The first day

385 11 10

Ok, so I got everything and... oh wait my notebook.
This is rep, she's starting at a new school.
Something about rep is that she never gets extremely nervous or anything.
,,Rep your going to be late!"
Ok I'll just wear a navy blue zip up hoodie and some baggy jeans, easy.
At school
Ok what do I have first... bio, ok can't be to bad.
Bell rings
Shit the bell rang I need to find the classroom.
Rep walks quickly in the hallways until she bumps into someone.
,,hey watch where you're going" ~K
Oops i didn't mean that.
Omg now I'm going to be even more late.
Rep continues walking quickly
,,hey sorry I'm late, I couldn't find the classroom, I'm new"
I hope she isn't mad
,,oh you must be Reputation, you can sit with folklore back there"
I think she means that girl with a white top.
Damn she's focused
,,hi I'm folklore"
Uhm do I just introduce myself to her, yeah.
,,I'm rep nice to meet you"
Shit did that sound weird, nah it didn't.
,,nice to meet you to"
Ok why does she literally look like a walking dictionary.
Anyways that's fine... i guess.
At lunch
,,wdym you failed math midnights, it's the second time you fail math, your  almost 19" ~1989
,,yeah yeah idc"~ Midnights
Ok so this is 1989 and midnights I met them in math class they're really nice and somehow 1989 is just 15 but ig she skipped a year, and midnights well yeah she's 18 almost 19.
,,so Reputation or can i call you Rep if you don't mind"~1989
Damn I just got a nickname, I mean my old friends used to call me that but it's from someone I just met.
,,sure, Idm"
,,you have a cool name I like it"~ M
DAYUM my first compliment but she has a gf I don't even like her that way.
I mean that was kinda lame but it's fine.

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