Ruin Ill Take You On A Damn Date; Just Let Me Go...

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I drew this :) Im still new at digital art; but I love it. 

Eclipse looks so sad though D:

I hate; and love how much it fits with this chapter...

This chapter hurt; but also made my heart race. I hated to see Eclipse cry; but Ruin wasnt harsh like Moon nor did he yell at him.

I have so many mixed emotions because even though Ruin trapped him; he doesnt want to hurt him. I love these two so much; and its why my one-shot exists in my gallery.

Thank you all so much for your support regarding the one-shot by the way! It is ranked just as well as my two Eclipse books.

Im really enjoying writing full time again.

Yes; I just saw the new lore video where Sun and Moon found Eclipse stuck...I hate Moon so much. The chapter after this about Sun and Moon talking to Eclipse will hurt; but not as much as the one where Moon yelled at Eclipse.

Onto this chapter; i'd grab some snacks; and tissues for this one...

Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex

Fazcade's Backroom

February 2 2024

Eclipse begun to search the Fazcade's backrooms for any evidence on Ruin being his maker after that pointless call with Moon. He may of suspected Solar too; but he was going to continue to investigate his love. Ruin wasnt great at fixing the arcade machines; and even though Ruin had told him, he finally witnessed himself as he saw a lot of ''purple screen's''. Why the heck were they purple? Eclipse tsked as he frantically searched all the machines; and equipment. He also checked Ruin's computer; and still found nothing.

''Ugh; there must be something, anything. I took Ruin; and questioned him but he could be covering his tracks! He cant fix these damn machines so if its him that made me; I dont understand how! I need to keep looking around.'' Eclipse sighed heavily.

Eclipse made sure to be quiet as he searched everywhere. He was unaware that he was being watched by Ruin. 

Ruin snickered; and put up the magic barrier. 

''Got you hehe...'' Ruin giggled to himself. He then looked at the blueprint in his head to make sure everything was correct; and that Eclipse wouldnt be able to move. ''Everything is in order. Now for my grand entrance! Unlike him; I can move freely.'' Ruin whispered to himself.

Ruin then made himself known; and clapped.

(I have no idea if he was clapping; but im certain he was.)

''Well done Eclipse! Are you perhaps trying to find out who made you? You still believe that i made you? Is that why you are searching my computer; and the Fazcade's backrooms? I must say; im impressed. I didnt think you would go out of your way to do this.'' Ruin taunted. 

Ruin blushed. He found it rather cute that Eclipse was trying to figure out who made him. Ruin himself wasnt sure if his virus was gone; but even if it had been his other half that made Eclipse, he technically wasnt part of it. Ruin had the blueprints for this magic barrier in his head; but he couldnt find anything else. Moon made that magic barrier; not him. Ruin didnt have any evidence on his virus's work either nor any plans to built Eclipse's body. He had some memories of what his virus did in the past; but nothing about Eclipse. Did his virus make Eclipse or did someone else? The virus was good at covering his tracks if he was still alive in his head. Ruin had also lost track of time when his virus took over for 50 years. This explains a lot. Ruin wasnt going to tell Eclipse; as much as he cared for him, he suspected himself. His heart raced; but then he went back to being serious, and theatrical.

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