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Alsator wrapped his arm around Charlie's waist leading her to the back "I see great things coming our way and who better to help you than i!" He spoke

Vaggie angrily sat on the sofa while Alastor escorted Charlie to the back room. Angel Dust walked over, looking rather confused and bored. "So what's the deal with little red strawberry?" he asked, as Vaggie looked at him like he was a dumbass. "You don't know about the Radio Demon? Haven't you been here longer than me?" she questioned, irritated. Angel shrugged, "Not big on politics."

Pissed off, Vaggie explained the Radio Demon's history and how he came to be. After her explanation, Angel couldn't help but giggle and look back at Alastor. "Really, he looks more like a strawberry pimp!" Vaggie only shook her head while Charlie and Alastor came back.

"So, my fellow demons, where are your employees?" Alastor asked, his radio voice and smile remaining. Charlie rubbed her belly nervously, something she did to soothe herself. "It's only us," Charlie chimed in before Alastor shook his head disapprovingly. "I see, well, I suppose I can cash in a few favors!" He snapped his fingers as a soot-covered figure fell down the chimney, revealing Niffty.

"Hi, I'm Niffty! Where are the boys? Sorry, oh wow, this place is dirty. It really needs a lady's touch, which is weird since you're all women, no offense," she said as she ran around cleaning energetically. Alastor chuckled, "Niffty, focus on cleaning for now." Niffty nodded, "Sure thing, boss!"

"Hah, take that suck—woah.." a winged cat gasped as static surrounded him. Anger covered his face as he looked back, pointing at Alastor. "You!" he shouted, while Alastor chuckled. "Hello, Husk. We are in need of a receptionist," he said, conjuring a bar and rather cheap booze for the alcoholic.

An angry grunt came from Husk. "You think you can buy me with cheap booze? Well, you're right," he said angrily, chugging down his booze. Suddenly, a scream enveloped the hotel. Turning to look, it was Charlie, dark stains clear in her pants, while Vaggie quickly ran over, crouching beside her girlfriend. "Charlie, are you okay?" she asked, concerned, while Charlie gasped for air. Angel, already aware, quickly ran to grab a bag.

Alastor, Niffty, and Husk were extremely confused until Charlie spoke between gasps, "Baby's coming, no time.. Alastor, watch the hotel!" she yelled, as Vaggie held her and the bag before racing out the door, leaving no room for protest. Alastor's grin widened, "Looks like we've got ourselves a new task," he said calmly, turning to Niffty and Husk. "Let's make sure everything is in order." As Charlie and Vaggie hurriedly left, Angel Dust glanced around at the chaotic scene unfolding before him. "Well, this just got interesting," he remarked with a smirk.

Niffty, still bustling about with her cleaning supplies, paused for a moment. "Oh, dear, I hope everything goes well with Charlie," she said with genuine concern before resuming her tidying up.

Meanwhile, Husk grumbled as he reluctantly accepted another swig of the cheap booze Alastor had conjured. "Guess I'm stuck here watching the place," he muttered to himself, resigned to his fate.

Alastor surveyed the situation with his usual calm demeanor. "Indeed, it seems we have a new addition to our responsibilities," he remarked, his smile never fading. "But fear not, my dear companions, for we shall handle it with grace and efficiency." Not even a moment later, the door blew open, and the four demons raced outside, obviously pissed. "What the fuck, man, use the door like a normal person!" Angel yelled, his frustration evident, while Sir Pentious just laughed before retiring the death ray.

Alastor wasted no time. He opened a portal, and black tentacles emerged, swiftly pulling the machine down. "No, no, no! What the fuck!?" Sir Pentious yelled before disappearing. Niffty and Husk were already walking back to the hotel, unfazed by the chaos, while Angel stood there, dumbfounded.

"What in hell's name did I just witness?" Angel asked, his confusion palpable. Alastor chuckled and started walking back to the hotel. "Nothing that Charlie needs to know about. Now, who wants Jambalaya? My mother's recipe is to die for," he offered casually.

Angel sighed, shaking his head, before deciding to follow the three demons back to the hotel. It seemed like just another day in the chaotic world of Hell, where unexpected events were simply par for the course.

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