New School Year

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Cobalt's House

Cobalt: "Wakes up "
It's the first day of school today
I should get prepared before I go

At the bus stop

Cobalt: Oh hey Photon.

Photon: Hi Cobalt what's up.

Cobalt: Nothing much really.

Festive: Hey guy's.

Photon: What's up Festive.

Festive: Great we should get to school.

Cobalt: But we gotta wait for Crimson to come.

Photon: Why you LIKE her 😏


Crimson: Hey guys how's it going.

Festive: hey Crimson and your just in time. The bus is coming.

At School

Cobalt: Ughh were the heck is my class at ?

Half an hour later

Cobalt: finally I found my class

"Goes inside"

Photon: Cobalt were same class

Cobalt: Yes good

Photon: Sit next to me before anyone else does

Cobalt: Ok

Black bear: Alright Students today were going to learn our School Schedules Alright Alright

Black bear: In the Folder is your locker number and code alright ,don't lose Alright Alright

Black bear: I'm a go get the papers from the printer you all better behave

"Black bear leaves"

Vicious: I'll give the first person to sit on the teacher's chair 5$

Precise: Bet!

"Precise sit's on chair"

"Black bear enters room "

Black bear: Alright clas- Precise get off the chair

Precise: Shi-

Black bear: NO CURSING!

"After class"

Photon: Man was that crazy

Cobalt: yeah never knew his voice was so loud

Crimson:Hey Cobalt

Cobalt: Umm yes Crimson "Cobalt blushes"

Crimson: mind if you can help me with homework after school

Cobalt: Oh yeah uhh sure

"Gym class"

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