The Tragedy

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Ivan was 20 years old and in his senior year of college. He'd done very well for himself, earning sm high grades on his papers and thesis of the importance of plant life in his Earth Science class and been held in high regard about his studies of the occult by his English professor. His professor thought it was rather peculiar that someone who did so well in the field of studies of plants and botany would have such a fascinating with something as completely opposite as the occult. Ivan had reminded him that they weren't so different seeing as how people who practice spiritual craft and magic often connect with and rely on nature. Whatever it was that drew him to it, he excelled well in his knowledge of both his interests.
Ivan was a rather good looking boy. He was 5'5 and had a slender figure. His shoulders were rather broad and his waist was fairly narrow with wide hips, thick thighs and long legs with well toned calves. However he did seem to have more body fat on his stomach and chest, something genetic he could never get rid of. There were two things he absolutely hated about his body. His stomach and his shoulders. He had a head of very long curly dark auburn hair that had strands of bright copper running through it, an arched nose, and piercing hazel eyes. His face was naturally colored, with somewhat dark pink lips, shadowed eyes, and natural blushing on his cheeks. He always wore outfits that were rather form fitting. The friends he did have called his aesthetic Punk Rock or Rocker Goth. On this particular day he was wearing a black shirt with a lace collar, a corset belt with silver and red lacing detailing, black ripped jeans with green and red fabric in a few of the holes, a long flowy jacket that was a dark red with green and black trim and lace, black leather boots with red laces and green high block heels, a red leather choker with three rings and two chains that connected from either side, and he had silver hoop earrings and his traguses were pierced with two small silver hoops. He had on a rather layed back face of makeup of with subtle dark pink blush, glossed lips with a brown liner, and dark pointed eyeliner with a brown shadow and lots of mascara to accentuate his eye color.
He was walking out of the university with his friends Garfield and Raven and his boyfriend Tim. He and Tim had been dating for about a year and a half at this point and he'd met him and Garfield and Raven while at the newer Gotham Mall. They all had a few classes together, and funny enough, they all sat next to each other in each one. Tim had on a white tee with dark blue jeans, a black leather jacket, black combat boots, and he has his hair spiked up and a little messy. Ivan liked when he looked like that.
The first time he and Tim kissed, Tim had his hair styled that way and he ran his fingers through it while they kissed. Tim liked to play with Ivan's long curly hair. He'd run his hands through it and brush it with his fingers whenever he got the chance.
Tim had his arm around Ivan's waist and was holding Ivan's left hand which was crossed in front of him.
Raven had on one of her usual outfits. A black graphic tee, black ripped jeans, combat boots, chains and jewelry, and a black brim hat with black sunglasses. Garfield had on a white and black baseball tee with a green falcon on the front, dark blue jeans, and green converse. I guess you could say it was really just a given why Ivan was friends with them. He and Raven had a mutual liking of the occult and Garfield constantly wore green which was the color of nature. With Tim, I guess you could say it was an opposites attract type connection. Ivan fell in love with him because he was sweet and made him feel like he could be himself around him, and Tim felt he could be more relaxed and a softer version of himself with him. Regardless of what it was, they loved each other all the same.
The four of them walked to the sidewalk and began walking toward the city for a late afternoon bite to eat when a bright green car zoomed over to them and came to a screeching halt. They all stopped in their tracks with wide eyes and in a state of shock. Ivan got a closer look at the car and who was in it and immediately knew who it was. He grew a bright smirk on his face. The driver's seat car door opened up and out stepped a beautiful redheaded woman with bright red lips, a green jumpsuit on, dark forest green heels, and a key lime green blazer with gold hoop earrings and an emerald green leaf necklace. "Hey cuz!", said Pamela. "Hey Pammy!", replied Ivan.
Yes in deed, Ivan was cousins with Pamela Isley. Like her, he shared the same love for plants and nature, as well as the love of the colors green and red.
