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It was lunchtime for Jaemin and Chenle.

Jaemin picked up a text message from Chenle and is making his way outside. There was nobody here when he turned to look around the field, so he was unable to see anyone. "Psst!" an indistinct murmur caught Jaemin's attention as he attempted to locate the sound. "This way over here!" Jaemin listened to the voice as he came closer underneath the bleachers.

"Chenle? what the fuck, I thought it was some ghost trying to gain my attention." He walked over and sat beside him.

His friend couldn't help but chuckled a bit. "Haha, no but it was funny to see your face, you looked so scared." he said, mocking Jaemin's face earlier.

Jaemin rolled his eyes in response, "Anyways," he paused for a second, looking down at his food before proceeding, "What happened earlier?"

Chenle immediately stuffed his mouth with some chicken as he locked eyes with Jaemin. "Hmm? What do you mean?" he muffled, before swallowing his sandwich.

"Don't play dumb with me, you told me you would tell me and you weren't home. why is that?" Jaemin lean his head onto his hand, waiting for Chenle to speak.

"Oh right! Well.. I-"

Chenle's eyes widen slightly at what came in view behind Jaemin's head. It was the guy he had slept with last night, walking with Mark. Jaemin furrowed his brows by Chenle's sudden change mood. He then turn around but was stopped by two hands on his shoulders.

"I slept with someone!" he yelled but not enough for the whole yard to hear but for Jaemin to turn back at Chenle with a surprised look on his face. Jaemin was startled by the sudden yell as Chenle sighed in relief. He didn't want him to find out who just yet.

"What!? With who?!?" Jaemin asked, moving a bit closer to Chenle so that he can whisper to his ear. But nothing came, Chenle shrugged his shoulders out of acts of innocence but Jaemin wasn't gonna back down.

"Wha- so you're not gonna tell me who?"

"Well, technically I don't really know who the dude is though" he lied, trying to keep that boy's identity a secret. "Okay then, can you at least tell me what even happen?" Chenle contemplated whether he wanted to share it or not but he couldn't careless and so he began talking.


"J-jisung?!?" Chenle's eyes widened in shock, as supposed he had slept with one of the most popular guys in school. He stood up way too quickly and winced in pain. 'Ugh right, I'm a bottom' he said to himself.

Jisung carefully placed down the tray and helped Chenle back on the bed, "Don't move or you'll get hurt." he chuckled softly and walked back to give the soup to Chenle.

Chenle didn't know how to react so he just nodded as he sat down with the tray in front of him. Jisung sat next to him and watched him eat the soup in silence.

Chenle couldn't help but let his mind wonder what could've possibly happened that made himself get that drunk to sleep with this dude. He glanced up at Jisung who was on his phone, scrolling through random pictures on his feed.

Chenle took a sip before speaking, "So um.. do you perhaps know what we did last night?"

Jisung turned off his phone and looked back at the figure, "Well..it's obvious that we had sex," he paused for a moment, Chenle nodding along as he was eating his soup, "and then took a couple rounds.." and now spitting his soup.

The younger male flinched at the action when the older started coughing. Jisung immediately grabbed a water bottle from the table and hand it to Chenle. "I'm sorry.. but what?!? we- we did rounds you say?!?" he exclaimed, and Jisung nodded.

Chenle covered his hands in disbelief, he didn't think he handled that long with someone before. "Why? am I that bad?" Jisung felt a bit nervous at the way Chenle was reacting but Chenle immediately shook his head.

"No no, you weren't bad it's just.. I didn't expect this at all.."

"What do you mean?"

Chenle adjusted his position and locked eyes with Jisung, "I mean, I didn't think I would have sex with someone last night. What else happened?"

"Hmm" Jisung was thinking about what happen after they made out considering that he was drunk as well so, "I couldn't exactly ask you where you live since we're both drunk, I just picked you up and walked to my house instead. Then we fucked again but you passed out so it was fine because I cleaned you up quickly," he smiled slightly, recalling the events taken place that night.

"You looked so cute." he said, glancing at the older male.

Chenle slowly nodded and looked away from the tall male in front of him for a moment. "Ah, I see.." he picked up his spoon and took one last scoop of the soup.

"I would like to do it again with you.. if you want.." Jisung said while drinking the same water bottle he gave to Chenle.

Chenle couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Wait what? just me? why?" he wanted to ask since it was a little difficult for him to believe that this man is interested, even for himself."Despite my drunkenness that night, I still remember how amazing it felt."It was one of the best sex experiences I've had so far," he stated, adding, "I don't want to put any pressure on you or anything, but I'd definitely do it again if you feel comfortable."

"What exactly are you trying to say..?" he said, knowing what he's implying but still wants a clear answer of what he thinks is true. "I want you to be my fuck buddy" Jisung said, staring at Chenle, emotionless.

Chenle was surprised to say the least. 'Jisung wants me to be his fuck buddy?!?' This is insane, considering that he doesn't even remember anything.

It took some moments for him to make his decision, fidgeting his hands. "Alright," he began, "I'll be your fuck buddy."

The tall male looked up at the older, his face beamed slightly, trying not to seem a bit excited at his response.

He cleared his throat, "Great, can you give your phone number so we can meet up for future events.." he hands his phone to Chenle so that he can type in his number,

"There, just text me whenever but it can't be during school." Chenle gave the phone back and attempt to stand up. Jisung noticed this and quickly grabbed the older's arm over his shoulder to help him up and he couldn't help but chuckled at his action.

"I'm okay Jisung, you don't need to worry, I can stand perfectly fine." Chenle assured the tall male before Jisung let go. "So after school and weekends are okay right?"

Chenle nodded and walked towards the door to leave the room but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "Wait you sure you don't need pain killers?"

Who knew this tall male was very caring.

"I can handle it, but thank you though." He said while heading out.

End of Flashback

Jaemin's face looked blank after hearing his best friend, "wow.."

"I know right?!" Chenle sighed as he told Jaemin everything. "After that, he offered me some food which I gladly took and then left" he said with a calm expression. Okay maybe he didn't exactly tell his best friend everything, he only left out the part where he was offered to be fuck buddies and agreed to it as such.

Jaemin nodded and threw his finished meal in the trash bin near him. He randomly got distracted by a bunch of random boys in the corner of his eye, out in the field playing fútbol. His eyes squinted on trying to get a perfect look who's who but Chenle then called him.

"Yah! Did you hear what I just said?" he glares at his friend.

Jaemin cluelessly look back at his friend and slowly nod no, making him continue.

"I said what about you? Where were you?"

The older hesitated and looked away shyly before answering, "I was with Jeno last night.."


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