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Alastor explained before Charlie let out a scream while bending over, a dark stain in her pants, vaggie ran over  asking if she was alright. "Baby's coming..no time..Alastor's in charge!"

In the dimly lit hospital room, the tension was palpable as Charlie gripped Vaggie's hand tightly, her face contorted in pain. "Mierda impía! Charlie, please loosen your grip," Vaggie pleaded, her voice laced with concern, though she knew her girlfriend was in agony. "I'm sorrr-ahh!?" Charlie attempted to speak, but a sharp yell of pain escaped her lips, unintentionally crushing Vaggie's hand even tighter. Lucifer, having arrived just ten minutes ago, was overwhelmed, and he had passed out upon seeing his daughter in such a distressing state.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and the doctor rushed in, apologizing for their tardiness. "My apologies for my tardiness. Now, princess, please push with all your strength," the doctor instructed firmly, their voice cutting through the chaos of yells echoing throughout the room from Charlie, Vaggie, and the newly conscious Lucifer.

After what felt like an eternity of agonizing screams and strained efforts, Charlie finally let out a breath of relief. Exhausted, she collapsed back onto the bed, her chest heaving. The doctor quickly moved to attend to her, checking her vitals and ensuring she was stable.

Amidst the commotion, Charlie clutched something tightly in her hand—a black, glittery egg with faint black veins running across its surface. Vaggie, still by her side, couldn't help but be puzzled. "Is it meant to be an egg? I thought it was supposed to be, you know, a baby?" she asked, her brow furrowed with confusion.

Lucifer, now awake and by Charlie's side, chimed in with a surprising revelation. "Actually, believe it or not, when Charlie was born, she was a white and red egg!" he explained before pulling out his phone and showing Vaggie a photo from years ago.

As the doctor tended to Charlie and Lucifer watched over her with a mix of worry and pride, Vaggie decided to step out for a moment to check up on the hotel they had stayed in. Little did Lucifer know, the hotel was a front for a project Charlie and Vaggie were working on.

"I'll be back, Lucifer. I'm going to check up on the hotel," Vaggie informed him before leaving the room. "Of course, Vaggie. I'll wait, my little apple," Lucifer replied with a soft tone, gently rubbing Charlie's head as she slept.

Meanwhile, as Vaggie entered the hotel, she was immediately swarmed by Angel, Niffty, and Alastor, all eager for an update on Charlie's condition. "She's alright. She's sleeping now, and she should be back soon. It just depends on how she's holding up," Vaggie reassured them.

Niffty, ever curious, couldn't help but ask about the baby. "What about the baby? Is it a boy or a girl?" she inquired eagerly. Vaggie hesitated for a moment before explaining, "Well, it isn't really a baby, it's an egg."

The room fell silent as everyone processed this unexpected revelation. Husk, who had been eavesdropping nearby, couldn't contain his disbelief. "You gotta be fucking lying," he groaned, but Vaggie shook her head, confirming the truth of the matter.

As the group dispersed, Vaggie found herself sinking into a couch, her mind consumed with thoughts of Charlie and their unusual situation. "Dad, I told you I'm fine... I'm just tired," Charlie's voice interrupted her thoughts, bringing her back to the present.

Lucifer, his eyes filled with joy and longing, pleaded with Charlie to let him hold his grandbaby. Charlie smiled wearily before handing the egg over to her father. He squealed with delight, cradling the egg with utmost care and affection, while Charlie settled back into bed, hoping to catch a few moments of rest amidst the chaos.

Somewhere in the hotel Alastor quietly stalked the hotel halls, his thoughts swirling with anticipation as his shadow followed closely behind. "Keep an eye on the egg. Do not let it leave your sight. This will be a rather interesting turn of events," Alastor chuckled darkly to his shadow, his crimson eyes gleaming with mischief. He paused by a window, staring out into the night sky, his smile widening.

"Your daughter has given birth, or I suppose you already knew... Lilith," Alastor spoke softly, almost conversationally, while a soft, feminine chuckle echoed in the room.

"Remember our deal, Alastor, or there will be consequences..." the voice of Lilith, the Queen of Hell, reminded him, her tone carrying a subtle warning.

Alastor's grin only widened at the thought of the chaos and intrigue that lay ahead. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned his radio microphone, ready to orchestrate the next act in this devilish drama.

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