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In the aftermath of a successful extermination, the pride ring lay in ruins, a grim testament to the violence that had unfolded. Amidst the blood, fire, and corpses, the unopened Happy Hotel stood unharmed, a beacon of hope in the darkness. Charlie, her pregnant belly prominently showing, stood on the rooftop, her worried gaze taking in the devastation. She rubbed her bump, a gesture of both concern and protection.

"Will the Happy Hotel even work...?" Charlie's voice was soft, laden with uncertainty. The idea of failure weighed heavily on her, knowing that her unborn child might grow up in such a harsh environment.

"I, for one, think it will work, Char." A chuckle interrupted Charlie's thoughts, causing her to jump slightly. She turned to see Vaggie walking towards her, a reassuring smile on her face. With a quick kiss, they shared a moment of silent understanding, their worries unspoken but palpable in the air.

As they surveyed the carnage before them, a sense of determination settled over them. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, they knew they had to try. Charlie and Vaggie entered the Happy Hotel, they immediately set about cleaning up the lobby, a task made easier by their combined efforts Once the initial mess was tidied, they exchanged a determined glance before setting off to find Angel Dust.

They found him lounging in the gunky part of town, a smirk playing on his lips as he glanced up at their approach. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Little Miss Princess and her bodyguard. What brings you two lovebirds to my humble abode?"

Vaggie's grip tightened on her spear, her expression darkening with anger, but Charlie remained calm, her demeanor unwavering. "We're here to offer you a chance, Angel. A chance for redemption, a chance to turn your life around."

Angel Dust let out a mocking laugh, his eyes flicking to Charlie's pregnant belly. "Redemption? Please, sweetheart, spare me the sermon. I'm doing just fine on my own, thank you very much."

Vaggie's patience wore thin, her voice sharp with frustration. "You think this is a joke? You think your life of debauchery and sin is something to be proud of?"

Angel Dust shrugged nonchalantly, but there was a flicker of doubt in his eyes. "Hey, it pays the bills, doesn't it? Besides, who needs redemption when you've got fame, fortune, and a never-ending party?"

Charlie stepped forward, her voice gentle but firm. "Angel, we're not here to judge you. We're here to offer you a safe place to stay, food to eat, and a chance to find something more meaningful than the empty life you're living."

For a moment, there was silence as Angel Dust considered her offer, his expression unreadable. Then, with a sigh, he relented, if only begrudgingly. "Fine, I'll give your little hotel a try. But don't expect me to change overnight."

Charlie smiled warmly, her eyes filled with genuine compassion. "We don't expect you to change overnight, Angel. But we believe in second chances, and we'll be here to support you every step of the way."

With that, Angel Dust followed them back to the lobby, his reluctance evident but a glimmer of hope shining through.

Happy Hotel Baby Journey (Hiatius)Where stories live. Discover now