Chapter 1: New student

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When I woke up I looked at my alarm clock to see it was 3:30p.m I crawled out of bed still feeling groggy. I moved part of my curtain back so I could look out my window seeing it was raining most people hated the rain. But not me I guess I loved it since my name is Raine Luna Hartwell I'd prefer to just be called Raine for short. I sighed closing my curtain back up today was my first day of college and the classes I was studying for to be a photographer, singer and taking drawing classes on the side. I opened my drawers pulling out some black skinny jeans setting them on my bed then walked to my closet opening it up deciding on a Avenged sevenfold shirt. I went into the bathroom to shower after I was done and was fully dressed I started applying black eyeliner on then looked in the mirror smiling. I loved how i dressed plus having black around my eyes I hurried up putting my motorcycle boots on grabbed my bag and headed out the door. Luckily the campus wasn't too far from my house, the only bad thing was walking in the rain but I didn't mind it. But one thing I had to be careful about there were rumors going around about vampires living in my town. Gotta love small towns as gossip gets around faster than newspapers do. As I got to the campus I saw my friend Arrin and Kaleb I smiled as Arrin teased me saying "And I thought I sleep too much." She laughed as I playfully punched her arm "I had a bad dream okay." I said back joking around too then out of the corner of my eye I saw a guy in full black not too far from me staring at a piece of paper like he was lost. I whispered to Arrin and Kaleb "Who's that guy over there? " motioning my eyes to him then they both looked "Oh I think that's Ricky Horror he's new here." Kaleb whispered Arrin stood close to me whispering so he couldn't hear her "He could be the vampire everyone is talking about. Raine don't look now but he's coming over here." She nudged me playfully I blushed when he tapped my shoulder "D-Do you have this class with me?" He asked nervously as I looked at his paper then up at him "okay I gotta say he looked hot I mean those blue eyes were enough to make a girl weak at the knees."

As I was thinking to myself mesmerized by him a little he waved his hand in front of me I snapped out of it "Wait what did you ask me?" I said blinking at him in confusion he shook his head showing me his schedule. I blushed again "oh yeah I have that class with you. " He smiled at me shyly as I adjusted my bag on my shoulder. "Want me to carry that for you?" He asked as he put his schedule in his pocket I shook my head no "It's okay I got it," I replied then walked to my locker as Kenzie, Kaleb, and Ricky walked with me. As I got to my locker I saw some students scattering clearing the hallway fast. I heard a familiar voice say "Get out of my way nerd!" She yelled shoving a guy out of the way. It was Mara and her little clicks following close behind her. Shelby is the type of person that has to have everything to be perfect about her like her eyebrows, make up, clothes everything. She noticed me at my locker "I'm surprised you even managed to make it to school today Rainie." She said in a snotty voice I rolled my eyes "It's Raine for the thousandth time but like you would remember since you probably don't have a brain!" I said smarting off to her she pushed me against the lockers "Watch it freak I will mess your face up!" She snapped Kaleb and Arrin stepped in "Why don't you go blow a guy already Mara since that's all you know how to do!" Arrin snapped Shelby glared at her then snapped her fingers as her and her little clicks left. "Thanks for that Arrin ." I said looking at her smiling Kaleb looked at her then laughed "Now that was awesome!" He held up his hand as she smacked it giving him a high five. The bell rang as we headed to class I sat in my usual seat in the back as Ricky sat next to me he smiled nudging me whispering "Look in your notebook." I nodded so the teacher couldn't hear us I looked and found a note he wrote for me. "Hey we should hang after school I want to get to know more about you. Signed Ricky Horror. P.S your very attractive." I blushed as i couldn't stop smiling either as I have never gotten a note from a guy before. School seemed to pass by in a blur as I was heading to my locker to get my stuff. "Hey Raine see you tomorrow." Kaleb said to me waving as he left Arrin already left and went home.

When I shut my locker heading out the door I saw Ricky but was talking to another person in full black I couldn't see his face at all then got sudden chills when he looked at me and I could see was glowing white eyes. I was getting ready to leave when he caught up to me "Hey don't forget we're hanging out. I'm taking you somewhere special. " He said smiling at me "You can't give me a hint?" I said to him playfully nudging him he laughed a bit then looked behind him as the person he was talking to disappeared already I looked around trying to find that mysterious person but shrugged it off. "Nope, but be ready by 4 okay and I'll text you when I'm there." He said waving his hand he left. As I got home heading upstairs he didn't exactly say what to wear so I figured just casual. I hurried up and showered putting on my H.I.M shirt along with my moto jacket. As I was waiting I looked out the window and saw him I smiled heading out the door telling my parents bye he opened the door for me as I got in the car. He shut it then got in the car really fast I looked at him "Wow that was fast." I giggled he smiled "Well I'm excited to where I'm taking you." He replied "Can't you just give me one little hint?" I asked trying to give him puppy dog eyes which made him laugh "Nope it's a surprise. But put this on though." He handed me a blindfold I pouted putting it on, what seemed like hours of being in the car I felt it stop. He got out.. He got out opening my door grabbing my hand. "Okay keep the blindfold on and hold onto my hand okay." He smiled leading me through the woods as I could hear what sounded like water. "You can take the blindfold off now." As I took it off I saw a beautiful small lake with a small waterfall draining into the lake I smiled "Ricky it's beautiful!" I said excitedly looking around he led me to where he had a blanket set up pulling me down next to him. He smiled looking at me "I figured you'd love this place. I like coming out here whenever I need to clear my mind and just to get away for awhile." I looked at him "Well whenever you're having a bad day just call me and I'll come out here with you." He smiled more pulling me close to him then he lifted my chin towards him as he was going to kiss me but stopped. I smiled up at him quickly kissing his cheek which made him blush. I giggled "Awe someone's blushing!" He tried to hide it by looking away but made him look back at me. "No hiding okay."

I smiled at him he laid his head on top of mine as we watched the sunset together. It started to get dark out as he helped me up cleaning up the stuff putting it his bag when we heard a rustling sound "Stay here I'll go check it out." He walked to the noise disappearing Ricky couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Chris. Ricky whispered so I couldn't hear him "What are you doing here?" "The boss told me to check up on you guys. He said "Once you get her to trust you enough to bring her to him." Chris replied "Chris I- er I don't. Chris replied "Chris I- er I don't know I can't do that to her. It just doesn't seem right to me." Ricky replied looking down then at me as he could barely see me now. Chris slammed Ricky into the tree "You do as the boss says! Or else I will bring her to him and surely you don't want that do you?" Chris snapped then let go of him as Ricky was wincing in pain "Okay fine I'll do it." Ricky answered afraid if he didn't Chris was going to hurt him. "Good no mistakes either Ricky and you have one week bosses order." Chris said walking out of the woods. Ricky stood up brushing himself off walking back to me leading me out of the woods. Ricky drove me home in silent I looked at him worried something was wrong as he pulled into my drove away and parked the car. He got out opening my door "Hey you okay?" I asked him he nodded but he didn't seem okay to me. It was like something was bothering him that he couldn't tell me. "Yeah I'm alright just tired is all." He said forcing a smile on his face then kissed my cheek getting back in the car driving off. I shook my head still confused then headed inside and went to sleep replaying the night over and over then drifted off to sleep.

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