Chapter 12 - Flobsters on Parade

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This is my version of the Flobsters on Parade Episode. Anyway, enjoy.

It was a night in Griffin Rock, and Cody and Frankie had invited Jack, Miko, and Raf to the Lobster and Technology Festival. The group was browsing the lobsters and different technologies for tomorrow's event and they started chatting.

Raf: "Thanks for inviting us, you two."

Frankie: "You're welcome."

Miko: "So, the festival starts tomorrow?"

Cody: "Yup."

Jack: "Good thing my mom let me spend a few days with you guys while she went to work."

Miko: "Don't forget that we brought our Autobots partners."

Raf: "Hey, Cody. Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Arcee have told us that a Decepticon attacked you and Nightblast. Is that true?"

Cody: "Yup. A Decepticon named Skyquake"

Miko: "I can't believe that we missed it. But you are lucky, Cody."

Frankie: "Don't forget about the fires from the forest. After the fire was pulled out, we all came and you guys arrived and helped us plant trees."

Jack: "I wonder why technology and lobsters are part of tomorrow's event."

The five friends were walking to Chief Burns and Doc Greene while talking. Chief Burns and Doc Greene saw Jack, Miko, Raf, Cody, and Frankie approaching them.

Chief Burns: "Hi there, you five. Can you guys help us with those balloons?"

Jack: "No problem, Chief."

Doc Greene: "We're almost finished inflating these parade balloons. Save the biggest for the last."

They begin to help Chief Burns and Doc Greene with the balloons, but Doc Greene is caught by a rope attached to the balloon which pulls him away from them.

Doc Greene: "Help!"

Frankie: "Dad!"

Raf: "We need to help him!"

Chief Burns: "Chase, help Doc Greene from the ballon! Transform and rescue!"

Chase: "Understood, Chief!"

Chase tries to rescue Doc Greene, but the balloon is too fast and gets stuck in a building. Chief Burns began to call the others for backup.

At the firehouse, the alarm is on. Kade, Graham, and Dani arrived with their bots.

Heatwave: "Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue!"

When the bots transformed into vehicle modes, their partners hopped in and headed off to help Doc Greene from the balloon.

Back at the town, Doc Greene made it to use his hands to hold onto the city hall building.

Chief Burns: "Doc, try to get your ankle loose from the rope!"

Doc Greene nodded and reached behind, unloosening the rope tied around his ankle. But slipped over the ledge building and was now gripping it, the right side up.

Kade: "Heatwave, extend your ladder!"

Heatwave: "Way ahead of you. As usual."

Kade: "Watch yourself! There are people around. Heatwave, climb!"

Heatwave: *Robotic voice* "Understood."

Heatwave uses his ladder to rescue Doc Greene with help from Kade. Doc Greeme was safe and Frankie ran to her father and hugged him tightly, and everyone smiled.

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