💜 A Harsh Reality 💜

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I won't lie to you guys, I've been stuck in a bit of writers block until I remembered something that made this chapter possible! This particular special chapter or chapter in general, whatever you wanna call it, is canon to Ignihyde's chapter and future events that will occur soon. SapphireGalax  let's see if this meets your standards for the idea you've given. This particular story will take place outside of Twisted Wonderland and with Proserpine. This will also not have a quote since the story's quotes usually go for (Y/N). Will this be sad or will it be happy? That's for you guys to decide but personally I loved writing this. It made me as the author feel...well let's just say you're in for a treat. Now then, with all that said, enjoy and happy reading.

"I think a talk is overdue. My name is Proserpine, I mean you no harm, I promise. Please do not be afraid, just take a deep breath, and let's talk. We have a lot to discuss." The purple haired female said as she kneeled down in front of the young fiery blonde haired boy as she patiently waited for his response.


💜 Earlier 💜

Gold slit eyes stared at the images before her as a smile appeared on her face. Everything was going rather well, for the human girl who's caught her interest.

"Halloween went well and she seemed to genuinely enjoy herself. The story is starting steady again but as it further continues, a brighter future is set in stone for her." The purple haired female said to herself as she averted her eyes for a mere moment.

"Human affairs are typically not what I involve myself in, but this case is different." She hummed as her eyes averted towards a different direction. The particular image showed the sight of the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters, the sight made the female scowl before the image changed as she gave a small wave moving on to different images.

"Reality is cruel, but it's simple to hide it with lies upon lies." She spoke as she continued to watch the scenery before flickering over at the flame Hashira estate. Her eyes stared at a particular figure before she let out a small content sigh.

"Children are easy to influence with such lies." The purple haired female spoke as she grabbed her pocket watch before stepping out now heading to her new destination. "Let's reverse the time for someone and show how cruel such filthy lies are for a human child."


At the Flame Hashira estate, the sun was slowly setting showing an orange red sky, the sight of a beautiful sunset. The estate's occupants were three, those being an ex-Flame Hashira by the name of Shinjuro Rengoku, the current Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku, and the youngest child, Senjuro Rengoku.

Gold colored eyes stared at Senjuro as he worked away, sweeping. A typical thing that the young Rengoku child would do.

Senjuro was in a slight sense of peace sweeping away in silence until the moment was cut off by a figure soon appearing before him out of nowhere.

"Ah, so you are Senjuro Rengoku? Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." A voice calmly spoke now alerting the fiery blonde haired boy. Upon noticing the sight of who was speaking his eyes widened in realization as a slow sense of panic settled within his very core.

 Upon noticing the sight of who was speaking his eyes widened in realization as a slow sense of panic settled within his very core

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