Tim, Garfield, and Raven stood there with slightly concerned expressions that they had to try their hardest to hide. They knew who she was, but Ivan didn't, so they couldn't say anything. Ivan quickly walked over to her and they gave each other a big hug. "I didn't know you were gonna be back from you trip so soon!", said Ivan,"how was it?" "Oh it was great!", Pamela replied,"Harleen and I had such a great time. You know I should take you there some time. You'd love it!"
Pamela and Harleen had gone on a vacation to a remote tropical island with no industry and lots of forest, sunshine, and beach. A true paradise.
Pamela looked over and saw Tim, Garfield, and Raven. She knew exactly who they were just by looking at them. However she didn't really care, they were no problem to her. She gave them a bright smile. "Are these your friends Ive?" He looked over at them and smiled. "Yeah, and Tim's actually my boyfriend." Tim blushed and smiled. Pamela raised her eyebrows with a smirk and chuckled. "Well I guess it runs in the family!". Ivan had shocked look on his faces and laughed out of embarrassment. "Pammy!" "I'm just teasing Ive", she laughed. "Well what are you doing here?", Ivan asked. "Well I came to see my favorite cousin and take him out to lunch of course!" He smiled brightly. "Is Harleen in the car?", he asked. "No she's back at our house by the old BG", she replied,"your friends can come to if they'd like." Tim, Garfield, and Raven's eyes grew wide. Ivan turned back to them for their responses. "O-oh u-uh...", stuttered Garfield,"Raven and I actually have to get back to our apartment something we promised we do with our roommates!" "Babe I gotta get back to the house to help my dad out with something, but I promise I'll do lunch with you two later on, okay?" "Okay baby", Ivan replied. Pamela looked at him with a curious expression. "Your dad's Bruce Wayne right?" "Uh, yeah. Why?", replied Tim. "Oh you definitely look like a Wayne", she stated. "Oh well, I'm actually adopted", Tim said. "Hun, I know", Pamela said with a smile,"and your father's a very good man for taking in all of you." "Well I mean", said Tim,"Damien's the only actual biological kid he has." "Oh yes, little Damien Wayne", replied Pamela,"such a little rascal fro what I remember", she chuckled. "Haha, yeah!", laughed Tim,"he's definitely a handful." She looked back at Ivan and smiled. "Well, shall we?" She stuck her arm out for him to take it. "We shall", he replied as he linked his arm with hers. "I'll see you later babe", said Tim as he gave him a kiss. Ivan got in the passenger seat and Pamela walked over to the driver's seat. She stopped to look at the three standing there and gave them a playful wink, then got in the car and they drove off. The three of them felt a little uneasy. "Guys", said Raven,"should we tell him?" "No, absolutely not!", said Garfield,"he'll freak if we do that!" "Well he's gonna have to find out sooner or later", said Raven,"and before something bad happens to him." "She's his cousin", said Tim,"she'd never let anything happen to him. Besides, you know how she is about the people she cares about. I mean do you remember what happened to the clown after she found out what he did to Harleen, or I'm sorry, Harley?" Raven and Garfield looked at each other and nodded with an expression of agreement.
The bright green car parked in front of Bamonte's Restaurant and Ivan and Pamela got out and walked in. They stopped right in front of the host stand and the host came up to take their name and seat them. "Hello there! How many in your party?" "Pamela Isley, party of two", she replied. "Right this way!", he said. He sat them down at a table for two and placed their menus and napkins with silverware. "I'll be right back with your waters." "Thank you", Pamela replied. They both picked up their menus and looked at all the options. "So Ive, how's college going?" "Oh, pretty good", he replied. "I got an a hundred percent on my paper about the importance of plants in the ecosystem, and I'm still doing my studies on all that occult stuff." She looked at him with a curiosity. "You know I never really understood why you got into that, seeing as you've always been more fascinated with nature and plant life." "Well Pammy,"he said,"it just so happens that a lot of what happens in the occult is directly tied with nature. It's where a lot of spiritualists and magic users gain their power. I also think it's just very fascinating how much of the unknown is imbedded into the whole of the practices." "Huh, I don't think I ever knew that", she replied. "I just love the idea that you can have a deep connection with nature and how the earth works and have that tie into the mysteries of the unknown and the endless possibilities it can bring", he stated. The host came back with their waters and set them in front of them. "Your waiter will be with you shortly." "Thank you", they replied. "Ive, have you ever considered coming to take a job as a researcher in the specialist's wing of the Eco Labs?" He looked at her with a curiosity. "No, not really. Why?" She smiled. "Well I think you'd be very appreciated there because it just so happens that in that particular sector of the lab, they research all kinds of different ways to help enhance plant life with new all natural sources. I think you'd like what they do, especially with your particular interests." He gave it some thought. "Hm, I'll have to think about that." "What are you gonna get?", she asked. "Well" he said,"you know me, I won't eat anything with plants." They chuckled. The waiter came to their table and introduced himself. "Hi there, my name's Jimmy, I'll be your server."
