The Future

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The future can be scary. It's scary because it's the unknown you don't  know what could happen. It's just up in the air. All I know is that if I put my trust in God and pray about it. That I shouldn't be scared in the future. Because by putting my trust in God, I know that everything will be okay.
And that I shouldn't be scared.

Well, it's good to talk about the future. I think that it's also good to live in the present and enjoy the moment that you are living right now because you never know if the future will never happen. But I know that every day I am thankful for the memories I have made with him, and our conversations for the future will be so special, and I'm really, really looking forward to that. You get to look back at all the accomplishments you've done not just as a couple but as individuals. We will both grow older, wiser, and learning experiences.

I don't know if I believe that the honey moon phase is over. I've never been married, but as I've gone closer with him, the more I'm getting to know about him and it's always learning something every day.It's endless it doesn't stop, real love doesn't stop... it grows stronger, and I think it's just so beautiful thinking that this one person really loves and cares for me for the rest of my life.

It's not gonna be easy. Not every relationship is easy, sometimes you gotta go through the hard times to really enjoy the good times, then they turn into memories you get to talk about as you grow older and look back to.

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