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"Um..vaggie the radio Demon is at the door. " Charlie spoke nervously had vaggie shot up dumbfounded "what!?" Angel only continued sucking on a popsicle not listening

In a flurry of nerves, Charlie stuttered, "Um... Vaggie, the Radio Demon is at the door." Vaggie shot up, her expression a mix of disbelief and concern, "What!?" Angel Dust, engrossed in his popsicle, seemed unfazed, merely glancing over.

With her pregnant belly heaving, Charlie anxiously queried, "What should I do?" Ignoring Vaggie's urgent protests, she flung open the door, revealing the enigmatic figure of Alastor. His voice crackled with static as he coolly asked, "May I speak now?" His lips curled into a smirk as he sauntered in.

Seizing Charlie's hand, Alastor greeted her with a theatrical flourish, "The name's Alastor! Pleasure to meet ya, sweets, quite the pleasure indeed!" Despite the less-than-pristine environment, he seemed unperturbed. He explained his curiosity about Charlie's "little bramble," likening it to the chaos of the 1929 stock market crash.

Vaggie, brandishing her spear, confronted Alastor with a mixture of defiance and suspicion, "Stop right there, you cabrón hijo de perra! I won't let you hurt anyone here, you pompous, cheesy talk show shitlord!" Angel Dust, intrigued, popped his head in, his expression a mix of curiosity and irritation.

Alastor chuckled, casually swatting away Vaggie's spear with a flick of his finger, "Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here, I would've done so long ago!" His demonic form briefly flickered, sending static coursing through the room. "No, I'm here to help!" he declared cheerfully, prompting surprised looks from the trio.

Charlie, still reeling, murmured incredulously, "What?" Alastor, tapping his mic for emphasis, retorted with a playful grin, "Did I not make myself clear? Is this thing even on?" The mic obediently opened its eye and nodded, leaving Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust to grapple with the unexpected turn of events and the enigmatic intentions of the Radio Demon.

In a flurry of uncertainty, Charlie's voice trembled as she addressed Alastor, "You want to help with... what?" Alastor's presence behind Vaggie, courtesy of a quick teleport, added an eerie touch to the already tense atmosphere. "Well, with this ridiculous idea, of course! I want to help run the hotel," he declared with an air of nonchalance.

Charlie, still trying to process the sudden turn of events, couldn't help but ask, "But why?" Alastor, undeterred, defended his choice with a hint of bitterness, "Well, why does anybody do anything? Sheer boredom, of course. I've lacked motivation for decades!" His words hung heavy in the room as he casually pushed Vaggie aside, prompting a sharp yelp from the fiery demon.

As Charlie gently rubbed her pregnant belly, a hint of humor colored her next question, "Does getting into a fistfight with a reporter count?" Alastor's laughter echoed through the room, filling the air with an unsettling energy. "The purest kind, my dear! Reality, true passion! After all, the world is a stage, and we're always performing!" he proclaimed with theatrical flair.

Charlie, feeling a glimmer of hope, dared to ask, "Then do you think sinners can be redeemed?" Alastor's smile widened into a grin as he shook his head, "No, that's a fairytale, dear. Hell is a punishment for the things they've done in their rather pathetic lives." Vaggie's fists clenched, her anger barely contained, while Angel Dust simply shrugged, indifferent to the philosophical debate.

Yet, amidst the doubt and skepticism, Charlie couldn't shake the question burning in her mind, "Then why help me if you don't believe in my cause?" A whimper escaped her lips as her baby kicked, adding to the tension in the room. Vaggie's concern was palpable, but Alastor remained unfazed, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Seems like your little devil child is quite lively!" Alastor remarked before offering a brief glimpse into his motivations. Wrapping his arm around Charlie's waist, he led her towards the back of the room, his voice filled with confidence, "I see big things coming our way, and who better to help you than I?" And with that enigmatic statement, Charlie found herself embarking on an unexpected journey, her doubts mingling with a sense of anticipation for what lay ahead.

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