Jimmy was a tall and well built man with dark slicked back hair and a very handsome face.
"Hi", replied Pamela,"I'll have a green tea margarita with no olives and one of those tiny umbrellas, preferably green please. And what will you have cuz? Something fun?" She looked at him with a raised eyebrow with a smirk. He looked at her with an obvious expression. "Pammy, you know I'm not legally allowed to drink in public yet." "Oh you're no fun", she chuckled. He looked up at Jimmy with a smile. "I'll have a Shirley Temple please, with a red umbrella if you have one." "You gotcha", Jimmy replied with a smile and a nod. Pamela looked at him with pursed lips that were curves in a smile and slowly shook her head. "Oh you are such a rule follower." "Hey I'm not tryna get arrested or sent to juvy for underage drinking, thank you very much", he chuckled. "Heyyy, love it up a little", she said,"you never know what could happen to you three years or five minutes from now. Have some fun, try new things. It's not like it'll kill you." "Well Pammy, not everyone can be as fun as you", he replied. "Oh please, you are fun!", she said. "What?", he said in surprise,"Pfft!" "You are!", she exclaimed. "Hey keep your voice down oh my god", he chuckled. "Seriously you are!", she said,"don't you remember all the fun we used to have when you were younger?" "Pam, that was years ago, way before I actually had to have a care in the world", Ivan stated. She pursed her lips to the side and had a slightly raised eyebrow. "Look, all I'm saying is you need to have experiences in your life. Take a risk, go do something new. Life is too short to be staying in your little corner and spending years, literally years, getting to where you think you might wanna be in life." He raised his right eyebrow and furrowed his left with a slight smirk. "This coming from the girl who's always at the BG and spending time with her flowers and rarely goes out unless it's on vacation." "Hey, at least I get out", she said in a playfully mocking tone. "Wha-, I go out", he said,"every Friday night I go out with my friends and Tim to the diner in the city and then later me and Tim go to the movies or something." "Oh please, that is not getting out", she teased. "Oh, whatever", he said laughing off her remark. Jimmy came back with their drinks and set them on the table. "There you are." "Thank you very much Jimmy", said Pamela. "So, what can I get you from the-". Just as he was about to finish asking his question, they started hearing a commotion from the kitchen. They looked over to see rapidly moving shadows on the tinted kitchen door window. Suddenly they heard loud booms, rounds of three going off with bright flashes. They knew immediately what it was. They were gunshots. Pamela and Ivan stared at the kitchen doors with wide eyes and rapid pulses. Jimmy's hands began shaking. "What the hell is going on", said Ivan. "I don't know", replied Jimmy,"but I'm gonna suggest we find our way out before something happens to any of us." "Good thinking", said Pamela. He put his hands on their arms and slowly pulled them with him. Just as they reached a table a few down from them they heard a louder commotion from the front doors and they stopped in their tracks. Justen then the doors blew open and a bunch of thugs came in with guns, bats, and knives. They were wearing purple and green with ripped up vests, army pants, combat boots, and their hair was in all kinds of crazy styles with purple and green and their faces has smeared clown makeup on. They were Joker's thugs. More of them came out of the kitchen and threw two of the staff they killed on the floor. Screams came out of many of the restaurant goers. A few of the thugs took out large black bags and started going around telling people to put their expensive items in the bags. The restaurant goers reluctantly but desperately started putting watches, pearls, bracelets, diamond necklaces and all sorts of other valuables in the bags. Four of the thugs were standing at the doors with their guns pointed at the people so no one could get out. Jimmy stood in front of Pamela and Ivan. He turned and whispered to them. "Whatever you do, don't move a muscle, just stay right behind me." Jimmy had his left hand on Ivan's and Ivan was squeezing his tightly. Tears began welling up in Ivan's eyes as he had a combination of anxiety, fear, and terror rising within