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Charlie and vaggie made their way to the news station, Katie Killjoy and her other news reporter Jack, "it seems like Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious are fighting over this latest hot spot" She spoke while maintaining her large smiling jake feeling the need to input spoke up his eyebrows wriggling beind his Gas mask "I'd like to stick her hot spot, if you know what I mean" Katie only chuckled darkly "that's quite the subject to get your dick moving jack" before pouring hot scolding coffee onto his crotch, hearing him yell and bend over in pain had Katie's face never changed "or should I say, no dick?" Jack moaned in pain has he still went on his suffering inveterate. "Now next up is the princess of hell, daughter of the head honcho. We'll hear her proposal after this commercial break" Katie explained before turning to jack her smiling wavering "shut the fuck u-" the screen cut off before she could finsh.

Vaggie fixed her pregnant girlfriends tie, hoping it wasn't too tight. "Alright Charlie do you remember your lines?" She questioned her cherry girlfriend before rubbing her slightly large stomach. "Of course vaggie, but maybe I can si-" Charlie happily inclined before she left a finger being placed on her lip "no singing Charlie! This is serious!" Vaggie reminded her before glancing at Razzle and Dazzle, her girlfriends bodyguard tho they were too busy scarring down doughnuts.

"Alright every one get in positions we start in five!" One of the crew members shouted has everyone scattered to their spots including Charlie but not before kissing her girlfriend quickly, heading on stage she sat down, sighing heavily has her back ached slightly. Katie Killjoy's smile grew slightly wider "so Charlie, your newest project? How do you know any sinners will be redeemed and most importantly who in their right minds would go to join it?" Katie questioned mockingly has her eyes squinted slightly never once looking away from Charlie.

"Well we already have our first sinner, angeldust!" Charlie spoke confidently ad tried to add a hint of smugness in her voice before jack interrupted his mind drawn away from his scolding crouch. "You mean the porn star?" Charlie held up five fingers smugly responspondig "he's been clean for 2 weeks, no fighting,no thing!-"

He questioned while another TV in the room switched back to the turf wars showing angel Dust and cherry bomb, fighting against the egg minions. Charlie's eyes widened in disbelief "Oh shit.." She whispered before Katie quickly responded "oh shit indeed, it seems angeldust had joined the turfwar" Charlie, determined to salvage the situation, decided to lighten the mood with a song, her hand instinctively protecting her pregnant belly as she sang. The room fell silent as her voice filled the air, hoping to win over the audience. But as she finished, the room erupted into a mix of laughter, boos, and curses.

Katie wasted no time in delivering her cutting remark. "Well, that was pathetic. Seems like the princess of hell is another failure," she declared, her voice laced with mockery, joined by the laughter of her colleagues. Vaggie's disbelief was evident as she struggled against Razzle and Dazzle's attempts to restrain her.

Feeling the weight of the situation, Charlie's eyes darted around the room until they landed on Katie's ballpoint pen. Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed it, momentarily silencing the room. She looked around nervously, realizing the gravity of her actions, and stammered out an apology as Katie's demonic form emerged, ready for a confrontation.

As the tension escalated, Charlie found herself face to face with Katie, the air crackling with animosity. "I'm sorry, Katie, I didn't mean to..." Charlie began, but Katie's sinister grin silenced her protests.

Amidst the chaos, Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb took on Sir Pentious, their battle adding to the pandemonium. Charlie and Katie's clash seemed inevitable, their words drowned out by the commotion, their fight a physical manifestation of their conflicting ideologies.

Later, as they rode back home in the limo, Charlie leaned heavily against Vaggie, seeking solace in her embrace. Vaggie's frustration bubbled over as she turned to Angel Dust. "What the fuck were you thinking, Angel? You made us look like a fucking joke!" she snapped, her anger barely contained.

Angel Dust, seemingly unfazed by the chaos, flashed a grin. "Hey, jokes are supposed to be funny, babe. I just made them sad," he remarked, his cavalier attitude doing little to ease the tension in the air. As the tension simmered in the limo, Vaggie unleashed her frustration on Angel Dust, her words a relentless barrage throughout the entire ride. Charlie, exhausted and bewildered, could only watch as Vaggie vented her anger, unable to calm her down.

Upon reaching the hotel, Charlie collapsed onto the couch, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on her. She let out a heavy sigh, relieved to be free of the chaos, if only momentarily.

Meanwhile, Angel Dust and Vaggie continued their heated argument, their voices echoing in the hallway as they entered the hotel. Charlie, hearing a knock at the door, mustered a weary smile as she went to answer it.

"Hello, welcome to the Happy Hote-" Charlie began, her smile fading as she looked up and recognized the figure standing before her. "Hell..." she muttered under her breath, slamming the door shut not once, not twice, but three times for good measure before hurrying to fetch her girlfriend.

"Um, Vaggie... the Radio Demon is at the door," Charlie announced nervously, her hand instinctively resting on her pregnant belly. Vaggie's reaction was immediate as she shot up, grabbing her spear with a determined look in her eyes. "What!?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief, while Angel Dust nonchalantly sucked on a popsicle, seemingly unfazed by the impending confrontation.

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