the 'france thing'.

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arriving at malfoy manor, aurora was happy her mother wanted to speak with her about her upcoming travels and hiding in france. when she learnt she hadn't changed her mind on the matter her happiness turnt to sorrow and anger.

tea had gone smoothly. until narcissa had bought up the 'france thing'

"please mother" she begged

"no and that is final. another word from you and ill have no choice but to- oh i dont know!"


"aurora. this is your final warning"

"until what? youve just admitted to not knowing what to do with me"

"ive told you for weeks now. you will be going to france this weekend, not another word. i mean it"

"what is the very point of this trip in the first place?"

"this war is no place for a young lady."

"i suppose that excludes you?"

"you suppose correct. you arent to write nor tell anyone of your location, not even i shall know where my child is"

"whens draco supposingly killing dumbledore? cant i leave after that? thats when most havoc will occur, no?"

"you will be leaving this weekend."

"thats 3 days away! not nearly enough time for me to spend what could me my last living moments with those i care for!"

"ill see to it that you get a visit with your fath-"

"no you wont."

"aurora you will be seeing your father for whether could very well be the last time"

"you make me go to him and ill be sure of it that you wont have a daughter anymore."

"say that again and ill have to send you to france now without your goodbyes"

"va te faire foutre" (fuck you (french))



when aurora left her home that conversation ran through her head like deer through a field. making her way back to hogwards, arriving at the school, returning to her boyfriends dormitory of which she had most certainly pretty much moved into by now. the entire time. she thought about the next few years she would spent in another country, unaccompanied. alone. seule. (alone (french))

"hey, whered you go?"

the sound of her boyfriends voice brought her back to reality.

he was laying in bed propped up on his elbow, holding an open book and looking up at her.

when she didnt respond, he marked his page and set the book aside, opening his arms for her.

he had yet to find out about her abrupt change of scenery.

rory made her way to his bed. everything felt like she could very well never do it again.

she sat across theos lap, her head on his shoulder and arms around his torso.

"what happened, love?"

"i have been writing. to my mother."

"hm?" he rubbed her back gently.

"i- i had to go to the manor today."

"is she well? your mother, i mean"

"shes fine as a daisy. i hate her."

"no you dont, princess"

"i do. theo shes sending me back to france."

"what? you love france? how long are you going for?"

"until the war is over.."

he spoke of nothing. his hand on her back stopped.


"it could be years until the wars over"

"i know. im sorry, truely i am"

"when do you leave?"



this is so shit but im trying to work out how to blend it all together without it being even more shit

thank you for all the support

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