him. His breathe was becoming jittery. Pamela had a stern look on her face. She could sense that behind the was a large vase of flowers on the table. She reached back with her hand ever so slightly and extended her fingers toward the flowers. Her eyes had a low green glow flowing through her irises. The flowers began to move and slowly rise out of the vase and its leaves started growing into long vines that twisted and writhed out and started growing thorns. The petals on the flowers became sharp and grew spines and spikes and the pollen started glowing and became alive with spores emanating out of them. Just then two of the thugs looked over and saw Jimmy guarding Ivan and Pamela. They looked at each other and smirked. They began walking over slowly with their knives. "Well, what do we have here?", said one of them. "Looks like this guy's tryna hog two beauties", replied the other one. "Hey buddy, why don't cha step aside and let us have some fun with em." "No", said Jimmy. "He said move punk!", said the second thug. "I said no", said Jimmy. The first thug threw a punch at Jimmy and Jimmy ducked. He came back up and punched the thug in the nose and he fell back with some blood splatter on the floor. The second thug came in with a surprise punch and knocked Jimmy unconscious. Ivan and Pamela went right next to each other with Pamela trying to guard Ivan. The first thug stood looking at them to decide who he was going to have fun with first. Like all creeps, he decided to go with the youngest of the two. I looked at Ivan with a creepy smile and went up to him. "Well, look at you, you pretty little thing. Why don't you let me take this little outfit you got off and show you how a man does things", he said disturbingly as he played with his corset, running his finger along the top of lace, looking at him with a perverted intention. Ivan frowned at him with a disgusted look and smacked his hand away. "Don't touch me you perv!" The thug squinted and came in more intently. "Ah ah don't be like that baby. Come on give me some suga." He put his free hand around Ivan's waist and forcefully tried to pull him into him. He tried to aim his mouth for his neck. "Ugh!", exclaimed Ivan,"I am not your BABY!" He punched the thug in the mouth and knocked him back. The thug wiped his lip and saw blood on his hand. He looked at Ivan and became pissed off. "Why you little bitch!" He charged at Ivan and before he knew it, Ivan felt the cold steel of the thug's blade in his stomach right below his heart. Ivan's eyes went wide and he began feeling immense pain. He saw his blood leaking through the corset and staining it deep crimson red. But more than that, he felt something strange entering him. He felt a slight burning sensation and something like a thousand tiny needles filling him veins and going up to his brain. He suddenly began to giggle and quickly began laughing. But you could hear the pain in his laughs. He fell over with a purple fumes and some strange type of dark glittering energy coming out of his mouth. Pamela looked at him in terror and anger. "You bastard! What did you do??" The thug held up his knife and that's when she saw it. The knife had a purple tint on the blade with the glittering energy on it and the handle had a tiny cartridge of Liguria laughing gas. "A little present from the boss and his little magician partner", said the thug,"it's a little happy kill with a magic kick, makes things a whole lot more fun!" Pamela was pissed now. "And now I'm gonna have some fun with you", the thug said. He walked up to her intently with his face right up to hers. She could smell left over whiskey on his breath. He grunted at her like he was about to do something sensually to her. She took her hand and grabbed his throat and dug her nails into his skin and they pierced it and sunk into his veins. Green enzymes flowed out of her hand and rushed through his veins. She took her hand off him and backed away. He began choking intensely as his skin started turning a pale green and he fell to the floor. His body pulsed and girated as the enzymes began growing vibes that sprouted out of his mouth and spiky flowers burst through his flesh. The other thugs looked at her with wide eyes. "Oh shit it's her!" She looked at them and used the plant she grew from the vase and lunged her hand at them and the vines shot forward at rapid speed. The vines grabbed