Chapter one

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The ugly duckling. That's something that I've been called my whole life. And to be brutally honest i was! People even mistook me for a boy at times. I've always known it. The only people who maybe me feel better, who made me feel anything for a fact where my friends. They where not just friends to me tho. They where basically my family growing up. And what was the best part? The fact that we where all rockstars.

I've always loved rock. To the point i started singing and playing the guitar all day long. I never took a break. But one thing i never do. Is talk. I can't remember the last time i spoke too anyone. But not just because i can. I mean sure i guess thats one reason. But its also because I'm pretending too be a boy. As i told y'all, everyone thought i was a boy growing up. Even my own cousin. The only thing that gave it away was my voice. I grew up in Texas, so my voice is very southern and girly. So i just never spoke.

When i was eleven my parents died. Which i never really cried about. They hated me, and i hated them. But before they died. The decided to ruin my life. First they putt a spell on me. Making me beautiful. But of course they wouldn't leave it at they. So they put a hood in me, covering my long blond hair. They made sure that no one could ever see my face or my body. Covering it all in black fabric. That only they could remove. It was a curse.

So after they died i tried to hide. But my friends wouldn't leave me like that. Not even after they found out about me and my family being wizards. But them being five guys, instead thought it was absolutely biching. And even helped me straighten my powers. Powers that had ran trough my family for generations.

We all moved to LA when i was fourteen and have lived here for two years now. And its been awesome. I've preformed in stage with them multiple times. But last night i got a letter that changed everything.

'Guys! There's an owl outside. Mid day!' Tyler shouts at us, bouncing around like a child. Tyler has always been very childish. He's the youngest of the boys being seventeen. I'm fifteen so I'm the youngest of the bunch.
'we get it Tyler!' Simon shouts back at him. Simon is the oldest, he's twenty one. He's also the bands singer.

'omg it has a letter!' Tyler says in amazement. Now where all looking at him as he takes the letter from the black owl thats sitting peacefully on the window sill in the living room. Tyler stares at me and hands me the letter. All the guys are now looking at me with the same shocked expression. The letter thats now laying in my hands read '' to  Saul Isbell'' but it didn't say from who.
I jump of the kitchen counter where i was sitting. My cape covering my body dragging on the floor. As soon as i close my bedroom door i rip open the letter. But there was nothing written inside. So just as any sane person would do, i burned it.

Instead of laying around and thinking about some stupid letter, i had to get to the studio. Like I've been training fore weeks. I manage to remove my cloak. Not without a struggle of course. And my face is actually very pretty without it. I guess they didn't think that far. Instead i put on a pair of denim low rise shorts, matched with a belt and red cowboy boots. For top i choose blouse with bows on the straps. I like to keep my arms bandaged, so I don't scare anyone.

As we head to the studio the boys wont stop talking about the letter. I just pop my gum in response. There latest guess is that i have a secret admirer. And to be fair it probably just that. We've been getting a lot of fan mail lately. which I don't really mind. I kinda like the way people see me. But i also hate it.

After practicing in the studio for at least an hour, I decide to go for a smoke break. But unfortunately i have to wear my cloak outside so no one will kidnap me. I made that rule by the way.
The guys know I don't speak, so i just have to point at the door and they understand. So once i had made it clear that i will not continue before i get a smoke, i can finally walk out. The sky full of stars and the cool night wind hit me like lightning.  But just as I'm enjoying my cigarette i get pulled harshly.

The alleyway where i was standing has no lights,  making it impossible for me to see.
'Saul!?' i hear a familiar voice say. Saul's me. Well technically I'm Nancy, but people my parent knew call me Saul because they can't bring there minds to understand that I'm not my dead brother.
'please tell me its you' the voice mumbles in my ear. And being the bitch i am, i had to ruin the moment by giving him a weak thumbs up.

'Look, they need you.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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