Chapter 54

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A/N:Please leave a comment and don't forget to vote! You can also view my profile and check out my other stories if you like! Happy reading! I'm giving everyone a heads-up I'll be posting one chapter per week starting today due to busy schedules. I hope everyone understands. Thank you! =)

"Raven Louis Mil Leonardo, northern duke of the Aiden Empire." He introduced himself.

Akira was taken a back, the woman's easy-going personality contradicts her high status to be a duke's wife.

Akira nods his head in acknowledgement as he then replies. "Akira the seventh prince's dragon of the Drukurian Empire."

The duke furrowed his brows fro such introduction as his wife also the asked. "I didn't know there was a seventh prince... and you say your a dragon?"

Akira steps back from them before a black smoke suddenly engulfs him as within a few minutes a large black dragon is in front of them who has golden irises. The dragon roars as not far the married couple saw Prince Raymond and Prince Hideyoshi running across the large garden field to reach them who has worried faces.

The dragon leans its head towards the couple. Minho hesitantly touches it. The dragon stares back at the duke. Minho then whispered. "Akira would you let Raven?"

The enormous dragon slowly bobs its head.

Minho smiled and turn to her husband who hesitantly placed his hand on top of the dragons scaled nose.

The dragon leans further as the duke patted him gently and smiled. "Fascinating creature you are, pleasure to meet you."

Minho chuckles. "My husband looks like a child."

The duke stops from patting the beast and turns to Minho. "I'm honestly impressed is all. Don't tease me now, my dear wife."

"We we're worried yet you both seem to be enjoying Akira's company?" Prince Raymond cuts their conversation as they now stand a few steps from them.

The thick black smoke again engulfed the dragon and soon dissolved as Akira now barefooted and naked stands in front of them. The duke took off his thick coat and wrapped Akira as if a child and say. "You should be mindful not to go around bare when your in a presence of a lady."

Minho chuckles at his husband's words. "Husband your the only one I want to see naked, don't mind his words Akira." She playfully tells him.

The duke cheeks turn red.

Prince Hideyoshi chuckles as Prince Raymond clears his throat. "Akira, you've returned?"

Akira simply nods. "It's his birthday, it's the least I could do besides I'm betting he misses me too." He paused turning to look at the duchess. "You look a lot like the late Empress... her painted face on the royal hall..., the resemblance is truly uncanny."

Minho nods. "Everyone here tells me that."

Louis was running towards the crowd not minding everyone's eyes. He embraces his mother tight and as he pulls away, he then rambles. "Father and I we're worried. I was searching everywhere-"

Minho cuts him off by caressing his cheek and smiles at the child fondly. "Worry not further, your father found me."

Akira's voice breaks as he got to see the young ones face. "A-Azule?" He calls out. A different hair color from silver long haired to blond short haired yet has the same facial features.

Prince Raymond looks away as Prince Hideyoshi speaks up. "His not him, Akira... the young man's name is Louis D' Leonardo, the young lord and only heir of the northern dukedom."

Akira scoffs. "Stop making a fool out of me!" He raised his voice. "Azule! You bastard you had me worried-"

The duchess steps in and gives him a hard slap on the face, cutting him off. Louis held her mother behind him immediately right after. Minho then speaks up in annoyance. "His not a bastard!, his my son!" Minho's motherly instincts kicking in.

Prince Raymond approached Akira and placed a hand on his shoulder. "His not Azule... I know it's seems impossible. Eldest brother even behave differently towards this new relative of ours due to their uncanny resemblance to those closest to him."

Akira hesitantly nods as the words slowly sinks inside his chaotic mind. He looks back at the ranging mother and bowed his head apologetically for the first time and said. "Apologies... my words were crass..., it's just he resembles my old friend a lot... I couldn't believe he is a different person."

Minho sighs as he mumbled. "All right... excuse us then, my husband and our son will be leaving your Highness's. It's getting late."

The two younger Prince nodded as the family of three does their courtesy and leave them entirely.

Akira's hands turns to fist as he lifted his head and say. "The late Empress and even Azule perhaps already reincarnated and live this life as your distant relatives. Such a good start for them." He sighs. "In his new life how dare he forget about me."

Prince Hideyoshi sighs. "I think it's for the best that he completely forgets us. His last moments in this family weren't the best."

Prince Azule has tears on his eyes as he kneels outside the Emperor's main palace. Rain has already started from the side lines all of his brother's we're standing except for one.

Prince Azule heard footsteps as rain continues to fall. He turns to find his eldest brother suddenly kneels beside him as rain pours down them. "I'll be by your side." Prince Azure tells his youngest brother.

Prince Azule determinedly nods.

The two continued to kneels despite the rain. Prince Hideyoshi couldn't take it anymore. He walks in a fast phase to reach the Emperor's enormous doors carrying an umbrella with the rest of the other siblings following him.

The eunuch goes out of the door and faces the prince's as he bows. "His Majesty orders the prince's to leave now or you will get punishments for later."

Prince Hideyoshi then replies. "The death sentence for youngest brother's family's lover is unrighteous."

"A proof is given for their temptations of treason for the royal family. His Majesty stated and his words are final. Young third Imperial prince please take heed on the matter and leave before his Majesty's benevolence runs out. We all know he'll always give consideration for the other two prince's." The eunuch glances at the eldest prince and the youngest who are still kneeling outside about five meters away from them.

It's true the Emperor might not say it out loud but it was already obvious his affection for the other two siblings from his first wife and Empress were much more than them.

Prince Hideyoshi defeatedly nods. "I understand."

The two prince's looks up as soon as they felt raindrops cease falling on them. Servants we're using a big umbrella to shade them from the rain as a man stands beside them while the familiar butler was using an umbrella also to prevent raindrops falling on the said man.

Draco sighs. "I don't want to meddle but a good friend of mine grew concerned about the recent events in the capital." He paused looking down at the two prince's. "Clean yourselves up. Drink some hot tea and relax. I'll talk to him."

Azure slowly nods his head and turns to glance at his younger brother who's lips turning violet in color due to the cold temperature. "Can you help-"

Draco cuts off the youngest. "I cannot promise to save his family nor his life. But I swear to you in my name, I'll see to it that his family will have a fair trial."

Azule nods his head sighing. "I guess... that'll be enough."

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