them and began throwing some into the glass fixtures and they became impaled on large broken shards and the others were wrapped up from both ends and pulled apart. The last few were grabbed by the vines and two were sprayed with the spores and the last one was stabbed with the sharp flowers and they released enzymes into his body. All three turned pale green and had vines and flowers burst through their flesh and mouths. Pamela then commanded the vines and they wrapped up the bodies. Then, she reached to the floor and large vines broke through the floor and forced the soil apart to create a large hole that went very deep into the earth. The vines holding the bodies went down into the hole, then detached from the soil in the vase and connected to the large vines. The large vines then grabbed the soil and broken bits of tile from the restaurant floor and went into the hole and closed up the ground. Everyone looked at her both terrified and relieved the situation was over. "Everyone your belongings are in the bag. Take them and go home." Everyone quickly rushed to get their items out of the bag and ran out of the front entrance. Pamela then looked down at Ivan and went to him. "Ivan! Ivan can you hear me?" The only thing coming out of Ivan was painful laughs and purple fumes and the glittering energy. "Oh god", she said. She took out her phone and called Harley. "Heya Red, how's lunch with the cousin?", said Harley. "Harley", Pamela said,"some Joker's thugs came to the restaurant and one of them stabbed Ivan with a knife that was laced with a liquid form of the laughing gas and some strange magic energy. We need to get to Crane now!" "Oh shit! I'm on my way to his now!", exclaimed Harley. Pamela picked up Ivan and headed to the car. "Hold on Ive, we're gonna get you help!"
Pamela put Ivan in the back seat and sped over to Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow's hideout. He lived in the swamps of Maine outside Gotham. The place was a shabby little hut with dead vines and moss all over it and mud surrounding the area. There's was a dim light inside. Harley zoomed in on her bike and went to the car. She opened the back seat door and saw the state Ivan was in. "Oh my god, kid!", she exclaimed. "Harley pick him up and take him to the door, I'll knock!" Harley picked Ivan up and carried him to the door while Pamela rapidly knocked on the door. "Crane! Open up we need your help now! Crane!!" The door cracked open and they could see his mask and eyes. "Ivy, Ms Quinn, what are you doing here?" "Look Crane", said Pamela,"we need your help. One of Joker's thugs stabbed my cousin with a knife laced with liquid laughing gas and some strange magic energy and he's starting to go into shock. I know you have something that can help him and we need it now!" Crane squinted his eyes. "You know I don't do business with strangers-" "Crane this is my damn cousin we're talking about!", exclaimed Pamela,"my family! He's 20 years old and pursuing his dreams! Damn well help me or I swear to god I will make the earth swallow this place into the ground!!" Crane's eyes went wide with fear. "O-okay okay, come in." He led them to the back of the hut where he had all his equipment and science gear and experiments. There was a large table in the middle of all of it and Harley gently pit Ivan down on it. Crane put on a pair of goggles with a technological setup to look at enzymes in the body. They were silver framed with bright purple lenses that also had a green setting. He turned on the goggles and took a look at Ivan. His veins were a sickly purple and the enzymes of the gas were fixated to his blood vessels and slowly seeping into his cells. "My god" said Crane,"it's a miracle he's even still alive right now. At the rate this is spreading he should be dead." "Can you get it out of him?", questioned Pamela. "I can try to get rid of the enzymes from the gas, but there are no guarantees with the other stuff", he replied. He took a gas mask that was made from an old anesthetic machine and put two needles in Ivan's wrists. He pressed a button on the machine and a greyish green gas went into Ivan's mouth. He the same gas was concentrated into a liquid form and went into his veins. The greyish green antibody traveled through him and seemed to clear out some of the enzymes from the gas, but his veins weren't returned to normal and they became more prominent