Meeting the Eddie "the freak" munson

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Info: (your Steve Harringtons little sibling, although your 18, Steve still treats you like your 13, your friends with Dustin and Mike)

Y/n: "Dustin do I have to meet this guy, he seems scary"
Dustin: "yes y/n if you want to be apart of hellfire you need to meet Eddie, he's the dungeon master"
Mike: "you'll be fine y/n"

*we walk over to the table with Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, and Doug*
[The table was laughing as eddie starts saying something]

Eddie: "We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game"
*then proceeds to get up on the lunch table*
Eddie: "but as long as your into science, or partiesssss, OR A GAME WHERE YOU SHOOT BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS"
Jason: "you need something freak?!"

*eddie makes a demonic jesture at Jason, then sits back down*

Dustin: "uhm, Eddie.. This is y/n Harrington"
Eddie: " Harrington, huh?, you must be Steve 'the hair' Harringtons infamous little sibling"

*you finally look up at Eddie and realize he's staring at you longingly.. He never takes this kind of liking to anyone*

Dustin: "whatcha looking at Eddie~~"

*Eddie gives Dustin a very prominent stfu look*

Eddie: "anyway, y/n, how come I've never seen you around, aren't you a Senior?"
Y/n: "yea I'm a senior but I've been homeschooled my entire life cause me and Steve's parents didn't want me involved with hawkins high, but I decided to have Steve enroll me this year"
Eddie: "ahh, ok well maybe I could show you around after lunch~"
Y/n: "i- ok!"

*after lunch*

Eddie: "y/n!! Wait up!!"
Y/n:"shit Eddie I'm sorry, I walk fast"
Eddie: " its ok!!, what class do you have??"
Y/n: "science, with Mr.fitz "
Eddie: "ohh that's in the 300 hall! Follow me!"

*Eddie walks y/n to the 300 hall*

Y/n:"thank you, Eddie!"
Eddie: "of course, also would you want to get a ride home later?"
Y/n:"yea that'd be great thank you Eddie!!"
Eddie: "yea of course, y/n!!"
Dustin: "okok get a room we needa go eddie"
Eddie: "hold on Henderson!"
Eddie: "see you after 8th period beautiful~"

*Eddie says teasingly while walking away*

[Sorry if this was a short part, this is my very first wattpad story, so bear with me!! ]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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