the snap

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Harry watched Sirius fall through the veil in disbelief a heavy feeling entering his mind and heart it grew heavier and heavier until harry felt something snap. Getting up harry raced after bellatrix "come back bella ! You can't run from me !" Harry laughed his killing curse eyes glowing. Bellatrix looked back her face growing pale after one look at him harry grinned and he leveled his wand at her "cursio!" Bellatrix collapsed on the ground screaming and harry began to laugh enjoying the wonderful dark feeling in his core washing through his body her screams only adding to the dark pleasure. Harry felt the dark lord come behind him and glanced at him with a evil smirk "hey hope you don't mind but I'm killing her." Voldemort blinked before a smirk spread over his face "think you have the balls to do such a thing harry ?" Harry lazily flicked his wand "Arvada Kadabra" and bellatrix stopped screaming laying dead on the floor Voldemorts eyes widened as he took a step back harry pointed his wand at him grinning like a madman "shall we duel Voldemort?" He said with a bow still grinning at the man Voldemort returned his smirk returning his bow "harry!" Harrry whirled "Arvada kadabra!" Watching as Dumbledore fell to the ground dead harry began to giggle "oops I killed the headmaster I wonder how many detentions that is." Voldemort raised an hairless eyebrow "you've gone mad harry." Harry shrugged still giggling not finding in himself to care before swinging his wand firing wordless spells the dark lord ducked and countered and harry couldn't help but laugh at the exaltation as he fought to kill the dark lord and the dark lord fought to kill him. "My harry you've certainly got stronger from the last time." Harrry grinned "your not so bad yourself Tom!" Voldemort growled at the name firing back a curse "tell me harry is it really necessary for us to fight after all you certainly know your way around dark curses perhaps we are not so different after all." Harry tilted his head in thought "you know I can't even remember why I'm fighting you. How odd " Voldemort smirked "why not call a truce harry ? I'm sure we can work something out." Harry considered the dark lord both had stopped throwing curses and studying each other "hmmm the idea has it merits I must admit what would such a thing involve?" Voldemort walked forward "I stop trying to kill you you stop interfering in my plans. A mutually beneficial agreement wouldn't you say?" Harry tilted his head in thought Voldemort wasn't a fool he knew a mad harry was much more dangerous than a sane harry. A harry that didn't hesitate to throw dark curses to kill his own headmaster was so much more dangerous he could see it in his eyes harry had thrown away his humanity. The harry he knew would have never done any of these things harry was now unpredictable and that made him ten no fifty time more dangerous. A slow grin appeared on harrys face "alright on one condition." Voldemort didn't hesitate "name it." "I get free rein to kill anyone who gets in my way." Voldemort smirked and nodded holding his hand out for harry to shake  as harry did a glow surrounded them signaling a binding agreement between the two madmen. "Harry no!" Cried a voice but harry couldn't place who it was. The moment the glow faded harry turned "Arvada kadabra!" Voldemort watched with amusement as potter's little mudblood fell dead "herminoie no!" Cried potter's little blood traitor harry watched them with no emotion in his eyes other than his own sick twisted amusement. Voldemort realized with a shiver down his back that potter didn't recognize them he was to far gone and knew he was lucky potter recognized him. Voldemort drew Harry's attention back to him "harry if you would like I can take you from here I doubt you would like to spend any time in azkaban. Which you most surely will if you stay here." Harry turned glowing eyes to him and nodded Voldemort placed a hand on Harry's shoulder and aparated them away.

A week later

It was snape who explained to Harry's friends or what was left of them what had happened. "Harry potter was under tremendous pressure the moment he entered our world..the savior the golden boy and harry strived to live up to his title even if he hated it." Snape looked away "black had brought to our attention that harry didn't have the best home life...we ignored him thinking he was only trying to get harry under his care in hind sight we should have listened..the wizarding world was never kind to harry as I'm sure you all aware." The four surviving friends of harry nodded faces grim "with the wizarding world consistently turning against him or expecting him to save them...Harry's mind began to crack looking back there were several warning signs which we ignored...but the death of black sent Harry Potter over the broke what was left of his mind." They looked at him horrified "why didn't you do something?! Harry is gone Hermione's dead and so is Dumbledore! Why did you just ignore this ?!" Ron weasley yelled snape took a deep breathe "because we started to believe the legends we did not see harry but rather the boy who lived..a person we thought was unbreakable." Neville longbottum spoke up "is there anyway to save harry?" Snape shook his head "potter is currently suffering under what is called the black is a magic disorder that runs through the black family normally harry would not have suffered this because the black blood was to far removed however when harry was born black blood adopted him to make him the heir to the house to black. " snape sighed "the black madness happens when a member of the blacks families magic attacks their own  mind in extreme cases of grief rage or even happiness..there is no cure when a witch or wizard with black blood goes mad  the kindest thing is to kill them because once the madness shows itself there is no going back." The faces of the four were pale and Ginny was crying "so harry is gone forever?" She said through sobs snape nodded slowly "yes the harry you knew is gone killed by his own magic." She collapsed to the ground a heartbroken wail coming out her throat it was as if her wail triggered triggered the other to release their own grief as they all started crying even as they trying to comfort her. "" she said through her sobs "we...are...his...friends...we...owe...him...this. the others nodded even as their sobs grew heavier grieving their friends who died...Harry's body might still be alive but the boy who they loved was dead along with Hermione Granger and their headmaster. But snape knew it was his duty to speak up "you will not ! Harry is extremely dangerous he will not hesitate to kill you for even the slightest inconvenience!" You will leave this to the adults ! This is no job for a child!  "But-" Ron started "no mr. Weasley! If you try he will kill you without a shred of mercy or remorse!" He put a hand on his shoulder and softened his voice "we will not allow harry to  suffer anymore than necessary I swear that to you." Ron nodded "we will end his suffering as soon as we find him of that you have my word."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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