Love Across Death And Life

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'Look at you,' they all tell me;
'Look at how weak you've become.
It's been years already.
Won't you ever move on?'
But darling, how can I
When all I see are your eyes
Beautiful as they smile
Glowing in passionate delight
As they gaze upon me
Desperate for my prospering love
Every rising of dawn.

How can I ever forget you, darling
When your presence,
The mere knowledge of your existence
Is enough for waves of madness
To gush within the fragility of my heart
And throughout the day I feel light and giddy
An intoxicated fuel of exhilaration
And an overwhelming craving to drown
Within the warmth of your arms?

How can I ever stop loving you, darling,
When the cure to my suffering
Is a tender touch of your love alone?
I need you, darling,
I yearn for you to hold my cheeks, gently,
As darkness overpowers the glory of daylight,
Look into my eyes
And tell me
All about our dreams and stories of endless hopes.
Kiss me too, won't you, when we're at the happily ever after part;
And embrace me when we walk along the path of the past?

How can I ever move on, darling,
When you've never truly gone?
Your promises are never broken
Be it mid-noon, be it mid-night
Everything I do, every minute of my life
You're always by my side
Reminding me again and again
Of all the times we smiled
And of all the times we cried
Memories you're afraid I might stop clinging onto;
As if moments alone are what defines your existence;
As if remembering our love story is what keeps you alive...

'He's dead,' they all tell me,
'He's never coming back.
It's time you stop dreaming.
Won't you ever let reality sink in?'
But darling, how would they understand,
That love knows no bounds?
Death and life,
Across all borders, our love strives
And to keep our love strong as ever
Is my only dying desire...

Love Across Death And Life (Fictional Poetry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon