Mission save the crazy kids (marvel actors)

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It was a beautiful saturday morning for a group of Loki fans. One of those fans was meeting Tom Hiddleston that saturday and everyone else in that group was so excited for her. They were on their phones all day waiting for the video's and pictures the friend would send them of Tom. No one could get their eyes off their phone's. Finally after waiting for hours they got a message, but it wasnt what they expected...

They got a recording from Tom Hiddleston. The recording was about a minute long and was basically Tom telling he loved the people from that group. He also told them he would be online for a while and that they are allowed to ask him questions and just talk with him. The fans were so exctied and ofcourse didnt let the chance to chat with Tom slip and so they immideately began talking with him.

They chatted for a while, but Tom had other fans to meet in real life and couldn't continue chatting with them. He however didn't want to stop chatting with the group and so he asked the girl that was meeting him for the link to join the group. Later that day after the meet and greets Tom joined the group.

In the first few day of chatting with them he soon figured out they all would love to meet him, but many couldn't because of the price and/or because the meeting greets are so far away from them. It pained him that these kids couldn't meet him. Tom being the amazing person he is wanted to make their wish of meeting him come true. So he came up with a plan.

 He would rent a big mansion with an even bigger garden and have a free meet and greet with them there. He also rented a private jet that would pick everyone of the group that wished to meet him up, that way they didn't have to pay for a plane ticket either. He setted a date that he knew everyone could go and the plan got in motion. 

Everyone got picked up and in one day everyone was together. The fans that only talked online soon began to chat with each other and also with Tom. Everyone was happy and smiling and just enjoying their time. All of a sudden the group heard sounds outside. They all were confused since they thought everyone was here, however what they didnt know was that Tom had 1 other big surprise for them. He had invited his co-actors without telling the group and it seems like they finally arrived. 

The front door got thrown open and Robert Downey jr. walks dramatically in followed by: Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tessa Thompson, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemswoth, Elizabeth Olsen, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfeld.

The fans heard the front door get thrown open and walked to where the sound was coming from to check it out. What they saw got them all in shock. They couldn't believe their favorite actress's and actors were standing in front of them. The shock soon passed and the group began hanging out and talking with all the actors. 

They stayed in this mansion for a week and for most of the fans this was the best week of their life. But you know what they say: "time flies when you are having fun" and it really did. Soon the week had passed and everyone got brought home by the private jet. 

But just because this week had passed didnt mean the fans stopped talking with the actors, noooo. In that week in the mansion the fans got the phone numbers of the other actors and they included them in the online group. Safe to say all the fans spend way to much time on their phone's chatting with the actors. 

Time passed and the actors got to know the fans very well, one thing they realised was that the fans home lives aren't that great. They wanted to help so the actors began chatting each other about it in another group that didn't include the fans. Soon they came up with: Mission save the crazy kids (Robert Downey Jr. wanted it to have a mission name).

The actors began adopting the fans one for one and in record time they were all adopted by atleast 1 actor. The actors also bought a big house, just like the mansion they stayed in before, together and the fans and actors moved in together. At first it felt a bit akward for all of them. The fans were all excited and freaked out about the fact that their favorite actors had adopted them and the actors were surprised they actually went through with the mission.

And while it was akward at the beginning, everyday it got less akward and they began to become a real family. They went went on fun trips together like a theme park and the zoo, they even went to disneyland and damn that was one hell of an interesting trip. The fans enjoyed their time so much it just felt so unreal. It was very real tho.

They all grew up and finished their studies, got a job they liked, etc. Some of the fans became co-actors of their own parents (the actors) and procceeded an acting carrier, others just got another job they liked very much. and while everyone grew up and go their own lifes, the bond that was between the new found family was unbreakable.






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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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