in his body. "What's happening?", asked Pamela,"why isn't it leaving his body?" "The antibody has cleared the enzymes themselves", said Crane,"but the effects of the energy have stayed in his body for too long. At this rate, I'd say he has two days before his body completely shuts down and his brain dies, maybe worse with this energy." Pamela began to tear up. "Dammit!" She walked away from the table and put her hand to her mouth. Harley went to her. "What are we gonna do now red?" "I...I-I...I don't...", she stuttered. She looked at Harley. "The only reason I'm immune to toxins and enzymes like this is because of the accident that made me what I am. He's not like me, and I...the only...way he could become immune and to save him would be for me turn him into what I am. But I...I-I can't do that to him, not when he has his whole life ahead of him." "Red, he's your cousin", said Harley,"from what I know you two we're like siblings. He's your family. You have to do whatever it takes to save him." "But he doesn't know what I am or the things I can do or have done", stated Pamela." If I do that to him, how do I explain any of that to him when he wakes up?" "You tell him what he needs to know and you show him how to control it", replied Harley. "Come on Red, you have to give him a fighting chance, now that he's at death's damn door." She looked back at Ivan on the table and walked over to look at him. He looked awful. His body was starting to look somewhat corpse like and his veins were a bright purple. Barely any fumes or glittering energy were coming out of his mouth which meant his breathing was slowing quickly. She began crying even more. She looked over at Harley. "If I do this, promise me you'll help me train and guide him. Promise me that you'll help me make him be okay." "I promise Red", said Harley. She took a moment, then looked at Crane. "Crane, take my blood and put it in him." "What?", he said. "Do it", she said. " realize what that will mean for him." "Yes, I do", she replied,"now do it. Save him, I'll do the rest." "As you wish, my dear", he replied. He took a large syringe, enough for two injections, and wiped her arm clean with alcohol. He stuck the needle in and drew out her green blood. He put a filtering tube on the needles in Ivan's wrists and placed the syringe first in his right needle, then walked over to his left and injected the left. The green blood rushed through his veins and they turned green. Pamela then picked Ivan up and took him out to the large greenhouse behind the hut. She commanded the plants and vines sprouted out of the ground and formed a spherical structure on the ground. She gently put Ivan down in the plant structure and the vines formed a cocoon out of enzymes and the structure closed up. It then filled with plants liquids and Ivan was submerged in them. Inside, some of the vines inserted themselves in his arms, legs, stomach, chest, and the back of his neck and began filling him with more enzymes to help the healing, as well as, transformation process. His body began glowing a bright green and the cocoon lit up with the glow. "What now?", asked Harley. "Now, we wait", replied Pamela.
During the night, Pamela, Harley, and Crane took turns watching the cocoon, waiting for any sign of movement or cracking of the cocoon. Nothing, nothing was happening but the light glow of the cocoon and Ivan's body.
The next day at Gotham University, Tim waited by the flagpole for Ivan to show up. 10 minutes went by, and no Ivan. Tim was getting worried. He kept checking his watch, muttering to himself. "Come on babe, where are you?" Raven and Garfield walked up to him and saw that he had a worried look on his face. "Hey man, is everything good?", asked Garfield,"where's Ivan?" "I don't know", replied Tim. "He hasn't called you or anything?", asked Raven. "No he hasn't", replied Tim,"this is so unlike him." Raven grew a concerned "I told you so" look on her face. "Honestly...I hate to say it, but I have to say I'm really think something-" "Really Raven?", said Garfield,"now?" "I'm just saying", she replied,"we might need to consider the fact that something could've happened to him, especially with who his cousin is." "Look Rave", said Tim,"I'm certain she wouldn't have done anything to him. He more than likely got sick and can't come to school today. Look I'll call him and Pamela tonight to see what's up."
