Chapter 14- Memories

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"You really have some nerve, Kiyoshi. You fricking disgusting dragon."

Kiyoshi just stared back at him blankly. He seemed unfazed to Yoru's threats. Grace looked at Yoru, then back at Kiyoshi, trying to put the puzzle pieces together. "Wait," Grace started. "He's your dragon friend from back when you were kids?" Yoru gave her a blank stare. "Yeah, no kidding," he replied. Meanwhile, in the back, Lloyd was trying to reason with the two source dragons, that catapulted poor Arin off. "Hey, Yoru!" Kiyoshi said nervously. "How's it going?"

Yoru gave him a "I'm going to kill you for good" look before sweeping Kiyoshi off his feet. Yoru pinned down Kiyoshi, about to punch his face. "I'm going to punch your annoying face into oblivion," Yoru hollered as he hit Kiyoshi across the face. Kiyoshi spread a smirk across his face. "You were always too impulsive, Yoru," he replied as he jumped up and kicked Yoru in the face, toppling him over. "You always got so mad so quickly." Grace looks at Yoru, who is on his knees. "I swear, I will literally murder you like your parents murdered my parents," Yoru replies, his eyes turning a bright purple. "Are you oka-" Grace started as Yoru zipped past her, charging at Kiyoshi. They pushed each other and fought like little kids, only more intense. Kiyoshi sharpened his claws and scratched Yoru across the face. "Oh, look, we're twinning now," Kiyoshi said astonishingly."I'm going to make your scar go even deeper," Yoru threatened. Kiyoshi let out an uncouth laugh, which was strange for Kiyoshi's nature. "Get him, big bro!" Izume yelled. "Make him dead!" Kiyoshi grabbed Yoru's shoulders, before throwing him into a wall. "Screw you," Yoru muttered as he got up, purple blood dripping down his face. Grace looked on, not sure of what to do, but got nervous every single second as she saw the former best friends fight each other. "Are you sure you guys are good?"

Arin looked at their fight after he got up, while Lloyd was talking to the two source dragons. Who knew someone as calm and collected like Kiyoshi could also be so rough, again, that was the facade. He didn't seem like the kind of person (dragon, person?) to take out anger on someone else. However, it would make sense to have something to blow off steam. Kiyoshi grabbed Yoru by his feet, swung around and threw him into a wall, leaving an imprint. Yoru, however, continued to charge at Kiyoshi, trapping him and using his weapon to be right at Kiyoshi's neck. "Move one step, and it's over, you rat with wings." Kiyoshi smirked as he stepped on Yoru's foot, releasing him from his grasp. Yoru's veins popped as he got ready to attack Kiyoshi once more, but the two where stopped by Grace, who summoned her Oni power and was struggling to keep them apart as she held both of their wrists. "You two," Grace said breathlessly as she pushed the two onto their backs. "You get along like a cat and a mouse."

"I'm terribly sorry for my uncouth behavior," Kiyoshi said as he got up and offered Grace his hand. "My name is Kiyoshi, and I'm the leader of the dragon village. What might your name be?" Grace opened her mouth to speak but was rudely interrupted by Yoru. "Don't give her that, you rat. As if you weren't trying to strangle me a minute ago. Stop trying to be a perfect little brat." Kiyoshi blinked innocently at Yoru, like a lost child. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "I've been perfectly fine, you're the problem." Yoru's face turned red as he was about to yell, something inappropriate. Zane covered Arin's ears so he wouldn't hear anything. Grace looked at Yoru in disbelief. Who knew he had such a temper? Kiyoshi looked at him with blank eyes. After Yoru was done having his rant, Kiyoshi put his hands together and pointed them at Yoru. "Why are you like this? It's been the same since day one." "How did you guys even manage to be friends?" Grace asked. "Well," Kiyoshi started. "It happened a long time ago." "DON'T YOU DARE!" Yoru yelled, his face red. "I do dare," Kiyoshi said with a smirk as he started the story...

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