Loving Madness

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Loving Wilford had been a mistake. A mistake that you could have easily avoided if you hadn't been so short-sighted and naive. It had all been going so well when you had first met.

Your friends had dragged you to a new club on your birthday to celebrate despite you begging for a small party. Instead of a couple of drinks with your friends inside your perfectly temperate house, you were now sweating like a pig in the corner of the club. Your friends were having a good time at least, with each finding a random guy to grind on. You could barely hold the panic that threatened to spill out of your throat as the club became more crowded. You hated this. You needed to get some air. You could barely make your way through the crowd as you searched for some sort of sanctuary. As your panic began to overflow and tears started to cloud your eyes, you bumped into a man as he turned around, spilling your drink all over him. You began to apologize profusely afraid that he would be angry with you, as he had every right to be.

"Now, now, it's alright darling. A little spill never hurt anyone. These things happen all the time! Now, are you alright?" The man was tall , wearing a yellow shirt and khakis. His smile was warm under his mustache and his eyes had this spark in them. You froze, he was beautiful. "Miss I understand that I am quite a catch if I do say so myself, but I do believe that you need to breathe." You need to breathe? Oh shit you had stopped breathing. You took in a quick gasp before apologizing again. His eyes appeared to soften as he looked at you.

"You look like you are having a rough night. Why don't we get you outside for some air?" He placed his hand on the small of your back as he guided you towards the door. Once the two of you were outside he sat you down on a chair that you were sure wasn't there when you had walked out. "Now, why don't you tell me what's gotten someone as stunning as you all frazzled." You explained that today was your birthday, and that your friends had dragged you to this new club despite you wanting a small get together. Everyone else was having fun, but the atmosphere was overwhelming to you. You didn't want to ruin everyone's fun so you just stayed quiet. The tears that had been collecting in your eyes began to fall. You just wanted to go home now.

The man had listened silently to your explanation before letting out a huff. " Those don't sound like very good friends. Today is YOUR birthday not theirs. You should be doing what you want to do today!" You stated you would rather not cause any problems. The man huffed again, "Wanting to be celebrated in a way you enjoy is not causing problems." The man appeared to be almost steaming as he began to pace in front of you muttering to himself.

You stood up from your chair and said you would rather just head back to your apartment now. The man stopped his pacing and turned to you, "Alright, but may I walk you home to ensure your safety." You thought about it for a second. This definitely was not the safest part of town, so walking by yourself was risky but at the same time, you didn't know this man. You couldn't help but eye him suspiciously. Was he really safe or did he have another motive?

The man seemed to realize what you were thinking and he cleared his throat. " My apologies, where are my manners? My name is Willia- I mean, Wilford Warfstache at your service." He said while taking a deep bow with his hand to his chest. You couldn't help but to giggle at the name. Warfstache, what an interesting name. You decided that he seemed kind enough and told him he could walk you home.

The two of you talked the entire way there. Wilford was kind, passionate, and funny. He had so many stories to tell and you felt like you could listen to him for hours. He made you smile and you couldn't help the feelings of butterflies forming in your stomach. Before you parted ways that night you gifted Wilford with your number and a kiss on the check.

The two of you began to see each other regularly and talked almost nonstop. Being with Wilford felt like a dream. He was a gentleman in all things, but he helped push you out of your comfort zone. The two of you had gone on skating dates, picnic dates, and you even went to a dance club at some point. Wilford had kept you close to make sure you were safe and comfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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