It had been 18 hours since the incident, and still nothing. Pamela and Harley were getting tired. Ivan still lay floating in the enzymes of the cocoon. It was now 6:30 pm and Pamela hadn't left the greenhouse all night and all day. She was determined to see that Ivan would be okay. Just as she was watching Ivan floating in the cocoon, she suddenly got surprised by a ringing sound. She took out her phone and saw Tim's number calling. She didn't know whether to answer it or ignore it. There was just too much happening at the current moment and she didn't need Tim and Ivan's friends causing a commotion about it. So she just let it ring until it stopped. Then a few seconds later a voicemail popped up. She reluctantly clicked it to see what he said.

"Hey Pamela, it's Tim, Ivan's boyfriend. I didn't see him at school today and I tried calling him to see what was up but I didn't get a response. If you could please call me back so I can know what going on and if he's okay that would really be great. Thanks."

She put the phone down and started crying. "Please Ivan", she said to herself,"please wake up. Please. Everyone's so worried about you. Please wake up. I won't be able to live with myself if you don't."
The next day Harley woke Pamela up as she fell asleep sitting and watching the cocoon. "Red, go get some sleep, I'll watch him." Pamela slowly and slightly incoherently nodded and went to car to lay in the back seat. Harley sat down in front of the cocoon and looked at the outline of Ivan's body. "Come one kid, wake up. Everyone's waitin for ya."
Tim waited for Ivan at the flagpole again, and again, no Ivan. Raven and Garfield came up to him with worried looks on their faces. "Okay, this is getting scary", said Garfield. "What happened last night?", asked Raven,"did you call?" "Yeah I did", Tim replied,"even left them voicemails. Nothing." Tim's worry was getting worse. He stared off to the city and his eyes began tearing up. "Baby where are you", he said to himself. At 6:30 pm he called again, and again no answer and he left a voicemail.
Pamela listened to the voicemail.

"Pamela it's Tim again. Please call me back I'm getting really worried. I need to know if Ivan's okay or not. Please, call me back."

Pamela became impatient and worried sick. She got up and walked over to the cocoon. "Come on. Come on! Wake up! Wake up!!" Harley came in and went to her. "Red what is it?" "It shouldn't be taking this long", replied Pamela,"my process only took a few hours. He's been in there for two days and nothing! I don't know what's going on and I can't figure it out." "You can communicate with the plants", said Harley,"can't you use them to see what's going on?" Pamela looked at the cocoon and narrowed her eyes. She walked up to the cocoon and put her hand on one of the large vines. Tiny vines wrapped around her hand and her mind connected with them. She could see the enzymes working through his body. He was perfectly healthy, in fact, he was stronger now. But when she looked through the enzymes into his mind, she saw that his mind was completely dark. He wasn't even subconscious. He was just there, no sense of anything. It was like sleep deprivation on another level. This was something even she couldn't fix. She let go of the vines and came back to consciousness. She put her hand to her mouth. "It's worse than I thought", she said,"his mind is completely gone. His consciousness isn't even there. It's like he's brain dead." "Well how do we fix it?", asked Harley. "I have no expertise in this field", replied Pamela,"and his body can't function if his mind isn't fully there. His physical body is revived, but it's like his mind was pulled elsewhere by that magic energy." Harley looked off to the side with a troubled look on her face. Pamela looked at her curiously. "What is it Harl?" Harley looked at her with a hesitation about what she was about to say. "Weeeell, I know someone who can do something about this, but I don't think you're gonna like it." Pamela was now adamant about this information. "Who is it?" "You familiar with Doctor June Mune?", asked Harley. Pamela's eyes went wide. "The Enchantress? Why the hell would I ask her for help?" "Because she's the only person who can get rid of this kinda thing with something to supplement it long term", said Harley,"and I am not about to call up any of the other magic show wack jobs who I know for a fact will go snitchin to Brucie-boy!" Pamela considered it, but then realized there really was no other option if she wanted to fully revive Ivan. "Fine, let's go talk to her."

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