Bring Me To Life

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Stevie stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were hollow, dead to any emotion that lay within her heart. The cocaine addiction had gained control over her fully, Robin was dead, she was divorced, she had married man that she never should have married in the first place... and she was dead inside. Her body went along, her daily routine embedded in her subconscious, auto-pilot was on at all times, leading her along the right path of her career, but her life... her soul was gone... buried with the best friend that had left her far too early.
Lindsey had watched her from the sidelines... he wanted to comfort her, to hold her in his arms and allow her to sob as she had needed, but he didn't know how. How would she let him in... how could she let him in after all the pain he had caused her. He had moved on, he was with Carol Ann, but God his soul was still attached to hers... his heart with her at all times, and seeing her in pain over a loss as signifigant ad Robin was tearing him apart inside... So he stayed to the side, he watched her self destruct as the Mirage tour motored along, as though nothing had happened. He watched her tears form in her eyes as she sang, watched the loss of control during Sister of the Moon... the moans at the end, the screams that seemed to speak nothing of sanity speaking to him... she was losing it. And he did nothing... he stood by and watched, and then watched her walk away... into the life of her solo career and down the corridors of an addiction that ruled her as if it were alive... driving her into an unconscious world that freed her from her pain momentarily... but sent it crashing around her in the light of morning... and he did nothing...

how can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where I've become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home

Stevie sat on the couch in her Los Angeles home... she was lost... she was confused... she needed someone... she needed... Lindsey... Her mind shook itself free from the image that kept invading her world, bringing back images of the life she had lived when she had been sane. The love that had been between the before the insanity of fame took over, before the drugs... that part of Stephanie Lynn Nicks was gone, buried beneath the glitter of Sevie Nicks, beneath the rigors of Fleetwood Mac, of her desire to have her songs heard, not only one or two at a time, but full force, beneath the solo career she had begun as an outlet for her emotions on the lyrics of an album... That Stephanie hadn't existed for years... and as Stevie felt the powder enter her nose... she feared she would never live again... she was killing her, burying her further within the drugs.... how did she get out...
Lindsey awoke with fear.. his dreams had seemed all to real of late... Stevie screaming at him, begging him to help her out of the madness her life had become... It was almost as though he sensed her need, sensed her weakness... sensed the yearning within her for him to be with her... He threw on his clothes, not caring if Carol Ann awoke at his exit, his goal was defined for him now... his thinking clearer than it had been during Mirage... he had to help her. He had to bring back the Stevie that had been full of life, and joy... and... love... The Stevie that was in existence now was a figment of everyone's imagination... a lie... and he was tired of watching the lie... he wanted the real thing back... even if she killed him... she would *not* kill herself....
He found her, passed out upon the couch, blood seeping from her nose... and his decision was made. If she wouldn't check herself into rehab... if she wouldn't get help... he would do it for her. The Stevie that he had loved more than himself would resurrect herself, if he had to stand by, and hold her down as she went through the withdrawals... the woman that lived within his heart would come back to life....

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I've become

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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