ask what you have been doing to occupy yourself with during the week?" King Gael asked Terra, the look in his eyes made her feel as if she was being interagated again. "Not much your majesty, reading mostly!" Terra told him quickly and she tried her best to not let her eyes leave his face, she did not want him to think she was being dishonest. "Reading?" He said with his right eyebrow slightly raised "What have you been reading?" He asked Terra with his eyes slightly narrowed. Why did he have to think Terra was doing something she wasn't meant to!
"Mostly books on the history of this kingdom and maybe a few cook books!" Terra said after thinking back to the books she gad gotten from the library a few days earlier. "How interesting" He commented dryly. Terra went back to eating her dinner and the conversation she was in before the king decided to talk to her.

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