Family Is Everything

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       I'm running, my hearts are pounding in my ears drowning out everything else. Outside of the building I was held captive for 3 days is a forest. I stumble and rush through the trees, branches snapping and whipping into my face. I couldn't care less about the pain, or even the deep cuts in my legs that shoot out with intense pain with every step. I'm in rough shape but I push through all of it. I had to get away. I had to find The Doctor and Katrina. I needed to get away from Rani and her Tardis. I need to warn my family about Rani coming back. I hide behind a tree to catch my breath. I stand rigid praying I wouldn't be found. Around me the silence of the forest was deafening. Then I heard branches snapping through the woods a crowd of people were hunting me. "Find her! She can't be far." Rani's voice echoed in the distance. I shuddered, she had Torchwood agents on her side to aid in finding me and dragging me back to her lab for experiments. 

     I gasped and bolted forward deeper into the woods away from the agents. They picked up their paces too following not far behind, likely using technology to track my exact location. As I was running something sliced across the cut on my leg, I crumbled to the ground grasping my wound. It was a sharp branch that dragged across my wound. I breathed and gasped in pain. I wouldn't be able to keep this up. The agents were almost on top of me. 

Looking around at the shadows around me I focused on the darkness. I knew I could morph the shadows to hide where I was. I waved my hands and the shadows obeyed, they grouped together and formed a ball of darkness around my location. The commotion of the agents reached my location. They were confused as their technology was reading, I was right there. But they couldn't see me.  I held my breath hoping my abilities would conceal me. 

"It says she's right here." A male agent comments circling the narrow path. 

"Sure, it's not on the fritz, Rani won't be happy if we come back without her test subject." Another says squinting into the darkness. 

"She has demon abilities; she likely can manipulate the shadows around her. It's impossible to find her in this dark forest. Keep looking." The Lead agent commands his tech beeping louder as he gets close to the edge of my shadow. 

My eyes are wide as there's no way I could run if they see through my shadow ball. One of them Kicks the spot in the dirt next to me, I shudder and focus on staying quiet. "She's not here she's probably long gone." A younger agent complains frustrated. 

The leader stares right at me without seeing me, squinting into the darkness. "Hmm well either way she can't hide forever if not now we'll find her eventually, Aliens have very specific biology that's incredibly hard to conceal. Perhaps if we go after Katrina her niece, she'll reveal herself." 

The agents move out of the area their lights fading into the dark of the forest. They let me go. I couldn't believe I got away. I suck in breath moving my injured leg and manage to stand up limping though the forest. I had to find Katrina before Torchwood and Rani did. 


  I stumbled upon a neighborhood I knew was close to Katrinas home. It was about midnight at this point I guessed since I couldn't read my watch in the dark. I walked around the back of her house and glanced up at her window on the second story. Her light was on pouring orange light out into roof. It seemed she was texting someone on her iPad likely The Doctor. She didn't notice me. I pursed my lips. I didn't want to wake up anyone else I had to do this quietly. I picked up a rock and floated it up with my shadows, I used it to tap on her window a few quick taps.

I stood there waiting till finally she shifted to the window looking out. At first, she didn't notice anything till she looked down at the driveway. She gasped and said something, but it wasn't heard. She opens her window pushing it up and looked surprised "Grey! how are you here!" She whispers loudly. 

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