growl of a beast

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Walking, more like limping, down the corridor was excruciating,  especially after getting beat up, again, even though it was this morning, it had been 3 hours in tremendous pain.

I hear laughing in the distance,  I know the voice anywhere.

Emily sanders.

The biggest whore in all of this city, but thats not saying anything as this town is tiny.

I turn the corner and see Emily sanders giggling flirtatiously, or trying to anyway, at the biggest dick in this town, Nathan nokhome. The biggest bully in this town, and thats not really saying anything as this town is small as fuck.

Anyway,  I put my headphones on and play stolen omen by black veil brides, I making my way passed them, or try to, when a giant hand pushes me to the floor, pushing my headphones of my head.

I hear laughing and I try to get up when I get kicked in the stomach. I fall back down in pain, and the kicks keep coming, when I thought Nathan was gonna kick me in the head, I heard someone scream

" HEY! JACK ASS, WHY DON'T YOU GO AT SOME ONE YOUR OWN SIZE! " the voice was kinda deep, but not overly.

Everything when silent for five seconds before I heard grunts of pain and  sounds of something hitting bone, then footsteps coming towards me, I didnt bother with opening my eyes, or get up, because either way, I get beat up.

I felt something I haven't had in a long time.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me, as if to keep me safe and to hide me from the world. " Are you ok? " I heard the same voice from before ask. I open one eye, and see the most beautiful shade of blue, slowly I nod. " Whats your name? " He asks me. The pain gets to much, but before I blacked out I said softly "Olivia"

And then everything fades to black.

lachlan's pov
She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, her sent is toasted marshmallow and cinnamon, and her eyes, i could look at them forever. I am so pissed off hat someone would hurt what's mine, she is my mate, and I am going to make everyone who hurt her regret everything.

As I pick up olivia, some whore comes over and puts her overly tanned hand on my chest, " why don't you drop that emo loser and come with me to have some fun? " She says trying to be flirtatious, but failing epicly, " sorry, but I dont go for the girls that have more plastic than barbie herself."

With that,  I turn my back and walk to my car, and put my little mate in the passenger seat.

I then get in the drivers side and drive back home, I am now glad my mother had the vision of my mate in trouble.

Once we get home I carry her to my room and lay her on my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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